View Full Version : trigger shear installion

Wasted Rabbit
12-26-2003, 06:40 AM
I recevied a Dye swing trigger frame from Santa for my minimag. I am trying to install it and I just cant seem to firgure out "How" ?? (SHEAR TO TRIGGER ASSEMBLY)
I been searching for a past post that might be able to help me out..No Luck..
It seems to me that it would be a simple process.
Can anyone give me some advice on this.

Wasted Rabbit

12-26-2003, 09:28 AM
After removing the old frame just line the trigger rod up and make sure it's going in behind the trigger and put the other frame on. Dye swing frame did confuse me a little because that sounds more like a cocker frame, I guess you meant double trigger frame tho?

Wasted Rabbit
12-26-2003, 09:41 AM
Thanks for the input about this.. I will try it.

Sorry about the confusment about the trigger assembly.
(I guess you meant double trigger frame tho?)
Yes, it is a double trigger frame, I will keep you posted on the job about this. If I have anymore questions, I'll be Asking. :)

Wasted Rabbit

12-26-2003, 11:31 AM
btw, its SEAR, not SHEAR ;)

all ya gotta do is angle the frame so that you can fit the sear under the little trigger flap thing (hold trigger back while doing this)

your sear rod should poke out behind the trigger under the aluminum safety extension off the back of the trigger

Wasted Rabbit
12-26-2003, 11:01 PM
Thanks for all the input on this..
My son came over and did what you guys said to do and got the trigger working perfect.:D
The minimag is all completed with the upgrades on it.
I will post a picture on the picture page by the end of the weekend.
Thanks for all your help.
You Guys are the Best.

Wasted Rabbit