View Full Version : very VERY bad games that you can't stop playing?

12-28-2003, 09:26 PM
man ... UFO aftermath sux badly .. I mean REALLY badly .. but it's like i'm drawn to its sickening play like cows to grass!

I get home and .. well, I don't quite know how it happens ... I check my email .. check messenger .. find myself just sitting there with nothing to do .. then BAM! I'm playing mission after mission after bloody mission till 6am cursing out loud at the slow load times, bad graphics, insanley hard missions, etc...

I'll curl up in bed and think i'm falling asleep, and i'm not sure how it happens, but then I come to and realize i'm in front of my computer staring at my little minions getting cut into pieces by the damn Aliens in UFO Aftermath.

Am I infected by some sort of disease that makes me play this aweful aweful game or are there others out there???

12-28-2003, 09:35 PM
definately DEFINATELY Liero... ugh, so pathetic, for those of you who dont know the game, think of worms with alot less detail, not turn based, only 2 worms, you have 5 weapons at all time (pick before the battle) and you can dig.

12-28-2003, 10:47 PM
megaman legends. my bro gave it to me for free.... cant stop playing...

12-28-2003, 11:30 PM

This is a classic... my record is level 61

pyro got higher

12-29-2003, 12:23 AM
ok i know this is gay but the pokemon games are addictive as anything! my friend brought one into art last year (he has alot more self-esteem than me) and i started toyin around with it and i had to buy the new red one. i played it for a month non stop and then sold the whole system. guess it wasnt love....:(

12-29-2003, 12:42 AM
that castle game is horribly addictive... Eventually I just got my castle to the point where it defended itself though. I think I took it to level 99 and just gave up

12-29-2003, 12:59 AM
That Castle game is like crack... I played it constantly in business class last year.

Theres one on AdictingGames.com cald MotoCrossunder sports I think). Capy graphics, hard at fist but it gets easy BECAUSE YOU REPEAT THE SAME DAMN LEVEL OVER AND OVER! Might wanna check it out, lol.

12-29-2003, 02:00 AM
diablo 2

12-29-2003, 04:16 AM
Originally posted by Automaggin2
diablo 2

True that, d2 is the most addicting game i have ever played. my cousin got me hooked on diablo 2 Lords of Destruction and i've put at least 500 hours into it since then, thats a low ball firgue, becuase over the xmas break i played for 90 plus hours, i stoped playing, but am back at it again because of the new patch.

12-29-2003, 04:23 AM
Escape Velocity Nova... one of the best mac only games now for the pc. i love this game. i used to play the origional on my friends mac all the time. the game is free to dl at www.ambrosiasw.com

the demo is a 30 day version, then you need to register. trust me you will want to. i got to the part where you need to register, and i plan to ASAP. its soo addicting

Chojin Man
12-29-2003, 05:59 AM
not a game.....but these damn forums! I can't stop posting and reading them. It's so bad.

12-29-2003, 08:45 AM
Black Hawk Down, America's Army and Descent 3.....

12-29-2003, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by 03vert
ok i know this is gay but the pokemon games are addictive as anything! my friend brought one into art last year (he has alot more self-esteem than me) and i started toyin around with it and i had to buy the new red one. i played it for a month non stop and then sold the whole system. guess it wasnt love....:(

I haven't played my pokemon GB games in over a year, but just the other day I picked up my GBA with pkmn gold in it and started playing again, and now I find myself playing it whenever I get the itch and I'm away from my computer. I'm even considering getting the 2 newest pkmn games b.c they're games I haven't played yet. Sure it's a very child-oriented game, but it's too bloody addictive!! I can't explain why, but I love playing these games, and I'm nearly 20!

It's not that the games are horrible (the anime is pretty mediocre, though), they're far from horrible, it's just that they're SOOOOOOO addictive.

12-29-2003, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by magman007
Escape Velocity Nova... one of the best mac only games now for the pc. i love this game. i used to play the origional on my friends mac all the time. the game is free to dl at www.ambrosiasw.com

the demo is a 30 day version, then you need to register. trust me you will want to. i got to the part where you need to register, and i plan to ASAP. its soo addicting

Heh heh heh, when I owned a mac, it was the era of EVC (classic) and EVO (override). I got my PC right when nova was coming out and I remember all the development progression. We moders got excited about the addition of submunitions for the long coveted flak cannon we could now concievably make.

I was hooked with the original EV, and then EVO. The Frozen Heart had to be THE best TC mod for the games EVER.

IM me this afternoon if you want to talk about the good ole' days of EV. Man, how I miss that game :).

12-29-2003, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by notime2smile

True that, d2 is the most addicting game i have ever played. my cousin got me hooked on diablo 2 Lords of Destruction and i've put at least 500 hours into it since then, thats a low ball firgue, becuase over the xmas break i played for 90 plus hours, i stoped playing, but am back at it again because of the new patch.

I just got it like 4 days ago. 've always wanted it but never got it. I got a laptop and I needed some good games to play on it so i bought it, and so far I have played probably about 30+ hours.

