View Full Version : i think its time we gave agd some major props...

12-27-2003, 06:35 PM
Well as we all know the world of paintball is dramatically changing. Now in all of this change agd is the only company that comes to mind that had a million dollar idea and actaully stuck with it. I mean take a look at a few companys. Sure theyre guns may be good but thats because of all of the change. Then look at agd, they had a idea and have preety much kept it to this day. Sure they may have changed it to rt and electro so they can keep up with other companys but they are still using the same design. Now that must have been a hell of a design to not change it after so many years. So all of you at agd... i tip my hat off to you and thank you for a wonderfull marker.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-27-2003, 06:49 PM
i dunno how to respond to this one.....yay? hurray? yippi? thank you?

12-27-2003, 06:55 PM
so i guess this means that the angel is an amazing gun as well? its still running the same baisic platform as it has since '96

guess we have to say the same about the cocker and the spyder then as well

Chojin Man
12-27-2003, 07:03 PM
Yep awesome design. the cocker is in the same league too. It hasn't changed much either. As far as I know anyways. Correct me if I'm wrong.

12-27-2003, 08:50 PM
so i guess this means that the angel is an amazing gun as well? its still running the same baisic platform as it has since '96

guess we have to say the same about the cocker and the spyder then as well

yeah props to wdp and wgp but, spyder is also cahnging with thyre new fenix. And pmi was somewhat the same untill 2k3.

12-27-2003, 09:55 PM
Originally posted by crazymex
Now in all of this change agd is the only company that comes to mind that had a million dollar idea and actaully stuck with it.

Might want to look at Tippmann as well bub. Think there's honestly a lot of difference between the 68-special and 98Custom/A-5?

Nope. Only major difference is that the Tippmanns from the Pro-Carbine series and up have had CVX valves. Before that was floating valves (and of course SMG-series had no bolts!). Besides that... they're still inline designed markers. Since 1986. Almost 20 years.

(Of course I look at everything in a broken-down broad perspective. Which is why I of course consider the Timmy, impulse, bushy, and angel all clones. They are in their bare bones design theory a stacked-tube, poppet-valved, electro-pneumatic machine.)