View Full Version : Thoughts and prayers

12-27-2003, 11:29 PM
I haven't seen anything on here about this yet so I will start one.

I would like to send my thoughts and prayers to the now 25,000+ Iranians that have been killed in the recent devastating earthquake.

12-27-2003, 11:32 PM
I'm down with that. Politics aside, those are human beings suffering over there. Its hard to imagine suffering on that scale. I can't think of a single natural disaster in recent years that has claimed that many lives in this country.

12-27-2003, 11:53 PM
Yep, they may be the "enemy" but still some of those were innocent, hope them well!

12-28-2003, 12:05 AM
Originally posted by KornKamp02
Yep, they may be the "enemy" but still some of those were innocent, hope them well!

It's more like some of them are the enemey, and almost all were innocent victims.

And yes this disaster is horrific, with a predicted 40,000 casualties by the time all of this is over.

Lets just hope this is the end of these unpredicted string of earthquakes

12-28-2003, 03:03 AM
i think its terrible how one region of the world can be the site of so much destruction.

12-28-2003, 01:57 PM
I think what really got to me what seeing the magnitude of this quake was the same as the one in California last week and look at the loss of life over in Iran. I mean some of that has to go to the shabbily built structures they live in. If not all of it. But its horrific. I feel for them and they are in my thoughts.

But I was also was wondering if the geology of the area contributes to some kind of more ground movement when its shaking at 6.5. Anyone looked into that? I know or have read something about Mexico City being in a bowl of jelly geologicaly and this being a issue there with quakes. Wonder if some of thats not true over in Iran. But again I realize the structures they live in are rather substandard as well. Anyone know anything on that?

12-28-2003, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
I think what really got to me what seeing the magnitude of this quake was the same as the one in California last week and look at the loss of life over in Iran. I mean some of that has to go to the shabbily built structures they live in. If not all of it. But its horrific. I feel for them and they are in my thoughts.

But I was also was wondering if the geology of the area contributes to some kind of more ground movement when its shaking at 6.5. Anyone looked into that? I know or have read something about Mexico City being in a bowl of jelly geologicaly and this being a issue there with quakes. Wonder if some of thats not true over in Iran. But again I realize the structures they live in are rather substandard as well. Anyone know anything on that?

Don't know about the makeup of the substrate in the Iranian area but the Mexicao area substrate is in bad shape.

Mostly due to the Dinosaur Killer asteroid that hit the Yucatan peninsula 65M ago. Pretty much liquified the entire area.

Don't know if anything like that happend in the Iran area but I'm looking.

I'd have to agree with Phil on the reasons for the massive deaths, lousy living conditions, and even more lousy building methods.