View Full Version : warp ule and warp or intelliframe

12-30-2003, 10:47 AM
Should i get a vertical feed ule body and an intelliframe or a warp ule and a warp feed

12-30-2003, 11:04 AM
Well it all depends on what you like. I like the intelliframe but if I where you i would save up some more and get the warp ule ,warp feed and the intelliframe.

12-30-2003, 11:38 AM
vert warp and intelliframe for sure.

12-30-2003, 01:08 PM
Shoot bot and buy what feels best to you.

12-30-2003, 03:03 PM
Go vert and intelli. The intellifram is more important then the warp. Save up and edd the warp later. Plus does't the warp ULE require a new rail or a mod to it?

12-30-2003, 03:23 PM
I recommend the warp because of my personal experiences, plus: any frame can become an intelliframe with $5 in radioshack parts...
But that's just my opinion - check them both out!

12-30-2003, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by tyrion2323
I recommend the warp because of my personal experiences, plus: any frame can become an intelliframe with $5 in radioshack parts...
But that's just my opinion - check them both out!

Have you ever tried an intelliframe? The intelli feature is nice, but the pull on them is what makes them awesome.

12-30-2003, 03:57 PM
i had a warp, and i'm kinda glad i got rid of it. it was a pretty big hassle sometimes. tryin to get paint out with out losing it all over the ground was kinda diffucult sometimes. then i went vert with my mag, and i love it. so much easier to handle and clean. so I would go with vert and intelli, but you may wanna try both of 'em out first