View Full Version : 1st Tournament

09-06-2001, 03:01 PM
My team will be playing in our first tournament Saturday
its a 3-man, does anybody have any advice, strategies?

09-06-2001, 03:16 PM
umm. good sportmanship!!!!
1)play fair
2)shake hands before the game for "good luck"
3)shake hands after game for "good game" (or congrats if they win).
4)also watch how other teams play.
most 3 man fields are short, if teams arn't going for pulls off the bat take advantage of that and grab on the break out. first pulls are usually a good chunk of points.

otherwise just have fun. you'll enjoy it more

09-06-2001, 03:35 PM
I only played 3man twice, but this was a pretty good tactic...as a formation, place a front player either Left or Right, then a center, Then the back player opposite the front

X Front

X Mid

X Back

Like this...

Also, DOnt expect to spank every team...what you can win is sportsmanship award...just be polite...

09-07-2001, 07:37 AM
As with any tourney....if you have down time (i.e. not eating, filling pods, gun work, airing up) then watch the other games. Try and see what the teams you will be playing are doing. If you watch them for 2-3 games and they break out the same way everytime, then you can be prepared to key on the spots they go too. Rave changes up our break out after a few games. So be prepared for something different also. Also watch and see how many teams shoot off the break. In 3-man, it is key not to lose a player off the break. If they are not shooting off the break. Have a guy or two turn and shoot while walking at their key bunkers. We have closed games out in 30 secs using this approach.

Always communicate with your other team members. Relay where they are at, how much time is left, and your elimanation count. Also communicate what shooting lane you are using. That way everyone is not shooting the same lane and leaving the other 2 guys uncovered.

And last but not least, play hard and fair. Like stated above, your team will get noticed faster for playing fair and always giving it 110%. Don't expect to go out and win your first tourney, but go out and play to win.

Have fun and I hope this helps some.

09-07-2001, 07:46 AM
Fill your stuff right after every game, pods air etc.
Play agressive.
Have your fastest trigger to sweet spot on the start, if you get one out at the start, it is 1/3 of the other team that is gone.
3 man fields are small and fast. So play tight, and i mean really tight.
Don`t cheat.
And most of all, have fun body...

09-07-2001, 08:23 AM
ive been playing 3 man's for about 4 months now. The biggest thing I learned is that everyone tries and get wide on you. By this i mean they run wide on the tape line, and try and flank you. Most teams would send 2 wide each way and keep one in the middle to get to the flag.

We always shoot off the break on the small field. If you can get a lucky shot you are 3-2 or 3-1 right off. Most teams run on the break to the same spots, so aim ahead of thier run and just pick a spot and let them run into your line of fire. works alot.

Also, dont take 6 pods out with you. On a 3 man 5 minute game, i rarely used over 200 rounds. The only time I used more was when we had a guy hiding and I just ripped paint at him to move my players up.

good luck!

09-07-2001, 12:31 PM
Lets see.

Depending on the field, your breakout pattern can really vary. Most of the time my team runs no less than 1 front guy, and 2 tape guys total with one backplayer that sweetspots right off the break for their tape players.
*if* you manage to take a guy off the break, start pushing like madmen if your 1 guy up , push thier weak side, one of your guys can usually then take out one of thiers, thus becoming a 2-on-1......Which is pretty easy to win. Sometimes the runner might take out the one w/o getting shot.....Then you got the game in a bag.

But these are probabally most important


Rest you already should know. My team's placed pretty good in the 3-mans we did this year (4th place, 2 5th places and a 7th place).

Also, I can somewhat disagree with paint usuage, most of our guys DO only use 200rds a game.....However, once our tape guy was in a 2 on 1......He brought it down to a 1 on 1 and we won because we had first pull (pulling flag is VERY important, however, cant be done on every field, if alot of people go for flag, sweetspot thier flag guy).
Anyways, he used about 300-500 rounds, but because of that game we made semis.

Major Ho
09-07-2001, 08:05 PM
Scream bloody murder or like a school girl on the breakout! It is very distracting to the other team and amusing for teh specators. Take chances if the game starts getting slow. Go listen to blood pumping music before each game or real soft relaxing music. Worked for me! Oh yeah...maybe the most important, communicate

09-07-2001, 08:40 PM
ok my advice is DO NOT BE INTIMEDATED BY ANY BODY and then again dont inderestimate that team of 13 yr olds with spyders!! i would know i have done both of those things! this would help me if i follwed this but i have bad habits that make me lose....:D

09-07-2001, 09:24 PM
just remember, watch the angles, last 3 man, i was the only one on my team to do so and i had to carry the entire team! sucked!!! (we came in 6th)

most important, if the going gets rough and you lose a guy there is no shame in zoning up on the remaining members of the other team (watching eachothers angles and keeping them back from you)

play tight and keep it honest its all for fun anyways!


09-07-2001, 10:05 PM
Do what they don't expect you to do. This is a true story of what my team did in a local tourney once (5 man team though)

The tourney had 3 fields, 2 airball and 1 hyperball. We were doing well on the hyperball, but we were really getting slammed in the airball matches. At this point, we're really not doing too good in the tournament, so as captain I decide a radical new plan for the next airball match(seeing as we would porbably lose anyway).

In the minutes before that gamestarted I had the team huddle up and we decided that we would basicly emulate pickets charge. At the whistle blow, we all ran en masse straight down the field while the other team was taking up positions behind bunkers on their side. We made the flag pull(centerflag) in the first 30 seconds of the game, and by 1 minute into game, we had 2 or 3 of the elmimnated and we had pushed them back to only 1/5 of the field.

Needless to say, it was quite a sight seeing all 5 players running and screaming as fast as they could down the center of the field, but it sure worked well. (That story was longer then I thought, but I tend to ramble. Hope it helped :) )

09-08-2001, 04:37 PM
I just got back from the tournament, few teams showed up so it was only 6 teams in my class. we came in 5th from the points but we were only "beat" by 1 team. We would have been in the finals but when there was one guy left with about 10 seconds, our guy on the right had a clear shot at the kid from about 10 feet away right when his Boo-Yahh(mag) stops shooting. That would have got us into the finals.
another cool thing, since there was few teams we played a team from the highest class and we maxed out 100/100 points and we barely even got a ball shot at us. They ended up placing second. It was funny since they were commenting on how they were gonna crush all of us before the game...

09-08-2001, 05:14 PM
Good job on the "smack talkers". If you can't back up your words with game, go home!

09-08-2001, 10:36 PM
Congrads...glad to hear you had a good time....now for the next one!

09-09-2001, 12:30 AM
You have to be sure to make them feel bad. Make them cry.

Do exactly the opposite.

09-09-2001, 08:22 AM
Dont Wipe.......