View Full Version : Any old school ballers out there?

12-28-2003, 09:20 PM
Just wondering how many old school ballers are still around and playing? I'v been playing since the mid to late 80's ( long time ago, can't remember exactly ) and have a couple old pics if anyone is interested in seeing them. I know I'm tellin on my age but what the hey! It's all fun. I'll post a pic if I get 5 replies on this thread. I'd really like to see other pics if there are any around.

12-28-2003, 09:26 PM
I haven't been playing that long, but I have been playing longer than most; about 12 years now, I think. No pictures, though, as I hate being photographed.

12-28-2003, 09:28 PM
I know what you mean. I have only a few pics as I'm not big on having my pic taken either. Four to go.

12-28-2003, 09:30 PM
Grey Ghosts, Sterlings, and the the AUTOMAG were the hot ticket when i started playing...Funny how they STILL ARE isn't it?:D ;)

12-28-2003, 09:32 PM
a self hopped nelspot was the ticket long ago too. three to go.

12-28-2003, 09:35 PM
I been playing for 14 years now(in sept 2004 will be 14).

12-28-2003, 09:37 PM
I'm amazed that you can remember what month you started much less what year? two to go.

12-28-2003, 09:41 PM
been playing since 1988 when pump guns were king of the hill till the SMG 60 came along

12-28-2003, 09:42 PM
Ya I remember that. It was scary. One to go.

12-28-2003, 09:42 PM
toolbott can you please post those pics? I would be interested in seeing them. Thanks in advance.

12-28-2003, 09:44 PM
I had a SMG-60, wish I still had it.

12-28-2003, 09:44 PM
I wish I was around on the good old days!


12-28-2003, 09:44 PM
Well, I said 5 replies and you are #5 so here goes a pic. bet you don't recognize much of the gear as stuff you see today? Anyone else wanna match me with an old school pic?

12-28-2003, 09:48 PM
I think I have an old SMG ad.........

12-28-2003, 09:50 PM
Do I have another?

12-28-2003, 09:50 PM
ya they were cool especially if you had the waste basket hanging on the side to catch the 5 round stripper clips. woohoo!

12-28-2003, 09:50 PM
this year coming up, 2004, will be my 10th year..

12-28-2003, 09:52 PM
I think I'm close to the 20 year mark if only I could remember exactly when I started. Those years were a blurr?

12-28-2003, 10:09 PM
LOL comin up on 6 years...does that make me old school?

I've worn old school renegade camo jerseys to practice...and have an original sandana bought before they were cool...and remember when shockers were new....:D

I've met people who have been playing longer than I've been alive, which is scary, but then I shoot them. I always said the combination of old and new school styles is deadly...

12-28-2003, 10:09 PM
I've got a SMG sitting in my closet right now. I wish I had some paint for it. I love how that things sounds when you squeeze the trigger.

12-28-2003, 10:13 PM
Am I old school? Oh yes. You want pics?

1991, Splat Zone Survval, Mankato, MN
Ira on left, Splatmaster, PMS Mask / UVEX goggles, and my JT Tube harness
Me on right, Nasty Boys SI w/ stick feed, ICS vest and BLACK tubes, JT Whipper Snapper goggles (NOTE CAMO BAND!!!!) w/ aftermarker ear cup protectors, Indian Springs pouches, JT "Ninja Turtle" gloves, and my good 'ol Tiger stripes.

But before oyu say that stuff wasn't that high tech back in the day, lemme show oyu Tom Kaye, back in '91.

Taken at the Paintcheck AM Open in 1991. (A year before it became the Cal Mag open, sorry)

http://www.tyger.us/pubimages/oldschool/91CLIP.JPG And I'll just link to my scan of Ken Kelsch's tournament coveage, mentioning this new gas called "Nitrogen"...

And, for now, I'll conclude with this picture of Dave Youngblood, back in the days before Dye...


