View Full Version : heads up re Skyball & TC stamps

Eric Cartman
12-28-2003, 05:10 PM
Just got this off the website:

Skyball will not be able to fill tanks without Transport Canada Stamps. No tanks without “TC” stamps are allowed in the stadium and X.O. Industries along with Skyball will not be held reasonable.

Not sure how many of you have TC numbers on your air tanks and thought I'd give people a heads up (in case anyone was planning to go - doesn't sound like it so far and this probably won't help...)

12-28-2003, 05:16 PM
Way to go with attracting foriegn teams or players...guess I won't be booking my flight or team...as I use HSE or CE stamped tanks...methinks a phone call will get this fixed but if not what an own goal you scored XO Industries :rolleyes:

Eric Cartman
12-28-2003, 05:37 PM
Well in XO's defense, it is not their rule, it's the law and they're really cracking down on it here. Is it a stupid law? Yes it is, but unfortunately they've got to abide by it. I'm sure there will be some civil servant with nothing better to do at Skyball doing some spot checks and XO'd be in it really deep if they hadn't covered their ***es by posting that.

Still sucks though.

12-28-2003, 08:54 PM
What the hell is a TC stamp?!

12-28-2003, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by WARPED1
What the hell is a TC stamp?!

Originally posted by Eric Cartman

Transport Canada Stamps.

12-28-2003, 09:00 PM
I think it's the canadian version of our DOT stamps...and none of my tanks have it...does anyone have a tank with a TC stamp?

12-28-2003, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
I think it's the canadian version of our DOT stamps...and none of my tanks have it...does anyone have a tank with a TC stamp? I know he said it was a transport canada stamp, but what the hell was that?
Now, DB understood and answered my querie!

12-28-2003, 10:19 PM
Most new tanks do have TC stamps. I know that any new PMI or Crossfire tanks do have them for sure but I don't know of any others for definate.

It is a stupid rule though. Skyball will suck this year.

titan aresta
12-28-2003, 10:35 PM
TC number is the Canadian equivelent of the DOT number. By law if you want your tank filled in Canada you must have a TC number.


12-29-2003, 01:05 AM
Well..check your "Peanut" tanks kids...mine is an SCI Composites bottle..no TC number...aaarrggghh...like as if I was going to Skyball...well..i had thought about making the trip..

12-29-2003, 01:33 AM
here guys, this has been an issue for us canadians for a while now, and it was a problem for me, until i did a little research.

I dont know if it is valid, but it should be. these documents to be linked to, show that the Luxfer series and Carleton tanks are TC approved, and i bet if printed off, and brought to skyball they should understand, but maybe we should fax it to the manager or something. anyways, here are the links. PLEASE READ.

Luxfer Tanks:

Carleton Tanks:

12-29-2003, 02:00 AM
It'll be a good try - but only tanks with the TC# for the equivalent of safety underneath the fibre wrapping and on the label is relevant.

I know in the past, some people have gotten away with it, but to achive a DOT or TC number - a tank must be part of a batch that was tested in order to display the permit number.

Wc Keep
12-29-2003, 08:04 AM
my tank says tc-su. is that something special?

12-29-2003, 08:55 AM
Those exemption certificates only apply to tanks that have the TC number already on them. Most new tanks have TC numbers as well as DOT numbers. Usually it will say TC-??? something near the DOT number. I don't think it has ever really been enforced but by law the tanks cannot be filled in Canada. Some of the paintball stores started refusing to fill non TC tanks this year. (Cheap cash grab to sell new tanks) Now it has spread through much of Canada. Last year it was no problem to get a non TC tank filled. This year it is a lot of trouble. I have not heard of one case where Transport Canada has gotten involved. (They have better things to do) but the Paintball stores have decided, maybe rightly so, that they are going to follow the law.

This, along with high prices, should screw up skyball pretty good. Come now since this might be the last Skyball. I don't think it ever made money.

12-29-2003, 08:56 AM
my 68/45 flatline has a TC stamp

12-29-2003, 09:07 AM
Looks like all my tanks have 'em.

PMI (2)
Crossfire (3)
Flatline (1)

Yay.......I guess.;)


Eric Cartman
12-29-2003, 10:23 AM
(Cheap cash grab to sell new tanks)
Actually I've spoken with a few store owners and dive shop owners who tell me that they have been visited by Transport Canada and told in no uncertain terms to stop doing anything with tanks that don't have TC or face serious fines.
As far as I'm concerned, if the tank meets the requirements for a DOT stamp, then it should meet the requirements fro a TC stamp, but as the ministry told me, their tolerance specifications are slightly different. This is idiotic, but it is the law, so I can't blame anyone who doesn't want to risk the fines.

12-29-2003, 10:44 AM
I know that Paintball City in Toronto started it in the GTA and their own rental tanks don't even have TC numbers. They don't seem too worried about those. (Cash Grab)

Eric Cartman
12-29-2003, 12:52 PM
I know that Paintball City in Toronto started it in the GTA and their own rental tanks don't even have TC numbers. They don't seem too worried about those. (Cash Grab)
That's odd. I haven't been to PBC for a while, but I'd heard on the TRPC forums that PBC were one of the first places to start refusing to fill non TC bottles. Oh well, go figure. It's a PITA however you look at it.

12-29-2003, 02:02 PM
My Crossfire tank has this on there, yes. However Air America Apoc2K doesn't! Guess I'm gonna have to use Crossfire for this game, ah well. It'll be good enough for my needs!

12-29-2003, 02:54 PM
Well just checked my tank and no sight of a TC number anywhere....It has the DOT and the HSE numbers..and as of Feb it needs to be retested..and due to my location it has to tested as a HSE, even though European tanks now are CE stamped, the HSE tanks are still legal for use for their lifetime (15 yrs)....got to be cheaper for me to get a new tank..still won't have the TC number on just the CE stamp...interesting that although this applys to every tank from whichever country but when the airplanes land in a foriegn country and they need the cylinders refilled they are excempted as they are foriegn nationals...so what do British Airways do when they land at Pearson ;)
I do realise this is a huge can or worms but in a way it is good to see that it isn't just my country that gets annoyed and bans the use of non uk tanks...but Skyball is definately off my trips 'cos of this now :( Unless I am allowed as a visiting foriegn national to have my fully tested and approved (uk) tank filled.

Duke Henry
12-29-2003, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by Meph
My Crossfire tank has this on there, yes. However Air America Apoc2K doesn't! Guess I'm gonna have to use Crossfire for this game, ah well. It'll be good enough for my needs!
If you order direct from AA, you can tell them to put a TC# on it, and they will do it without question.

That is how I made sure my Apoc2k had a TC number on it...