View Full Version : Ballin it up with Ollie Lang at CCP (kinda long)

12-31-2003, 02:20 AM
Im gonna apologize in advance cuz this is long and since Im really tired from work, written as I think of stuff (ie its pretty randomly set up topically)

One of my Local indoor fields (country club paintball) had a guest showing of Ollie Lang for some recball action and I decided to check things out. So heres some random observations I made during the day.

-First CCP finally got airball good for them, but their flooring still sucks more than a vaccuum

-The Dynasty paint Ollie was shooting WAS INSANELY BRITTLE (like I underhand tossed some at the wall 10 ft away and it broke!!!) and a PITA to wipe off after a game (tho the banana scent was pretty cool)

-I didnt get to see him much while I was on the field due to the fact he plays PRIMARILY right tape and I played left tape or center (since the other side was shooting for Lang off the break, and about 10 little kids would follow him wherever he went)during the two game where he WASNT on my team I still never really got to see him cuz one or both of us got out early on.

-He plays ENOURMOUSLY aggressively (was probably just messing around being recball and all) and would get out early on due to pushing the field too hard too early (it WAS like 25 players a team, and many people WERE gunning for him) I think the fact that he was using tinted lenses didnt really help either. (and he showed his love for the game *or maybe his own gear* when he refused to go back to the staging area to borrow a pair of the fields goggles because it would hold up his first game)

-He played a few 1on1s at the end with some of the guys.. Watching him bunker the one guy from the break was definatly one of the highlights... hes freaking fast!!!!

-As far as gear, he was rocking a blue 2k3 vision shocker with a revvie on top. (I wish Id asked why he doesnt use an egg) He had the stock board in it and was constantly forgetting to turn his eye on (it doesnt default on when you power up the gun)and as such was chopping alot for whatever games he wasnt using the eye.

-He said that dynasty didnt use WAS boards in their Angel *wink wink* and that they werent gonna end up putting WAS boards in their shockers *wink wink*

-Hes also a REALLY cool guy to talk to. Ive met some downright *butts* that think theyre so cool cuz they play pro paintball *cough Lasoya *cough but Ollie was really nice about all the people bugging him, and asking him to sign stuff, and following him on the field.

-When he played with the novice group (he was playing with BOTH the novice and the advanced groups in back to back games) I got a good chance to watch him play from the sidelines... HES VERY MOBILE on the field, VERY FAST AT snapshooting, and doesnt EVER seem to post up on anything. In the novice game I saw he basically took the right 50 off the break, snapshot about 6 of the novice kids then sat down and let his team actually do something productive. Hes also (not suprisingly) VERY good at reading where people are on the field.

-According to Mr Lang the Dynasty ed. shocker will basically only be a stock shocker with new milling
:( I not so subtely suggested that they make a spaceframe for it so that its different from all the other "custom" shockers coming out.

-I didnt get to shoot him, but was actually about to bunker him/do a runthru on his team when lo and behold someone actually made a good use of the doghouse thing on my oponents side and lit me the heck up! (for those that have never played at CCP, they basically have 4 little shack building things along the walls at about the 20 yard line of each side. They are easily the most hideously worthless bunkers in existance and finding your way into one is basically sending yourself to the deadbox.)
With that in mind, I started my runthru with about 5 of them left and the bunker lang was in was my main bunking objective. I figured no one in the advanced game is dumb enough to be in the doghouse (especially since there was noone shooting at it) so I didnt bother checking :( i got lit up about 3 feet away from bunkering him (soo close yet SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO far away)

- On the bright side of things I was playing pretty well considering this was my first time on the field after a 6 month finacially induced hiatus, I managed to shoot out 6 people in one game, then continue on to win a two on one by bunkering the first guy (with only one hand, and in front of Lang who was watching from the sidelines) **<---triple word score for the stylish bunker*** then proceded to sideshoot the last guy in the dome..
Making moves like that make me remember why I love this sport! :cool:

-My other memorable highlight was when I thought the guy in front of me had gotten out, so I got up and ran down the entire tape and bunkered the guy in the back corner bunker, only to realize that it was my origional teamate who had run the tape only seconds before!!!! hehe woops!

-Last random thought... If I didnt know better Id SWEAR that AGD owned half of CCP... There was like 30 AGD posters there and AGD products had more than their fair share of proshop space

For those that were there and havent figured it out yet I was the one in the ISU jersey and I was there on monday (Ollie was there both monday AND tues)

Feel free to share your stories/opinions and whatnot (im sure SOME of the guys there had to be from AO, I saw a TON of mags there and a few warps)

12-31-2003, 06:59 AM
wow that's pretty cool, i wish i'd gotten the chance to play with him. How come he wasn't there with any of his team mates or friends?

12-31-2003, 08:40 AM
he's supposed to hit one of our local indoors comming up soon too. is he on some permotional tour or something?

12-31-2003, 12:58 PM
I was there Monday night too. Ollie was cool taking time to speak to everyone in his path. He did play very aggressive on the tape. He has snap shooting down to a 1 ball science. He was the only one shooting pink filled/bananna scented paint....after a few games the place smelled just like banannas. Poor refs have to clean all that pink paint up from the walls and bunkers. Sucks to be them.

LOL, it does seem that AGD owns half of CCP but not true. Keith at CCP is a great guy and a A+ mag tech basically he hangs all the posters in there.

If u have a mag see Keith and he will hook u up. CCP also has lots of mag upgrades in stock.

Hey TK what about an AO day at CCP?

12-31-2003, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by jayloo
He was the only one shooting pink filled/bananna scented paint....after a few games the place smelled just like banannas.

that would be great american bananaball.

12-31-2003, 11:07 PM
But I can tell you from experience, they don't taste like banannas.

01-01-2004, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by WARPED1
But I can tell you from experience, they don't taste like banannas.

At least banannas don't taste like paintballs!

01-01-2004, 05:00 PM
Tom does most of his field testing at CCP, and has been for a long time. Most of the agd guys play around there. I know when i visited chicago, i went for a game with JJ, Jon, and Roman along with perfect tommy from ao... it was so much fun

01-01-2004, 09:14 PM
Damn if i knew ollie was playing at CCP then i would have gone. But i wasnt totally out of luck. I drove over to Warped Sportz to get a fill wednesday and guess who was there? Ollie Lang. He was very cool and he signed my tank cover and a poster. I was about the only person in there besides the workers so it was cool to talk to him in person without people everywhere trying to see him.

01-02-2004, 09:46 AM
Hey, we don't have an exact date yet, but sometime in March or maybe even april Dynasty is going to be holding a Tournament paintball clinic at Country Club. Each days entry fee will be $25 and Ollie will be there for sure as well as at least three other Dynasty players. I will post a thread as soon as we have all the information set.