And, see sig. :)


adam shannon
12-28-2003, 10:13 PM
i just gave my smg-60 to muzikman...im dying to see if he can fix it up, its in good working order...but has some gunk in it. ive heard of some folks here and there that still have the paint for em...old but still in the cases.

12-28-2003, 10:17 PM
Do you suppose Tom turned his tank upside down to make sure he got all the air out of it?

50 cal
12-28-2003, 10:20 PM
Started playing with 007's in '86. Wasn't but a year after that the barrel extensions for the 007 made that barrel a whopping 6"!! You were the big dog then!!

12-28-2003, 10:22 PM
toolbott, I love the on/off. I think I have one of those on my garden hose;)

12-28-2003, 10:27 PM
Haha, that was good. The big knob was the thing back then. They had a name for that tank but alas I can't remember. I removed the top tube and added the elbow for the direct feed. Seems like I could carry 20 ten round tubes with my two belt packs. wow 200 rounds? Anyone notice the pgp?

12-28-2003, 10:47 PM
1991, I think that's old school enough for you.

12-28-2003, 10:47 PM
Wow...I feel like my 7 years in the sport is only a drop in the bucket compared to a lot of you folks...

12-28-2003, 11:01 PM
dude....i still have two of those 10oz tanks w/ the thermo valves in my closet.
i still have my pmi mask, original viewloader like on the mag in the tom kaye pic, the belt for my 10 round tubes and like 100 tubes, my old wire stock that i used to hold the 10oz on my annihilater.

i still use my annihilater too. i'll never part with it.

first game was in late 1988, pumped nelspots.

tyger: i think i have that youngblood ad in one of my old apg's...now i'll have to go look. i remember seeing it though. and i still have my indian springs pouches and pods too. a fella was in high cotton when he could load more than 10 rounds at a time.

Toxic Dave
12-28-2003, 11:02 PM
July of '91, my first marker was a Sniper 2 with a 10 oz california style tank with a Thermo Valve on it and a 16 inch WGP barrel, that thing was awesome, I'm pretty sure I have the tank and valve around here somewhere.


12-28-2003, 11:04 PM
How many people remember this one? Here I am ( i'm the tall guy up front ) at opening day of Wolf's Lair in Penn. I never saw so many paintballers in one place before. I mean wall to wall ballers. Notice I'm sportin a brand new Sheridan pump gun. Had just gotten it with my tax check. Cost me near the whole check and my wife threw a fit. She had no sense of humor? ( well, she did marry me )

12-28-2003, 11:08 PM
toolbott: pmi 2 back bottle 7 oz tank, 40 round box loader, daisy point site, jt mask.

does Lee get cookie?

12-28-2003, 11:10 PM
Oh yea Lee, good call " toolbott reaches for the milkbones and grins"

12-28-2003, 11:12 PM

chics dig shiny white fangs and puppy fresh breath!

12-28-2003, 11:18 PM
I don't get it? I started this thread about old school ballers and suddenly my tag says senior member. Is there a hidden message here? lol

12-28-2003, 11:33 PM
Originally posted by toolbott
Haha, that was good. The big knob was the thing back then. They had a name for that tank but alas I can't remember. I removed the top tube and added the elbow for the direct feed. Seems like I could carry 20 ten round tubes with my two belt packs. wow 200 rounds? Anyone notice the pgp? Tanks were california style.

12-28-2003, 11:52 PM
Man if Tom see that pic of him with the nitro tank on his back he would say after seein himself on a mirror "Damn im old." lol

12-29-2003, 12:24 AM
This was scanned 10/10/96 from Paintball Sam's Fall Big Game.
From the Left:
Tyger, Shives, me, Kennedy How, ???

This was a TIP unplugged photo.

12-29-2003, 12:30 AM
Well first weekend I played was the 92 Am Open So the 04 Am Open will mark my 12th year playing and most of that being tournament.

I started out with rental Pro Am's, then 68 Special did some favrs and start using the team guns ( PMI's F1 Ill, Automags etc )

Well technically I played myt first game in 86 with Splat Masters in my buddies back yard. With only 2 of us and no local field we could find at the time it got to be old quick.