12-29-2003, 01:19 PM

There really isn't much graphical content othet than a drag strip, lol. The worse part is tt when you run out of credits you ave to actually BUY more. But it's sooooo addicting, it's almot like an exreamly crappy Grand Turesmo(sp?) in the aspect that you buy cars, soup em up, and possibly sell em. And you actually race REAL people.

12-29-2003, 01:21 PM
oh, and theres this game atshocwave.com called 2 Fast 2 urious(got changd to Red Line Rumble acording to my friend). At one point, 3/ o m Web Design clas(inluting the teacher) were playing that

12-29-2003, 02:22 PM
Prolly the pokemon gameboy games, and that castle game, I forgot the level I'm on. Aliens versus Predator 2 sucks horribly but it's addicting.

12-29-2003, 03:59 PM
Alien Versus Predator 2 is a great multi-player game, but single player can get a tad boring at times.

Games like Bust-A-Move and Doctor Robotnics Mean Bean Machine were so stupid, but yet so incredibly addicting and fun!!

12-29-2003, 04:35 PM
galactica. man, I can't remember how many quarters went down the hole playing that game, jockeying with pals for top score.

12-29-2003, 05:42 PM
One word, Everquest.

12-29-2003, 06:27 PM
The sad thing is I have every single game mentioned so far. and I play them all!! Kinda says alot about my life:rolleyes: :(

Anyways, you cant forget Counterstrike. That game is sooo pointless, but it's fun. That and the old final fantasy games for SNES. Those are horribly addicting.

12-29-2003, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by PyRo
One word, Everquest.

You mean evercrack?

12-29-2003, 08:50 PM
If I get out of the Castle game all together can I get back in my saved game? If so, HOW?

12-29-2003, 09:19 PM
Omg, EVO on my sisters old Mac. I played that thing so damn much back in the day. Wasted my life on it. I wish they would port it to PC all of them EVA, EVO and Nova(which I haven't tried yet but will soon;)). The first two aren't high quality graphics but it was fun. Like old regular Nintendo which those games seemed so much harder and funner due to the long, drawn out, all about graphics of todays games. Well exclude racing and fighting games like Soul Caliber 2, and NeedForSpeed:Underground. :D

12-30-2003, 06:40 AM
everquest has sure taken a few of my saturday afternoons

12-30-2003, 08:22 AM
Originally posted by Mateo
Omg, EVO on my sisters old Mac. I played that thing so damn much back in the day. Wasted my life on it. I wish they would port it to PC all of them EVA, EVO and Nova(which I haven't tried yet but will soon;)). The first two aren't high quality graphics but it was fun. Like old regular Nintendo which those games seemed so much harder and funner due to the long, drawn out, all about graphics of todays games. Well exclude racing and fighting games like Soul Caliber 2, and NeedForSpeed:Underground. :D

boy, the graphics were too sweet for some of the mods for those games, don't go bashing 16 bit graphics :p. You don't know what some 3d modeling wizards did with that. It'd blow your mind ;). I doubt they'll port, b/c the modular nature of the EV/EVO/EVN engines are based strictly on the Mac architecture. Heck, they had extra long development for EVN b/c they were having to remake the engine for the OSX architecture, and to take full advantage of it. If they ported to PC, then you couldn't use the mods that were originally for the mac, b/c of the critical architecture differences :(.

Also, talk to any of the EV/EVO/EVN modders (I dabbled in this, but never released anything. never had the time. I DID work in a few modding teams, but teams never seemed to work. the best stuff was always done by single individuals, just like the original EV), and they'll tell you the most useful tools they used were ResEdit and EV templates for ResEdit. FYI for those of you who don't know macs, ResEdit is a resource editor made by Apple FOR the macs. This was one tool Matt used when making EV, and is integral to any modding done for EV/EVO/EVN. When we modders talk about ship, outfit, junk, misc, fleet, and other things, we're refering to hex and binary resources in the data files for EV/O/N. These are only accessable by hacking into the files via ResEdit.

Man, I loved the EV/O/N culture. Great bunch of folks, and fairly tightly knit, though very large. Much like AO: Brought together by a common love for a very well made and very inexpensive and freely modular (all mods were freeware. the only shareware was the game itself, and at it's most expensive, it was only $35) game published by Ambrosia software. :) Just like we at AO are brought together by a common love for the sport of paintball and in particular by a love of the automag made by AGD :).

12-30-2003, 11:09 AM
counter-strike used to be the best game ever... that is until they came out with stupid steam :mad:
It was so addicting just to buy a cool gun and run aound and shoot each other for hours. Now its just retarded cause of all the problems steam has given me.

12-30-2003, 11:12 AM
What if Ambrosia could allow another developer to make EV, from the bottom up, in Windows for a small percentage of royalty? Even though it wouldn't be able to mod it like the Mac version, probably won't be high selling except to those who have played it before, and probably not worth the time. But we can only dream to those who own a PC.*sigh*

12-30-2003, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by Mateo
What if Ambrosia could allow another developer to make EV, from the bottom up, in Windows for a small percentage of royalty? Even though it wouldn't be able to mod it like the Mac version, probably won't be high selling except to those who have played it before, and probably not worth the time. But we can only dream to those who own a PC.*sigh*

EV w.o mods? You gotta be KIDDING ME! That's what made it so great! You could always be going on new adventures, fighting new battles, exploringing new planets, flying new ships, meeting new species, etc. W/o mods, EV would've flopped. And it's just too expensive to mod a new EV, and then it wouldn't be EV. And remember, EV is not exactly Ambrosia's. Ambrosia merely bought the publishing rights, EV is still the property of it's creator. And it's been a LONG known fact that there will be NO windows port. It's been said since the beginning.

