View Full Version : any NON-ANTI spyder guys with advice?

12-28-2003, 04:51 AM
hey all, I have owned many (7) spyders before my Mag. And been Very pleased with all of them. So please dont just come in here and bash them, I just want some feedback, good or bad.

Has anyone used or had any experience with the new Spyder Rodeo? I have two shutters and I am looking to trade one in on a Rodeo. But I'd like some feedback on them first. So please, Im looking for first hand experiences, but I'll take what I can get. Thank you


*EDIT* This is your only warning. Do not cuss, or circumvent the swear filter here. Unlike nearly all other sport forums, we maintain civility in language. Please re-read the rules. Army

Chojin Man
12-28-2003, 05:08 AM
nah dude you wont get bashed here. At least not too bad ;). sorry I don't know anything about the Rodeo though.

12-28-2003, 08:01 AM
As stated, AO is not really about bashing other markers for the most part (like too many other well known forums). I have 2 Spyders also and don’t have a problem with them. They are primarily my Son’s and my Wife’s markers (yet I maintain them). They work well, and have served us well.

I am not personally familiar with you the Rodeo so I can’t offer any advise or opinions on that…. just wanted you to know that you are not an “outcast” here for your choice of markers. As long as you get out on the field and play, THAT is what is important.

Wc Keep
12-28-2003, 08:33 AM
i have had many spyders run through my life, and im amazed that you didnt notice this. all the spyder are pretty much the same. they throw an exp chamber and a drop and call it something new. take the tl+ and the shutter. they are the same thing except the shutter has anno and a drop forward. the only reason i would say get the rodeo is if it looks cool or is one of the electro spyders.

12-28-2003, 08:46 AM
Originally posted by Wc Keep
i have had many spyders run through my life, and im amazed that you didnt notice this. all the spyder are pretty much the same. they throw an exp chamber and a drop and call it something new. take the tl+ and the shutter. they are the same thing except the shutter has anno and a drop forward. the only reason i would say get the rodeo is if it looks cool or is one of the electro spyders.

The only truly different spyder is the Timmy!;)

Wc Keep
12-28-2003, 08:48 AM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye

The only truly different spyder is the Timmy!;)

notice i said ELECTRO spyder meaning timmy just didnt feel like insulting timmy owners. and arent you in dc? what are you doing on a computer instead of getting drunk with the bush sisters?

12-28-2003, 08:52 AM
Originally posted by Wc Keep

notice i said ELECTRO spyder meaning timmy just didnt feel like insulting timmy owners. and arent you in dc? what are you doing on a computer instead of getting drunk with the bush sisters?

I am still morning that aweful game last night that I was forced to endure while freezing my anatomy off. Stupid Redskins!:mad:

12-28-2003, 08:55 AM
after taking a look at the rodeo....i have to say a big NAY on that. The rodeo essentially IS a shutter...with a vert feed body. There are no electro parts nor anything else that makes it ANY Better. You might want to take a look at a Dragun TES. I know of a very good place to purchase these(yes i am involved with that place so you will have to PM or send me AIM) cheaply. For info on that gun check out


which is the guns descrip...
also...consider getting "The one" kit...which essentialy will turn your shutter into an electro, this kit is also available at the same place but in the meantime check out its specs at


but it costs about the same as a TES...so think what u want to do....

12-28-2003, 12:10 PM
if you want to stick with spyder and want to throw up a couple more bucks i would look into the fenix it looks pretty cool

12-28-2003, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by Wc Keep
all the spyder are pretty much the same.

so true...