Here are some pics from 93/94




Enjoy !

12-29-2003, 12:49 AM
LOL there are a few older ones here. Been playing since 86
Got to shoot the Panther back then.

Remember the Music City Open,Line SI Masters and Windy City Open?

First gun PMI 68 Magnum with auto trig mod,remember those?
Carried 40 tubes of 10

How bout Miss PaintBall at IAO, they played to.The All girl team Lady Tree Danceres

Remember John Dale and the JDN2

Youngblood and his long barrels.lol



12-29-2003, 12:50 AM
Go Fred

12-29-2003, 01:14 AM
i bow to the senior citizens.....:D
my first memory of paintball was going to play with spyers compacts (originals). Pumps were still big but spyders were the first "affordable" semis out. I saved my money forever to get one. Then when I took by break Automags and cockers were on top. And VL were making the first "agitated" loaders. Now I step back into the sport and my have thigns changed. D@mned electro dohickeys :D

12-29-2003, 02:06 AM
someone wrote:"
Do you suppose Tom turned his tank upside down to make sure he got all the air out of it?

He probably did it because he didn't want to bend the remote as much and maybe have a little more slack: This is just a guess

12-29-2003, 02:23 AM
Oh, and to prove that not everyone was born looking cool...

Bob Long, with a mullet.



Ok, I'm hiding now. :)


12-29-2003, 02:32 AM
One more, before I hide from Bob Long...

Old gun, I dragged it up to prove that the "old guns" were a lot larger than people assumed they were. Heavy too, this thing weighs 6 pounds or so, no tank, no hopper!

And those are 140 pods next to it, for size refrences.


Yowsa. BIG gun!


12-29-2003, 02:57 AM
The VM-68/PMI3! I love that gun. Built like a tank and weighed more than one. I started playing in 1994. Wanted to play for quite a while before that. First played with an Automag and was given a Spyder for my birthday. Sold the Spyder to buy my current 'Mag.

12-29-2003, 03:47 AM
I remember when I was in sixth grade (that would be 1991), I stole a very thin paintball catalog from my cousin (who was much richer than I), and simply drooled over that VM-68 and a very cool looking 68 Automag with a bright green SP AA barrel and wooden grips. But alas I was poor, so I bummed my cousin's SL68II, when he would let me.

In '94 or '95 (can't really remember), now in highschool, I had saved enough money to buy a Tippmann ProLite (once again a marker my cousin had), when I ran across this ad in APG with this funky lookin silver and black semi-auto.

You guessed it, a Spyder Classic. Bought one old school mail order style, and paid almost $250 for it when I did (they were brand new at the time).

Then came my MinMag, and a host of others too numerous to list.

Suffice to say that the only markers to stick around very long were the Mag, and a FreeFlow Cocker, neither of which I will part with.

I'd like to second that comment about how heavy old markers were. It gives me a little chuckle now, when I hear a scrawny little guy complaining about how heavy his 2k2 Timmy with a 68cu HPA tank is. He should try lugging around a VM-68 with the dual bottle setup. Two chromemoly tanks, filled with CO2 no less. lol That'll put hair on your chest. I own real guns that weigh less. :D

The Frymarker
12-29-2003, 07:11 AM
Ahhhh those are some neat pics :)

I'm not really old school I started playing in 1998 when I met my husband.

He played in high school 1992, but they played in old abandoned warehouses in the dark.

12-29-2003, 07:38 AM
heh im not old at all, comming up on my 2nd year, neat pics tho

12-29-2003, 08:18 AM
This is about the earliest pic I can find of our team, Ballistic. This one is from 1994, although the team started out in 1991.

I'm the one bottom left, with the 'Mag. I think this was our first tourney where we all had Automags....