12-30-2003, 12:19 PM
Well damnit then gotta buy myself a cheap mac just for EV:p

12-30-2003, 04:09 PM
I hate games like that. It happenes to me all the time.

12-30-2003, 05:54 PM
starkingdoms (www.starkingdoms.com)

12-30-2003, 09:41 PM
Diablo 2, Counter Strike and Zone of the Enders:2nd Runner.

One time it was Ultima Online but i got to the point of realization that it sucked.

And another time was Shadowbane PvP there is cool and lvlin is very very esay and fast by leechin xp with yer guild buddies. I got to lvl 43 in 2 weeks and only like 2 hours of play per day.

12-30-2003, 11:21 PM

damn game, got to the last lvl.... the.......evil.....GREEN WALL!!!!!! gggrrr

this 1 is fun

this 1 is a pain in the butt

12-31-2003, 08:20 AM
Originally posted by Mateo
Well damnit then gotta buy myself a cheap mac just for EV:p

I'm thinking about doing that, then I realize I have a dilema: Buy an iBook, or spend that $$ of stuff for paintball and save alot more for paintball later.

Hmm, guess with which one I go with :D. I loved my macs, and I loved playing EV, but NEVER assume that I loved the macs and EV more than I currently love paintball :D. THe only thing that comes above paintball is living expenses and loved ones :D. Everything else usually gets demoted in priority in comparison to paintball :D.

12-31-2003, 06:24 PM
Yeah, I was like that...until the local field closed down, and my interest went with it:( Now Im into fixing up cars and maybe computers if I feel like it, but I still like coming to AO to see whats happening in paintball and friendly corner is awesome.:)

12-31-2003, 07:12 PM
Chaos Overlords is a very, very, very bad game for the PC that, for some reason, I could never put down. There was no animation and very little by way of graphics. It was static, turn based mayhem and I still could not put it down. The lame plot was that you were trying to become the big boss of all the gangs in a city.

Plot and graphics aside, I guess it was kind of cool since you could research new weapons to outfit your gang members with. You also had to manage resources in order to pay the gangsters to keep them happy. Otherwise rebellion could break out. Hard to make it sound good - 'cause it was really, really bad - but it was addictive.

That was the thread right?
I'd say I spent about 300 wasted hours playing Chaos Overlords back when I was in college.

12-31-2003, 07:36 PM
gunbound...it's like worms, but different..and better in my opinion...


it's gobbling up my time..

btw...everquest ate many hours of my life back in the day..
so did anarchy online..so did counterstrike...so did STARCRAFT!!!!11

edit- escape velocity kicked butt for the mac! but remembering my mac days makes me break out into a cold sweat

01-01-2004, 01:02 AM

very fun, very addictive, my friend got his car down to 100 pounds lol it was super fast lol :p

01-01-2004, 05:37 PM
Diablo 2 lord of destruction that thing is like coke once u have sum u want more i spent like a half a year of my life playin that i broke that disk and QUIT jesus that **** was addicting oh ya don forget the classic Tf (Team FOrtress)

01-01-2004, 06:00 PM

How do you change guys into archers in castle?

01-01-2004, 06:07 PM
nm, i got it :)

can you win with just archers? I'm going to try :)

01-01-2004, 07:16 PM
My goal is to set the castle up so I don't have to do anything. Zero clicking, except at the end of levels...

Right now I'm on level 21, with 115 mages, 140 archers, and 50 repair workers... My castle defends itself. I'm sure some new boss will come kick my *** though...


01-01-2004, 07:33 PM
Postal 2. jees it dosnt get any better than peeing on someone lol

01-02-2004, 11:18 AM
Man, I can't believe this: I'm a week from turning 20, and I'm addicted to a kid's game :D. I'm hooked on the pokemon gameboy games. I got hooked when they came out in America before the TV show (which SUCKS), and was hooked. I was first in line when Gold and Silver came out, but wasn't when the two new GBA Pokemon games came out. I finally gave into temptation after playing pokemon gold again on my GBA.

All I can say is that if you're afraid of getting addicted/readdicted to pokemon, do NOT get Pokemon Sapphire or Ruby versions. Why? B/c they're even MORE addicting, fun and deep than the previous versions. Plus, with them taking FULL advantage of the GBA's graphics capability, the battles are now even MORE entertaining and fun. It's new EVERYTHING, and it's totally involving. Sure, a little kid could stumble his way through this, but this game has enough depth for a stategy-minded adult to become absorbed with. I'm hooked, VERY hooked. This game is, dare I say it, a real challenge.

Don't get the games if you don't want to become hooked ;). That's all I can say ;).