View Full Version : Poll - why did you get a Mag?

09-06-2001, 09:58 PM
Please post the PRIMARY reason you got your Mag. Yes, you only get to pick ONE reason - the one that had the largest influence in you getting your Mag.

09-06-2001, 10:43 PM
I put Performance, but it was more Price/Performance ratio.... (Mag's reign supreme in that category). Plus I got AGD's quality and customer support to boot!

My trigger finger didn't think $800 in a paintball gun was enough, so I had to buy a more expensive one. Now I miss my mag :rolleyes: *sigh*

09-07-2001, 02:50 AM
I got a classic because the package was a steal on ebay. I'm selling it tho, I would have to put too much money into it to get it how I like it.

09-07-2001, 03:47 AM
Actually I got mine because of looks. I was one of the last pump holdouts in my group and was still playing with an sl68. One day I went into the local shop and there on the wall, dwarfed by a bulky tippman and an auto cocker was my Minimag. I fell in love right away and came back later that week with $565 in hand and went home with it. I knew that automags were good guns, but had no idea how nice until I got it home. Years later, it still performs as well as it did that day when I took it out of the box.

09-07-2001, 06:01 AM
I had known about how well mags performed for a long time because a lot of my friends and even my brother had one....then one day, I saw an RT on the wall at the local PB shop.... The owner let me shoot it.... I fell in love....I decided right there that I was going to get an RT. I went home and found a micromag RT on ebay that was at a great price.... I jumped on it. And now I am proud to say that I have WAY too much money into it.... :)

09-07-2001, 01:29 PM
It really a combination of all those things, but i could only pick one...

09-07-2001, 03:08 PM
I cast my vote in the performance catagory but I truly feel that it does not fully explain why I got a Mag. Below list the major reasons wy I got the Emag.

- The Maxim Article. I know and have played [paintball!]with the guy who wrote the article and respect his opinion. The fat that he gave it top honors spoke volumes to me.
- The ability to still use it even if the battery dies.
- The legendary customer service. (Thanks Marsha!)
- It looked so kewl with the Warp dude!
- The fact that the Warp helped lower my profile.

09-07-2001, 06:26 PM
One day before going to work I stopped at the paintball shop looking for a spyder, which they didn't have in stock, so the owner gave me a copy of Paintball 2 Xtremes. While I was reading it on my break, somebody says,"Hey, you should talk to DK, the cook, he plays paintball a lot." I go talk to him, and he says he's selling a micromag for 425. I turned that offer down, I'm only a rec player. Then he says, my friend is selling a Automag for 300. At first I said no, but when he told me what it came with, I said yes. After about a week an not seeing any gun, he says he wants to sell me a different body on it which was being polished at the time. 2 more weeks, still no gun, but he claims he will sell me the other gray body for 300. 3 days wait and I have a gun. It was well worth it, but had I not been offered, I probably wouldn't have troubled to look for an Automag.

Major Ho
09-07-2001, 07:37 PM
None of the above. Size and to end the whole Mag/Cocker Debate personally. Then I found out other kool things like CS and ROF and the warp!

09-07-2001, 09:38 PM
um.... cause they rock :D