View Full Version : RT/X Valve shootup issue

12-25-2003, 07:48 PM
A quick q.

How much shoot-up in fps does the rt/x do in rapid fire?

I thought i heard its about +5fps or so. So, is it "ok" chrono like a "regular" gun and tack on that 5fps or so to the chrono reading?


1)regular chrono at 270...

2)***-u-me the 5fps in shoootup

3) and get epected +/- 275fps.

Or, does the shootup continue the faster you rapidfire?


12-25-2003, 08:23 PM
Well thats about all I seen it does stop climbing and it tops out somewhere and doesn't go any higher. After about three or four shots. However if you heat it up really good and then let it sit for a while (four or five minutes) and cool off you will see a low shot the first ball out. About 10 fps at most... or a bit less is... what I observe with a well oiled properly functioning RT valve Marker.