View Full Version : barrel length

12-27-2003, 09:55 PM
how long should the barrel be? i have an micro mag with an x-valve

12-27-2003, 10:32 PM
what type of paintball do you play most often?

sup air, hyperball, speedball, etc.

12-27-2003, 10:50 PM
i play rec and air ball tourneys

12-27-2003, 11:42 PM
ive used everything from a 10-16 and a Flatline

Personally i like around a 12 or 14 the best.

12-27-2003, 11:50 PM
whatever you are comfortable with. Barrel length does not matter accuracy wise or anything like that, but it will decrease gas efficiency the longer/more porting it has. My happy length is 12, I have a 12.8 inch Equation (custom tip) and a 12" progressive (came on CCM cocker, not my choice). airball is fun with a 16 incher though, you can really hug the bunkers.

12-28-2003, 03:29 AM
i usually use either a 12 or 14. Keeps the guns length down and is a good enough size to accelerate the ball.

12-28-2003, 07:21 PM
I refuse to use anything that isn't rifled or less than 24"

12" is my preferred length

12-28-2003, 07:27 PM
i prefer a 16 inch easier for me to work airball and doesnt hinder me playing hyper ball sooo..........

12-28-2003, 08:08 PM
get a 12 inch for rec and 16 for sup for bunker pushing,