12-29-2003, 08:48 AM
Started playing in '86. Dad bought me my first marker - it was a Nelspot 007. First time I shot a marker was about '84. It was my uncles brand new 007 that he had bought for the "survival game." Back then they didn't even have pumps - they were "bolt action."

I remember PORING over issues of APG in high school - I literally "looked the ink off the pages" and read each dozens of times.

The Nelspot got upgraded with a valve tube (4 thousandths over) a Barrel extension, "speed wheel" for 12 gram changes and a host of other stuff. It later was robbed of it's guts to build out a bushmaster pump clone my mother bought for my birthday in '88. Funny about the valve tube - back then there were no chronos. I didn't ever even SEE one until about '89, and it was optional. Someone brought it as a "novelty." I chroned my pump and it was shooting 430fps. I remember one guy I tagged that day with a grape fruit sized black bruise that appeared within minutes of when I shot him. Man, things sure have come a long way...

Took a break while overseas for 2 years with the USAF from 90-92. Got home, bought a SL68, and then fell in love with the super sexy automag. I'll still never forget the first time I pulled the trigger on one. Could never afford one and bought a used 68 special as my first semi. It wasn't until late '98 I finally got my dream gun - a mini-mag. Since then, have built 3 mags, bought an Emag, 2 Vikings, a classic Timmy, a 2k Shocker, a right-feed cocker, built another cocker from scratch, and built a Racegun from scratch.


12-29-2003, 09:24 AM
You guys have some good memories,I couldn't come up with a specific date.I started in high school sometime,so I guess that's '86-'87.Wasn't that serious about it then,played on and off for a while.Unfortunately I've moved around the country 3-4 times and don't have much left to show.Do to some business connections and other ties,I'm more serious about playing now then I was back then.

Old paintballers don't die,thier balls just turn grey.


12-29-2003, 09:43 AM
ouch! Is that what happened to em?

12-29-2003, 09:53 AM
Sure,if you leave them out in the sun.;)

12-29-2003, 10:23 AM
See Im the freak here...

Ive been playing close to 11 years, But my father has been playing since 83/84. So I basically grew up in the sport..

My first gun was a PMI-1 , I felt bad *** two years later when I bought a WGP ranger... I was like directfeed and tanks woooo... I later slapped a cali air set up on it with a thermo 10oz tank hehe...

Unlike most ballers today I still have that gun and that tank... its the one gun I can never sell..

12-29-2003, 11:16 AM
Man would I love to get my hands on one of the Cali setups. I need the stocj with bottle ring and the thermo setup. Anyone know where to get either? I've tried Ebay with no luck. I heard the Thermo valves were dangerous compared to the pin valve - which is why Tippmann "gave" the pin valve to the sport vs. patenting it. Funny how Tippmann, Tom and other gave freely and if they hadn't SP wouldn't even exist today...


12-29-2003, 12:02 PM
I began playing in 1987 (eigth grade). First gun that I played with was called an Uzi and was a pump with a paint resvoir in the gun (terrible). We also used Nelspot 007's, Splatmasters, Crossman revolvers, and I sold my SMG-60 a few years later. I stopped playing when mags and the first semi-autocockers came out and got back into paintball in about 1999.

I love the way the new guns shoot - I have owned just about everyone of them (Angels, Timmies, Vikings, Cockers), but paintball was more fun without all the speed. Paintball used to be more about skill and now its more about which team can keep more paint in the air. I love speedball, but when both teams are all shooting 15 bps, its more about playing tight than really playing. Just my opinion, but I do not really enjoy tournament type play. I am not one of the guys who loves woods ball, just more fun when players can make more moves in a game rather than just laying down paint.

12-29-2003, 01:40 PM
wow........18 years for some of you. thats amazing. i wonder how insane the paintball market is going to be 18 years from now if our guns can already shoot 40 bps and not chop, and fly strait and far!

sorry i couldnt help it :(

12-29-2003, 02:24 PM
13 years ago this week I played my first game.
Nelspot 007's & shop goggles, in two feet of snow!

I've got a couple of pics from the summer of '91 I can post later tonight.

