View Full Version : is there any way to make a emag more gas efficient?

12-27-2003, 08:16 PM
im not going to buy a new tank either i got a 68/3000 psi tank i only get like 700 shots if that it is rediculas. my angel got 1500 off of my tank. so if any body knows a way let me know

12-27-2003, 08:24 PM
dont shoot as much:p. as for a serious answer, no there isnt. hopefully the field you play at ahs all day fills, so it isn't an issue.

12-27-2003, 08:27 PM
No real way to ensure better efficiency. If you have the right paint:bore match and not too long of a barrel, you'll get decent efficiency and it'll stay constant, otherwise, no.

12-27-2003, 08:40 PM
Plug up your barrel porting. Choose a 2-piece barrel with a longer control bore.

12-27-2003, 08:59 PM
Just a little warning on barrels; A super efficient barrel, like my Palmer's will render your level 10 just about useless without some major retuning. The Palmer's barrel was good for an additional 60 fps over my freak. By the time I turned the velocity down, my bolt would'nt even budge. No matter how much I played with spacers and springs, It never worked flawlessly. The old longnose bolt worked fine at any pressure though.
Just a little FYI.

12-27-2003, 10:21 PM
Kinda curious, what pressure did your Angel run? I think a lot of the perception about efficiency is really more related to how deep into you tank you can go. For example, a marker running an input pressure of 800 PSI is going to change performance when the tank pressure drops below that, but until then efficiency may be equal to a marker that runs at 300PSI. The marker with the lower input pressure will continue to function longer on the same tank. Haven't figured out how that relates to efficiency yet.

12-27-2003, 10:43 PM
buy a bigger tank :(

12-27-2003, 10:51 PM
Get rid of your lvl 10:D

12-27-2003, 11:19 PM
I am more than a little surprised that you are claiming 1500 shots from a 3000psi tank with an Angel

12-27-2003, 11:25 PM
im dead seriuos i got 1500 shots off my angel led with my tank! thanks for all the replies guys looks like i will just have to buy another tank

12-27-2003, 11:58 PM
Buying another tank based on this response? Good luck.

12-28-2003, 12:00 AM
I'm a little curious here.

I understand how paint/bore size affects accuracy but how exactly does it affect efficiency?

The only way this makes sense to me is if the valve fails to vent all the air from the chamber between reloads.

12-28-2003, 12:24 AM
Originally posted by Severe
I'm a little curious here.

I understand how paint/bore size affects accuracy but how exactly does it affect efficiency?

The only way this makes sense to me is if the valve fails to vent all the air from the chamber between reloads.

If there is porting, more air is needed to push the paint up to whatever fps you want the marker set at. The more the porting the more you will probably have to turn the reg on the mag up to reach your desired speed.

12-28-2003, 01:46 AM
Plus, if your paint is too small (or barrel too big, etc), you'll have to up the velocity to get the same speed that you would get with a better match.

12-28-2003, 01:54 AM
Well, you can pull off yoru powertube and put in a turned spacer to make the mag a hypermag. That's good for a measurable bonus in efficancy.

There have been some other ideas being tossed around too...

run a short spring in your LX. make sure the spacer isn't to tight. Make sure you run a long working length barrel. not a "long barrel" but a barrel with 8-12" before any porting starts. Think Lapco, or Palmer.