12-28-2003, 12:59 PM
well if you have had your shutter for a while, and its "worn out", and you have another one, than maby its worth it just to have a new "less used" spyder

I have a spyder esprit I use right now and I love it...
only cuz I have to:D

12-28-2003, 01:13 PM
I love Spyders. Easy to work on. Cheap. As stated they all pretty much just dressed up versions of the other. Not realy any big advancements in the Mechanical ones since the TL Plus came out. It had distinct things on it that everyone prior too that had to upgrade theirs up to. And since then have become standard. They added colors and a pitiful regulator and called it a Shutter. But after that it was just adding more colors and slightly bigger things along with cheap regulators and gauges...all of which is better off done with a better set up... and bigger expansion chambers...also better off choosing your own for your own unique look. But upgrades are readily available and fairly cheap for them. And more often better than what they put on them direct from Kingman. But very dependable little markers with a good look to them. I have not kept up with this newer one you speak of but I suspect its just a new transition to more things that were upgrades and not much more than that. Again your probably better off upgrading what you got on your own with things that really make a difference. Like a Palmer stabilizer, or a bigger Expansion Chamber and some upgraded internals. Maybe even HPA to run the thing off of. Even a custom Powder coating job. Things like that.

Mister Sinister
12-28-2003, 01:50 PM
My little brother just got one for Christmas, and what everybody said is pretty much true. Its not a bad marker by any means. Though most what you are paying for is the chrome, milling and gauge. One thing I'll give it is the grips feel better than previous ones. Though my preference would be to get an Esprit. That way you get the electronic grip with none of the add-ons that your just gonna throw away and put on my own regulator, drop forward and such. Just my 2 cents.

12-28-2003, 02:07 PM
correct me if im wrong, all spyders are the same, from front to back

if you owned 7 spyders, you shouldve figured that out by now

the rodeo might be different w/ a new design? but i doubt it

12-28-2003, 03:22 PM
looks a little different, but just cosmetics...

12-28-2003, 05:55 PM
yea thanks,with all my past spyder experience they are teh same. I just didnt know anything about the new one. Wanted to make sure is wasnt a big pile O crap. (ok to say that)

thanks for all the replies. I do appreciate it. Pretty much what I was looking for was someone that had actually used one. But what I got was great! Thank you!

The wife is the one that is totally happy with her shutter, and man that thing is stock! I try to up it for her, but she likes it just the way it is. SO Im thinkin the Rodeo just for the new fancy milling and color. She Really liked it when she saw it. I just use my MiniMag. and yes, I do MAKE her run HPA. there's just no messin with CO2. worhtless.

thanks again,

keep it comin if you have some advice.

SORRY ARMY didnt mean to be the rule breaker. I hate that guy, and now I am that guy.

12-28-2003, 06:25 PM
The rodeo performs just like every other spyder marker. You're paying for the milling, essentially, and that's pretty much it.

If you like the milling, and to spend money, you're willing, then the rodeo is your vice.

12-28-2003, 06:28 PM
grass ninja you have a pm from me.

12-28-2003, 08:10 PM
you should get a amg, from what I hear they're really good.

12-28-2003, 09:50 PM
The rodeo is an amazing mech spyder. There are very few internal differences from the Shutter, but the biggest is the reg is on the forgrip not the bottom line so it actually does some good. I would say take a serious look at the rodeo, it is a very good low end marker.

12-28-2003, 10:14 PM
what I find interesting about the rodeo is, it is supposed to have a "super light trigger pull". I wonder where they got the idea for that?? anyway, it would be interesting to see if there really is anything different about the mech trigger of the rodeo compared to any other mech spyder.

12-28-2003, 10:49 PM
Originally posted by SHOCKandAWE
you should get a amg, from what I hear they're really good.
The only differences with the AMG as opposed to any other spyder is the (semi) low operating pressure, and the more centrally placed trigger frame. The centrally placed frame, however, is a huge difference in feel.

12-28-2003, 10:59 PM
wanna buy a rodeo body from me instead of buyin a new marker pm me if interested.:D

12-29-2003, 02:08 AM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye

The only truly different spyder is the Timmy!;)

The sad thing is.....its true!

12-29-2003, 03:45 AM
i have an amg as my back up, it was sent to "the company store" which is bad company's store, where they did solnoid work and a nice trigger job, def worth it... wasnt taht expensive i think like 35 bucks if i remember correctly it was a while back. amg is not bad though your wife would like it.

12-29-2003, 08:53 PM
Hey you guys kick butt, I really appreciate all the responses. thank you so much.

totalknockout you got a pm

lord1234 I sent you a response
