View Full Version : BM2K? need info

12-30-2003, 02:36 AM
A few questions about the B2k.
I'm about to get a good b2k deal for 300 shipped.

I'm wondering first off when the b2k's were released.
Did they have the b2k's from 2000-2001. and then the b2k2's, 2k3's.

Also, most importantly if the b2k's can get a few changes/upgrades to be just like a b2k3?

The package i'm about to get is a b2k, palmer stabilizer, drop with on/off, 14 in. boomy, new dye stickies, new ball detents, couple other little things.
Its gunna cost me 300 shipped. pretty good deal, or no?

I just don't want a gun thats really old. he said he had it for about 2 years, which isn't bad.

I know that the LCD screen from 2k's to 2k2 is different.
but are there any really important changes from b2ks to 2k2's to 2k3's.

12-30-2003, 03:48 AM
Answers to this and many other questions can be found at www.icd-owners.com

we're friendly and very informative.

12-30-2003, 10:39 AM
does the b2k you are getting have PDS?