View Full Version : paintballs

mag wannabe
09-06-2001, 10:52 AM
I've heard a few different things about mixing paintballs. when I was playing with my friend, I had one brand of paint in my hopper, and then filled it with a different brand, mixing these 2 brands together. my friend yelled "What are you doing?!?!" he told me it is awefull for the two paints to mix. what do you guys say? I've never thought twice about mixing paint...

09-06-2001, 12:56 PM
mixing different brands is essentially no good. The paint in the hopper will normally be a specific bore, say .687, if you add another paint to the mix, that new paint may have a bore of, say .691...You may be shooting a std issue black AllAmerican barel, where the smaller paint might wing a bit, and the bigger ball, just fits...but if you are using a DYE, for example, the smaller paint fits perfectly, and the larger paint is an overly tight fit making the larger paint easier to break in the breech or down the barrel, also without rechronoing your marker, you can drastically effect your velocity.

If your worried about shooting darts like i do, then when you switch brands, you swap barrels (or inserts for the lucky ones with the freak). That is not so easy to do in the middle of a game. That is usually why you dont mix paint of different brands. I dont usually have the problem since I have been shooting the same stuff for months...gotta love ZAP Perf Plus...