View Full Version : please help! lvl 10 will not work

12-30-2003, 01:19 PM
I just got my lvl 10 and i cant get it to work. The quick directions says to put in a carrier w/ 2 grooves. Mine leaks w/ that carrier. It says keep pulling the trigger and turning up the velocity until it startes to fire. Mine wont fire though. I've turned the velocity all the way up and it still wont shoot. I've gone carriers down, but it will never shoot. What should I do?

12-30-2003, 01:54 PM
first, make sure you have lots of air in ur tank.

then, try a smaller spring.

12-31-2003, 03:01 AM
And a little oil in the gun wouldn't hurt either.

12-31-2003, 12:36 PM
Not trying to make you sound incompetent, but try to follow the long directions. If you have any shims in, take them out. (The removal of the shims is to see if you have a shim leak) Then if it is still leaking really bad down the barrel move down to the 1 groove and one dot carrier. But if it's only slightly leaking try firing alot. (You may have to CRANK your velocity WAY up to get it to work, I had to) At this point if its not leaking and only chuffs, then go to a smaller spring. But If its no leaking and still won't fire or anything, move to the 2 groove and 1 dot carrier. At this point it may fire or chuff. If it just chuff chuffs then try a smaller spring, but if it doesn't fire or chuff move up to the next size carrier (3 grooves) with the same spring you started with and repeat this till you get some kind of action out of the bolt. Once you get the gun firing then start putting the shims in to fine tune the anti-chop capabilities. This is what I did to mine last night and got it working. AN important thing to remember is that you are going to have to turn your velocity up. I'm by no means an AGD tech but this is the process I went by to get mine working. GOOD LUCK!!!!

12-31-2003, 06:17 PM
thanks lbonettosd. your the first person who actually gave me real instructions. right now im having problems w/ my tank but after thats worked out im gonna try your method.

01-01-2004, 02:24 PM
Something else to keep in mind when changing carriers. The white orings that go inside the carriers are not quite the same size. Thats why you get three. I had to test all three of mine with each carrier till I found the one that fit and worked best.
Another thing to think about. My mag body had to be worked on by AGD because it was a bit old and needed to have the inside shaved down where the bolt hits the inside ring. Apperently that ring can form a ridge from the pressure of the spring and bolt. AGD fixed that to solve my last issue.
Good luck.

01-01-2004, 09:37 PM

01-01-2004, 10:39 PM
Have you tried a smaller carrier yet?