View Full Version : Finally Got an Xbox...

12-27-2003, 06:18 PM
Well, i finallg got an Xbox(for christmas). Looking for some god game suggestions. I'm already gonna get the GTA double pack and Halo. Any other god games like those?

I'll prolly mod it out in a few months. Chip, HDD, EvoX the whole 9 yards. Any suggestions/tips fot that?

Thank's for the suggestions.

12-27-2003, 07:16 PM
Great! My wife bought me one too. Really suprised me.
This is the first video game counsel I've owed since the original Atari 2400. Boy the graphics sure have improved:)

12-27-2003, 07:30 PM
Check out XIII. its a shooter that has a sort of "comic-book" style. At first glance, I thought it was lame and passed it by, but my brother rented it and I really got into it. Its cool: when you shoot someone in the head, 3 panels po up (like in a comic book) and show different angles of the hit as the guys head flies back. (really cool when you use the crossbow or speargun, as the spear jutts out of the badguy's head after you shoot him :eek: ) Lots of blood, and perhaps the worst language I've heard in a video game. Ever... A+:p

Also, Rainbow 6 (or anything Clancy, for that matter) is deffinately worth buying.

Also, dont forget HALO2 (arrives in march). You can already reserve copies at several gamestores...

Have you played Halo with 16 people? After an experience like that, I've decided that from now on, in order for me to let someone be my roomate, everyone must have their own TV, Xbox, and copy of HALO.

12-27-2003, 09:44 PM
Ohhhh Halo :)

12-27-2003, 11:31 PM
Halo is a given, and I'm eagerley awaiting Halo 2. Might have to try that XIII.

Also, If I already have both GTA's on PS2 is it even worth getting them for Xbox?

12-27-2003, 11:48 PM
i have been playing phantasy star online alot, realy cool. i like it alot, and i did play it alot on dreamcast too, but the xbox version is so cool, worth the 8 bucks a month imo, plus the first 2 months be free. i have heard alot of great things about project gothem racing 2, need for speed underground and sega gt2 is sapposed to be realy popin. tony hand underground is realy freash if you like those type of games, and all my boys have been playing counter strike like mad, so i assume it is real freash too, i havent gotten yet cause right before i was gunna buy it my tv assedout on me and quit working.

i thought that halo 2 was out april first?


12-28-2003, 02:04 AM
Since Halo and Halo 2 is a given.. I won't mention them... waaaaait.

I've had my XBox for just over a year now and I love it stock, I don't recommend modding it since it voids your warranty. XBox Live! is a must, there's lots of games coming out with it that are extremely good, Project Gotham Racing 2 for example. If you have small hands, get the S controller, otherwise it *COULD* be annoying to use. I recommend if you don't have much people that will play with you (no offense, just saying) and you have a hub with highspeedinternet, you could always get XBox Connect (www.xbconnect.com). This only works with System Link games. For XBConnect, Halo will work, which is pretty sweet.

The games I recommend are numerous, but all of them good:

-Project Gotham Racing 2
-Project Gotham Racing
-Need For Speed: Underground
-Midtown Madness 3
-Midnight Club 2
-Phantasy Star Online
-Splinter Cell
-Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow (not out yet)
-Ghost Recon
-Ghost Recon: Island Thunder
-Rainbow Six 3
-Tony Hawk's Underground
-Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
-Deus Ex: Invisible War
-Unreal Championship
-Sega GT Online (not out yet)
-Sega GT 2002
-Fable (not out yet)
-Max Payne 2
-Burnout 2: Point of Impact
-Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge
-Dead or Alive: Extreme Beach Volleyball
-Dead or Alive 3
-Soul Caliber 2
-Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
-Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
-Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen 2
-Medal of Honor Frontline
-Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee
-Reign of Fire
-Return to Castle Wolfenstein
-True Crime: Streets of LA

Those are just some off the top of my head. Sorry if I missed any.

P.S. I didn't include sports games because I don't like them and I don't want to endorse a game that may be bad.

