View Full Version : Best way to REALLY clean a Retro Valve??

Agent SE
09-06-2001, 08:56 PM
what up,

I am interested in giving my RT valve a major overhaul. Not just merely replaing o-rings and wiping it down. I want to take all the internals out and clean out all the crap that might be inside. Someone suggested removing all internals and soaking the valve body in rubbing alcohol and then letting it dry. I'm not sure if this is a good way so I need opinions. Reason being is that I bought the RT used and from the looks of the old o-rings in there, the valve was not maintained properly so I would like to really clean it good before I use the rebuild kit. Any suggestions?


09-06-2001, 09:42 PM
i think that if you want the best cleaing you can giv eit, send it in to AGD. pay the money and have them go through it. well, if your lazy, i guess its a good idea....

09-06-2001, 11:43 PM
To really clean your valve, take ALL the o-rings out of the valve. Since you're using a rebuild kit, just pull all the o-rings off and pitch them in the garbage. Next, mix a bit of rubbing alcohol in with some water in a small bucket and put in the parts of your valve that you want to clean. Let them soak for a few hours and take them out. You can either blow them off with compressed air and then let them air dry, or wipe them off with a rag and then let them sit to air dry. Use some Q-tips to clean out areas like inside the on/off hole, inside of the Reg. body, etc. Then, put all your new o-rings in their respective places and put a bit of oil on them. Oil the body of the piston and on/off pin. Put the valve back together and gas it up. If you have a leak, use the normal Automags debug procedure to figure out what's leaking. You might need to fire it a few times to set everything in and get a leak to stop. I prefer to use only one oil on my guns and that's KC Trouble Free. Since you're fully cleaning the valve and putting in new o-rings you might want to find the one oil that you can get and want to use and use that the first time and from then on.

09-09-2001, 08:37 PM
why bother??? just get a new one and give that away...