View Full Version : Being Captain sucks, any advice on cutting teammates?

12-31-2003, 09:56 AM
Just like it says. I was told being Captain of a real team would suck, and let me tell you it does. If we didn't have a sponsorship I wouldn't care so much. So here is my problem how do I cut people but these people are my friends. I mean they can play but just not good enough for us to win. Its been but to me I can either win or I can be nice. I want to win but I usually always nice. Any help?

12-31-2003, 09:59 AM
Well, tell them the truth. Tell them how you feel about them as people, but how you need to act as Captain. Make sure they understand that you as captain and you as friend are two seperate roles. You're still a friend, but as a captain, you have to let them go.

Basically tell it to them like it is. If they're true friends, then they'll understand, and though they may take it hard, there shouldn't be any hard feelings in the long run.

12-31-2003, 10:16 AM
No amount of practice or leadership will help them get better? How did you get the sponsorship with them if you aren't winning?:confused:


12-31-2003, 10:28 AM
yea you should just start practicing more often. show and tell him what hes doing wrong. tell him what he can do to get better. maybe let him switch positions and see if he is better there.

but if he cant get any better then he already is, just say whatever comes outa your mouth

12-31-2003, 10:29 AM
Well a question i've found myself asking lately (as a captain) is am i out to have a good time and do well, or am i out to flat out win? Honestly, i've put guys on my team who are better than the previous ones, but had a hard time balancing the roster (a new person every couple of tournaments with a core of 4 players for a 5 man team). I'm now at the point where i'm trying to decide where i want to go with things. I'm having a lot less fun playing with this team than i did playing with my friends. These guys have all become my friends, but a number of them are older, and dont share the same views as myself and one of hte original members on the team, making it a lil difficult to get certain points across. But all in all, you're right, captain sucks. I was in your exact situation 6 months ago, but the kid kinda screwed himself out of the position, and i just had to let him go. He knew it was time and just stopped showing up, which made it much easier for me:) Good luck.

12-31-2003, 10:55 AM
the best way to cut team mates is with a knife :D

being captian means you going to make a decision thats not going to please everyone. you just have to suck it up and make the decision. Im sure the people that you are going to cut know that they arnt making the grade.
your only hope is they are mature enough to realize there holding your team back.

chances are they will be mad but it will probably blow over.

another thing you could try is to tell them they are not performing well enough and have X amount of time to get a lot better. I have seen this totally change a player.

good luck

12-31-2003, 11:48 AM
There is something to be said about having a team that gets along, has integrity, plays fair and has fun. That's the team I would want to sponsor or watch play. You might regret cutting players who you get along with for jerks who play better.
On a side note you could start a farm team and put less able players there.

12-31-2003, 12:15 PM
Man, I know how you feel, Im in your same position right now. We've basically got 3 people already, but Ive still got a friend who likes to play. The thing is, he isn't as able to play as often as we need, Im trying to pick up 2 more people so we can have 2 squads. But it's true, once things get serious, captain'ing becomes less fun.

12-31-2003, 01:17 PM
Someone mentioned how did they get on the team in the first place? Well this is a rookie team that is going to be a sister team to a novice team. They had tryouts and we all made it. I got the short end of the stick when I got voted captain. I don't mind it, I just have alot of work to do and can't please everyone and don't like to have it taken out on me. There were orginially 10 people on the team (5 man) CFOA rules only allow 8 to a roster. I have already cut 3 people, which honestly were making the grade. Thats puts me with 7 players, but the thing is no fronts. Well 3 fronts but they lack balls. I don't mean paintball either. I'm wanted to add two people. I have already got a majority vote from my 2 co-captians and they said let them on because it should put some fire back into the team. That leaves me with 9 players. All of which I am good friends with. I swear I will never do this agian.

12-31-2003, 01:33 PM
Start another team and put them on it. As they play more they mite get better

12-31-2003, 02:05 PM
do a voting, say someone annonomausly (sp...) proposed that the following people should get cut, and the voting will commence! and than you give the bad news ;)

Temo Vryce
12-31-2003, 02:12 PM
The question that you really have to ask yourself is which is more important to you?

Having fun with your friends, or Winning?

I like the idea that RPM07 suggested. Start up a sister B team. You can move players over to that team without actually cutting them.

I have spent a lot of years playing for a time that cares more about having fun than winning. I have also subed in for other teams that have won tournaments, and you know what I have realised. I had more fun with my team. I don't care if I get some shiney medal or a goofy trophy. I would rather have a good time and place last than be anger and get first. I don't think that this will help your situation very much but it's something to think about.

12-31-2003, 02:14 PM
bring alternate players onto the team, then after practice befor your next tourney, everyone votes on who should play

12-31-2003, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by 68magOwner
bring alternate players onto the team, then after practice befor your next tourney, everyone votes on who should play o man, that makes so much more sense than anything else i heard... i cant believe no one thought of that

than... you phase out unwanted players, like stop inviting them to practices, and tournyes :p

12-31-2003, 02:32 PM
im captian of my team too, thats what i do, seems to work well, just make shure you dont exclude one person in EVERY tourney and it should work well

12-31-2003, 03:09 PM
Yep it does suck, but as captain you have to lok out for the best interest of the team, not the individuals!! You have to consider the future of the team!!

It is tough, I am captain of my team, and I had to cut my brother and best friend in one month, but the team is better for it!

I have a saying, "Captains don't get to have friends, it complicates the business of the team!"

Now don't get me wrong, all my teammates are my friends, and vise versa, but when it comes down to the team as a whole, it comes first!!


12-31-2003, 03:25 PM
Always remember this saying, b/c it's a fact of all true leaders:

"It's lonely at the top."

12-31-2003, 04:19 PM
Contact Riotz. He is the master at it. :D :D ;) :p

adam shannon
12-31-2003, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by rpm07
Start another team and put them on it. As they play more they mite get better

or along the same lines...expand your roster bringing in more talent, keep the other guys and run an expanded roster. practice together and only start the guys that are playing up to par for each event. you dont have to cut your buddies...but they will get the hint when they are relegated to being practice scrubs for your A team. and they will either rise to the challenge or realize on their own its time to move on and part ways. its not really underhanded to do it that way, sisnce they still have the chance to shine...and your not a rat, their level of play set the tone.

12-31-2003, 06:18 PM
hell if your teammates are on AO they probably already know now :p