12-29-2003, 02:28 PM
We played with shop goggles as well. Nothing like taking a few in the face from an SMG when nobody ever heard of chronoing a gun.

12-29-2003, 02:32 PM
Originally posted by toolbott
Just wondering how many old school ballers are still around and playing? I'v been playing since the mid to late 80's ( long time ago, can't remember exactly )...

I first played in '86, I think... Can't remember for sure either. I've played at least once EVERY year since then. I didn't play much in the late '90s, but started playing more again a few years ago when an old team mate of mine wanted to play again. :D

Duke Henry
12-29-2003, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by toolbott
Well, I said 5 replies and you are #5 so here goes a pic. bet you don't recognize much of the gear as stuff you see today? Anyone else wanna match me with an old school pic?

I can't even see you! Huh? ;)

Always good seeing the old ads and whatnot come around again. The gear may be newer, the "models" different, but the ads are still pretty much the same. Only main difference is that ones now have more blatant sexual content.

As far as my memory serves, I have been playing for about 5 years now...

12-29-2003, 03:44 PM
I'm sure I have shown this pic once before but anyhow...circa'88-'89 I am at the back on the right.

12-29-2003, 04:37 PM
MarkM = That's a great old school pic. Brings back a lotta memories.

12-29-2003, 05:12 PM
Did Dave Youngblood ever really play with those long barrels, or were they just for posing?

12-29-2003, 05:18 PM
I think you could really reach out and touch someone with those guns but I don't think they're much good for hiding behind a small bunker " Damn, hit on the barrel again"

12-29-2003, 05:27 PM
Great picture. Those old school masks would start to fog before you even put them on. There was a guy playing speedball last year at a local field who brought out his PGP with gravity feed tube. "A" for effort, "F" for execution.

12-29-2003, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by toolbott
MarkM = That's a great old school pic. Brings back a lotta memories.

Scary thing is I still have all of the kit in the pic except the wrist gauntlet.
I lent it to a "friend" and never got it back :(
I never had much of a problem with the goggles..they are single pane but coated ICS ones, I did rig up a fan with a 9v and did the same for the rest of the team...like Manike did for the VForce but I did around the time the pic was taken...I knew I should have patented it ;)

12-29-2003, 07:01 PM
Nice to know Tyger is still around.

First game was in 84, used a Nel-Spot, oil based paint, left a nasty stain. Now Play with Canadian Contingent out of Ottawa, Canada. Stock or Pump Class Club. Currently use, WGP Sniper II mod to Stock Class, most of the time.

My Other Toyz are: Classic 68 Automag + Many upgrade, Tribal BBT 2, PGP Stock, Tippmann SL-68 II, Brass Eagle King Cobra x 3.

Cilio - Knightmare Tango
12-30-2003, 10:55 PM
Played my first game around 86 or 87. These are a bit later but still from awhile back.

Picture 1: I'm on the left

Cilio - Knightmare Tango
12-30-2003, 10:56 PM
Picture 2

12-30-2003, 10:59 PM
Is that camo face paint? Now that is cool!

Cilio - Knightmare Tango
12-30-2003, 11:12 PM
LMAO... yes, that's face paint. Everyone that sees the picture asks the same thing.

adam shannon
12-30-2003, 11:36 PM
back in the day of just goggles without masks or sides face paint was in...the funny thing is i still see private game first timers show up with painted faces just to cover their whole face with a mask...lol.

12-31-2003, 09:51 AM
First time was 1986 for me. By 1987, I was on a team that played or practiced every weekend. We also had a team meeting every Wendsday night. We were pretty hardcore.

12-31-2003, 10:27 AM
I started late 88...my most "high tech" gun then was my bushmaster pump. Man, the old days...

12-31-2003, 11:20 AM
I still use mine sometimes.

12-31-2003, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by Blennidae
Did Dave Youngblood ever really play with those long barrels, or were they just for posing?

