View Full Version : E-Mag No Turbo

09-06-2001, 09:26 PM
Why doesn't the emag have turbo mode anymore? My friend just bought one and we were disapointed because there was only burst semi and manual.

09-06-2001, 09:49 PM
The Emag only has 1, 3, and 6 round burst, electronic and manual...for tournaments you MUST remove the jumper from the grip to disable burst. I never heard of the Emag going TURBO.

09-20-2001, 03:10 PM
Yes they exist. In fact it's the version 1.1 of the software. You can choose the turbo mode up to 20 shots per seconds. I played with one a little. The speed is incredible, but you won't make friends on a field with this kind of firepower.

"Sorry guy, I didn't intend to put 7 paintballs on your head during the bunkering..." well you get the idea :)


09-20-2001, 04:11 PM
i don't think there ever was a Turbo mode... Maybe your thinking of Hybrid? Hybrid still exists and it's a combinatoin of machanical and electro trigger. It has the pull of an E-Mag and the push back of the RT which results in mad bouncing and awsome ROF.

09-20-2001, 04:36 PM
Nop real plain turbo mode. It wasn't the hybrid mode, I was in electro mode. Btw I'm not talking about something I don't know: I own an Emag :)


09-20-2001, 09:29 PM
Pand0ra...could it be a European version on the software?

09-22-2001, 09:50 AM
How can I get hold of this software? Are there any instructions on how to interface a computer with the E-Mag via RS-232 or something?


09-22-2001, 10:09 AM
Well - I cant confirm this - but I do know that the 1.1 version of the software was kinda funky. Rob can confirm this more than I can.

I can tell you why its not on there though.

Just like the reason there is no full auto - AGD realizes that these modes arent tournament legal and they realize that insurance companies dont like them. So they are stepping up and not putting the modes in there - as there ARE safety concerns.

Besides - turbo mode is for that fat kid in the back with the shocker...

And really, you can rip an emag so fast you dont NEED turbo mode..

I bet in the future there will be aftermarket boards though for stuff like turbo etc...

09-22-2001, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by Webmaster

Besides - turbo mode is for that fat kid in the back with the shocker...


09-23-2001, 12:13 PM
About the RS232 I'm almost sure a software doesn't exist.
If you have the time and the knowledge, you can always create a new software :) Would be funny to display the pressure inside the tank, or had multiple alarms.

I agree with the webmaster at 150%. Even without turbo you can shoot an Emag at 16 shots/s. And to play with a turbo, at least for me, is really really really boring.


10-01-2001, 11:47 PM
I Agree with the webmaster. Fat kids like turbo modes. Slow fat guys like burst mode. And old dudes with masculinity issues (You know the type, balding, viagra eating, sports car driving..) like full auto. Wanna have a nice Rate of Fire? First of all, the trigger isn't your <explative deleted>, so don't pull it. Get a metronome, you know that funny looking thing most pianists use to keep a steady rhythm, and set it to about 240 beats a minute, that's 4 shots a second. Become consistant with that speed,
Bump it up a few notches. Keep practicing. Keep in mind your gun isn't a <explative deleted> extension of your body.
It's a machine. It likes consistancy. If your hand and fingers get tired trying to sustain a decent string of shots go to a guitar shop and ask for a grip excerciser, it'll be plastic and come in 3 to 4 different strengths, you want 10lbs. work your index and middle fingers out for about 10 minutes a day for about a week or two. You'll be surprised how much this helps. Also, use your middle finger to fire the gun, there are 3 tendons that actuate your middle finger, there are 2 that actuate the index, one of which is shared by the middle finger. The middle finger is medically proven to be faster in actuation, unless you have nerve damage, tendonitis or carpal tunnel syndrome. If you're not ripping off 9-12 shots a second after all this maybe you do need a turbo mode and jenny craig to not be the fat guy in the back :)

Seriously, use your middle finger and work out your hands and work on rhythm. You don't need any fancy modes to run a stitch into your opposition.

Temo Vryce
10-02-2001, 01:47 PM
I don't know if this is a go or not so don't quote me on this, but I can Remeber reading on Warpig that the NPPL Rules Board was going to ban any and all Markers that had to ability to fire in any other mode than semi or pump. Which means that all the Electrics on the market right now are going to be illegal in the NPPL if they do this. Like I said I can't verify that this is going to happen for sure but personally I would like to see it happen, I think that it would help to bring back some of the pruity to the sport.

AGD would it be possible to get an E-mag that had been programed strictly for Semi mode only, no Burst, turbo or F/A modes? I feel that the use of the other modes are a weakness are only good for show the marker off.

10-02-2001, 06:33 PM
Temo Vryce,

The EMag has a jumper on the grip that once removed it makes it only semi-automatic (which is required for tournaments). With the jumper on you can only do three and five-round burst.

10-02-2001, 08:55 PM
There are actually three modes in electro, 1 shot (semi-auto) , burst of 3 and burst of 6 (not 5). :)

10-02-2001, 09:06 PM