12-28-2003, 03:05 AM
The frist thing I'd get is a Chameleon modchip (I have 2 on my shelf waiting for xboxes that need modding), and 80-120 gig hard drive. Anything bigger is a waste IMO, besides, the xbox can only handle up to ~137 gig hhds (unless you mod it some more). Then you can 'aquire' (by renting) games in a cheaper manner ;). Or just borrow games form your friends for an hour :D. Who cares about XBox live anyways (thats what teh PC is for). I have never had an xbox die on me in all my days of modding them, not a single one, and I've been modding xboxes (obviously not just mine) for a while.

12-28-2003, 03:10 AM
what does the chameleon mod chip do???

12-28-2003, 03:21 AM
Originally posted by jwren00
what does the chameleon mod chip do???

These are just some things it lets you do.
-Play 'backups' of games
-Lets you make 'backups' of games onto your hard drive
-Allows you to put a larger hard drive into your box to fit more games
-Allows you to play DVDs without the stupid dongle
-Removes the DVD lock
-Play emulators on your xbox (nes/snes/mame/playstation/etc.)
-Turn your xbox into a pc
-Play imported games

The drawbacks
-You get banned from Xbox live if you try to play with the modchip on
-Can't play backed up games on Xbox live
-Voids the warranty, make sure you don't run over your xbox with a car, or blow it up. M$ wont replace it or service it.
-M$ will hate you for it

12-28-2003, 04:48 AM
Not worth it if you can't play xbox live... yeesh.

I've been playing Project Gotham 2 on LIVE non-stop...

There are some scumbags tho... Like I was in a room with these 3 guys, they sounded like rednecks, so jokingly, in a redneck voice, I said "Hey Flem, Hey Earl, lets go take the General out for a spin, I just painted a fresh rebel flag on top" And they were calling me n****r boy, stupid racists morons.

12-28-2003, 05:30 AM
Xbox Live... WHY? Don't you guys have good gaming rigs (computers)? I've played Xbox games online, its not that great. I'd rather play DC or NFSU online (on my computer), than sit infront of my tv and play my xbox online.

Besides, you can turn off the modchip if you ever want to play Xbox Live.

12-28-2003, 07:26 AM
so Fixion where do I find all this good stuff at?

12-28-2003, 11:38 AM
amped 2 live is awesome! you all need to get it. I want to get gotham 2, is it as hard as gotham 1?

12-28-2003, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by personman
Dont mod your xbox. Its illigal and it voids your warrenty. Not to mention you cant play xbox live (I love xbox live!)
Well, it's not like it'll be the first illegal thing i do, and I can' play Live anyway cause I live in the boonies and all I can get is Dial-Up. Not to menton I'm stuck wih AOL as my ISP bcause m dad sgned up for leik 3 or 4 ears when he bought my comp. :(

12-28-2003, 12:20 PM
dude get kill switch it is great and all of what TraXeR said

e mag
12-28-2003, 12:59 PM
I would recommend the x-ecuter 2.3 pro modchip. Even besides playing copied games the best thing about it is that you can play emulators; I have every nes and snes game on my xbox.

12-28-2003, 02:51 PM
Originally posted by e mag
I would recommend the x-ecuter 2.3 pro modchip. Even besides playing copied games the best thing about it is that you can play emulators; I have every nes and snes game on my xbox.

Both the Chameleon and the Matrix are Gen 3 modchips. Except there are some things you cannot do with the Matrix (example: flash the TSOP). Anyways here (http://www.xbox-scene.com/modchips3b_table.htm) is a table showing exactly what both are capable of doing.

kenndogg - Here are some sites that got me started:

12-28-2003, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by jwren00
amped 2 live is awesome! you all need to get it. I want to get gotham 2, is it as hard as gotham 1?

I've never played PGR1 but I have played PGR2 from a rental, clocked about 15 hours into it. It's one of the best racing games I've played. The main thing to make people mad is achieving the platinum medals for each race (can take 40+ attempts if you aren't skilled). XBox Live! is where it REALLY shines. IMO, If it wasn't XBox Live! compatible, it wouldn't be as fun, although it still would be fun.

It has 100 cars and 40+ (I think) tracks. for me, I find the game to be about 80% realism, 20% arcade. The damage, graphics, sound, and framerate are great, the speed feels real (60 mph feels like 60 mph). The "arcade" feel is the kudo's system. The skidding, 360's, ramming others like bouncy balls seems anit unrealistic for some cars.

Hope that helps.