I don't remember ever seeing him play with one. I'd bet there were just for posing. ;)

12-31-2003, 01:11 PM
4 years this spring:(
lol alot of you have been playing longer than i've been alive, i like seeing the old pics, post some more up!:D

12-31-2003, 02:34 PM
lol alot of you have been playing longer than i've been alive,

That's just mean:(

Evil Bob
12-31-2003, 02:46 PM
My first game was in 1982, the field was called "WoodStalk" located in Blossom Hill (south bay area calif, up against the santa cruz mountains). We shot 007 nelspots (the bolt action ones, no pumps!) and the paint was oil based (for marking trees) and a serious pain to wash out of anything (needed terpentine), and we wore $4 plastic shop goggles that couldn't even withstand a single direct hit.

-Evil Bob

12-31-2003, 02:51 PM
I never played with the oil paint, but some of the "old" guys on the team did. They had splats on their camos that didn't come out.

12-31-2003, 06:58 PM
most of those years were a blurr though

01-01-2004, 02:12 AM
Bushmasters pumps??? is that a very old ICD gun???

01-01-2004, 06:28 AM
what a cool thread....

I started back in 89. A friend showed ma his splat master and it was all over. We would run around with two at a time, re-cocking them on our legs. I would have huge bruises just above my knee at the end of the day.

Wasnt soon after I bought a Line SI Busmaster, complete with 7 oz CA, 20 inch sniper barrell ;), and I had a screw on muzzle extension....It took me forever to figureout why I was breaking so much paint...lol. Later upgrades included a 6 pack plus, 10 inch barrell :D, and one of those brand spanking new 90 rnd viewloaders.

OT...(Any MI players remember Silver Lake Paintball??)

I think I still have the Bushmaster, and a original Phantom, and couple splatmasters.


50 cal
01-01-2004, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by Athius
Bushmasters pumps??? is that a very old ICD gun???

Not to be mean though, but I laughed when i read that. Line SI owned by Ross Alexander made the original Bushmaster pumpguns. Tough as nails guns, couldn't tear one up if you tried.
The Stinger line of paintballs flew fantastic too. I bought it exlusivley till Line SI went under. I still have one the Pointman pumps laying around somewhere.

01-05-2004, 09:26 AM
Originally posted by 50 cal

I still have one the Pointman pumps laying around somewhere.

I always wanted one of those...


01-05-2004, 03:43 PM
B.C. Before Chrono

Hey toolbot this is like a stroll down memory lane. I'll bet you cut down a 35mm film container for a cap on that mammoth 40 round wgp feeder, and even cut the webbing out of the mag pouches to get more ten round tubes in.

knobs with big valves on them--thermo bottles from what I remember.

APG was 30 pages thick, and on the front cover was some guy comming up out of the water in camo with marker on the ready.

Tiger Stripe pull overs had yet to be invented.

The whaler was the craze feeder.

tippman was a smg

cockers were pump guns

grey ghosts were cool

first gun was a sheridan kp3 rifle, and a pump pistol (later called pgp)

Dail-A-Welt--once again before chrono's

first gravity feed wass home made with 3/4 copper tee and 45 elbow, fit to a PMI 1, or mabey a 2, can't remember.

the ghillie suit, and woods ball

how about the defunct "Excaliber League Finals in Las Vegas in 1991.

Phantoms,Colonial Marines, Dickstinguished Johnsons, Swarm, walrus, Evergreen, Western Oregon Rebels, Parapaligic Turtles, of course our team Magic Markers and so many others
OMG I'M STARTING TO RAMBLE, it must be time for my medication!

Thanks for tolerating my post, I'll try to reserect some photos.

