View Full Version : HELP, The spellchecker is gone.

09-06-2001, 08:25 PM
Please, if there is any way to get the spellcheck back with the new software, do so. Some of us are quite helpless without it. (its also one of the best spellcheckers I've seen in a while)

BTW feel free to move this to friendly corner if that's where it belongs.

09-07-2001, 08:15 AM
Ill look into it - thats kinda low on my list right now - if you type alot - use word - do a spell check - and cut/paste it into the reply box...

09-07-2001, 10:30 AM
The vbulletin team removed the spellchecker in the latest few releases. I can research to see whether it can be implimented back in. No promises though ;)

10-24-2001, 08:52 AM
Spellcheck to your hearts content :)

10-24-2001, 09:59 AM
Instead of clicking "Submit Reply" after typing a post, you click on the button for "Spell Check"

10-24-2001, 02:42 PM
tessting wone too .... :)- with out spell checker

testing one two .... :) - with