View Full Version : My Projected Mag

12-25-2003, 11:06 PM
Hey guys,

For Chanukka, I got a Dremel and an Omen (WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!) So I'm now in the process of modifying out my mag. I really have wanted to do this for quite a while, and I'm super excited about it. Here are my plans:

SS Warp Left Polished Body
Custom Milled Rail (like a Mix of Logic's and Rogue's)
Adrenaline foregrip
Taso and Dye barrels
Custom Made Electronic Gripframe
Flame Drop with Magen David inscribed into it
xValve (or, if cheaper, retro with L10)
Custom Trigger made by Fear Factory Paintball

other than the SS body, it will all be done in a Red-Orange-Yellow satin fade.

it will take a while, but I'll get pics as I go along!


12-25-2003, 11:08 PM
sounds nice.. cant wait to see it finished

12-25-2003, 11:32 PM
cool can't wait to see pics

12-26-2003, 12:43 AM
oooo that fade is gonna look awesome :D