~Tim 1986-present
gray and still going

01-05-2004, 08:02 PM
The first time I played, oil based paint was all that was available and no one had even begun to put pvc pumps on their Nelspots. I was not crazy about the game at that point and did not begin to play in ernest until I saw the premier issue of APG. When I saw pictures of long barreled, "constant air" pump guns with "gravity feed" there was no turning back. I had a tricked, pump Nelspot derivative, with a 7oz tank, "L" stock, and "direct feed" on order from "Skirmish, The Store" within the week and started to play almost every weekend. My first semi was an SMG-60 which was later converted to a 68 Special by Tippman. I bought one of the first Automags in Texas I think, having been given the "heads up" by Denis Ashley that they were comming out before the talk hit the streets. I think it was S.N. 235 and was a plastic nubbined ball breaker until "updated" by Airgun. I miss that gun, and my Annihilator more than any I have had over the years.

Whoa....guess I got to reminiscing and ran away with myself! Ah, but those were some good times.

01-05-2004, 09:39 PM
You know, it's kinda odd that I was the first to have an automag at my home field way back when. Everyone had heard about them but no one had owned one. All the top guys were saying " aw man automags suck, they are expensive junk" Everyone made fun of me cause it was a tippman field. But it didn't take long before all the top guys at the field were looking to buy one of those sucky automags. Go figure? I can only assume one thing, AUTOMAGS RULE!

01-05-2004, 09:57 PM
ahh yes, my first mag also had the stainless insert, with the surgical tubing nubs. The first time I saw a automag was on a cold day in 87, or maybe 88, We never laughed so hard, one minute Joe was up and shooting, the next minute he was going kooosh, koooosh, (aka) liquid, liquid.

01-06-2004, 11:09 AM
Ahh, yes <thinks back wistfully to the days of yore>

I played my first game of paintball in March, 1986.

22 guys running around on some rented woodlands with Uvex safety goggles, heavy PGP pistols (some actually had pumps on them!), and $1.25 tubes of paint (10 rounds).

Been hooked ever since......

That was almost 17 years ago now.
Sure have seen a lot of changes in the sport since then, things come and things go....

01-06-2004, 08:26 PM
A little later than I expected, but here are a few of my older pics...
Two from the summer of 91:

Of the people in this pic only me (2nd from left) and my brother (2nd from right) are still playing. He still uses the BE Nightmare he is holding in that photo!


And two from the summer of 95:

I'm kneeling on the left.

01-07-2004, 11:10 AM
Nice Pict Jeff

Were they taken at Paintstorm in Carleton Place. The field looks familiar.:p

Just in case It's Mike T

01-08-2004, 06:43 PM
Hey Mike!

The top two pictures were taken at the first field to open in my hometown of Happy Valley, Labrador.

The next two were taken in St John's, Newfoundland, at Frontline Paintball.

01-09-2004, 05:54 PM
I can remember the last time I played with my SMG-68 and Splatmaster for a side arm. The only thing is that it was last October, I'm 20 years old and been playing for 3.

01-09-2004, 06:50 PM
haha thats a good one. I like the mix of old and new. Old guns and new jt mask and what looks like british camo.

01-09-2004, 10:59 PM
I started in 1991. I was 13 and played for 3 years straight every saturday and sunday. Went to two national championships and suddenly I quit. Came back to the sport on august of last year. So far I've been loving it. I'll try and dig up some pictures and scan them.



01-09-2004, 11:10 PM
Yes it's british camo, the best there is in my opinion (at least for where I play). I have a couple old JT masks from the mid '80s, but I think I'll stick with my new one.
The picture is from a senerio game at Flagswipe Paintball in southwestern Ontario.
There's usually a couple other people with old guns there for the big games. One time a group of 6 guys showed up with kp rifle in various set-ups, another with a Brass Eagle Nightmare SB. It's sort of fun talking to people about how they use to have guns like the ones I own, or tell people that my SMG costs more than their Cocker!
Here's a pic from left to right me, my friend and my brother on the same day.

01-09-2004, 11:15 PM
This April will mark 8 years of me playing. lol.

I remember my first time really well. I got to try out a mag and a cocker....WOW! The cocker was a modified Sniper 2 actually with Nitroduck air and an old BOA brass barrel with lots of porting. I really enjoyed my first day.