View Full Version : Whose quote is this? from pbn or AO?

12-28-2003, 09:55 PM
I played today, and field was amok with post Xmas noobs, not a bad thing at all.

Anyhow a young fella, couldnt get his new Dragun TES to work. It was an Xmas gift from dad that included a nitro tank ect ect. well worth over $500. So the kid was bummed and he had to rent. About mid way through the day his dad and I got to chattin' about this and that and the whole bum gun deal. Dad wanted to know what constitued decent beginner gun, and i pitched the m98 as i always do. so on and so on....

Apparently, it was the kid's 2nd or 3rd time playing and his dad kinda asked me to kinda "crew up" and help im out a little, being the pball embassador Iam:D I obliged. So we get through a couple of games, showed him how to snap-shoot, call out opposing players ect. He was pretty receptive i dont remember if he scored any a elims, but he did look like he had a barrel of fun.

At the end of the day, his dad
was gracious as to offer me $20 for helpin him out. I insisted and decline the money and said,

"Paintball is a good sport, there are alot of good people in it, i just wanna see it grow."

Anyway, this phrase came outta my mouth pretty much autonomously. And for that, i would like to give mad, crazy props to whomever said it first. I dont rember if it was from of AO or PBN though.

Anyhow, thats my post Xmas pball day. Comments and thoughts? Word.

12-28-2003, 10:00 PM

12-28-2003, 10:07 PM
I wouldn't worry too much who to attribute it to, just keep spreading the word and doing what your doing.

12-29-2003, 05:20 AM
nice job dude. I wish somebody had helped me out like that when i was first startin out.

12-29-2003, 07:48 AM
It wasn't me, but I share the sentiment.

My theory is "pay it forward". My 'fee' for helping somone is "Down the road, you'll be in my spot, and someone will need your help. Help them, and tell them to pay it forward too." I like to think that someone, somwhere, is. And that post up there is proof. :)

-Tyger (Ok, I'm going to bed now... I mean it...)

12-29-2003, 09:22 AM
i think that most AOers enjoy helping people with their guns..especially if there are mags....my favorite situation happened about a month ago the last time i was playing..this guy was at the field with one of those scenario guns that looks like a real gun but when u take it apart is really a spyder....so, he got a ball jammed under the bolt which made the gun stop recocking...he had no idea how to fix it so I took him up to the proshop and we took his gun apart as i explained what each piece did and where it went and why....he offered me cash but i just said, learn about ur gun and others...and when u see someone who needs help, give it to them.

12-29-2003, 09:38 AM
yea, that's great, i don't think the guy would care if you quoted him if your using to help like that.

I help alot of newbs that come to my field me and my friends built. One of my friends' cousins is like 11 and he brigns all his friends, i try and help them out, liek showing them were to go and crap, fixing their guns, etc., etc.