View Full Version : Dumb LX Questions

12-31-2003, 11:06 AM
Last night I installed a LX into a classic mag. At first I couldn't get it to fire at all when I followed the quick start directions. When I turned the velocity WAY up it fired 1 time, then nothing. I moved up to the 2 line & 1 dot (2.5 ??) carrier and it started to just chuff chuff. So I figured there was to much resistance against the bolt so I needed to move to the smallest spring, and when I did low and behold it was alive!!! Now when I went to do the squeegee test for "fine tuning" it would hit it, and stop. But then if I did it too many times,or held it open for too long, it would go back to chuffing until I let it sit for a couple of minutes. Then after it sat for a bit it would work fine. Is this behavoir normal if you are running Co2 and hold the trigger in too long? I also ran into another issue that if I kept rocking the trigger for a while, I'd get some serious Co2 shootdown to the point it wouldn't have enough velocity to fire, it would just chuff the bolt (it was like 50* outside when i did this). I just want to make sure that these things a normal if your running Co2. And is it a good idea for me to replace my Reg piston and Spring Pack if the velocity adjustment is screwed almost all the way in.

BTW - My Mag setup: Bottom Line w/ Benchmark X-chamber (Bob Long style), Stock 1 star Reg, LX 2.5 Carrier w/ 2 shims. I will be switching to HPA in about 2 weeks, but until then I'm stuck with freezer burn.

12-31-2003, 02:19 PM
First off you should be using the biggest carrier that doesn't leak. So try a #3 (A Line on a carrier is a 1, dots are .5), if it leaks, go back to the #2.5; if the #3 doesnt leak try a #3.5 and so on and so on.
When u do the squeegee test the bolt hits the squeegee and does not reset, correct?? If that is correct, add another shim.

I run CO2 on my mag alot, so I would have to say this is not normal for CO2. Get an angled bottomline ASA, if you don't already have one. Or the best way I have had a mag setup for CO2 is to screw the tank into the vertical adapter, it works great.

When you're testing it with the tank horizontal, attached to the bottomline, make sure you are not shooting at the ground, aim atleast parallel with the ground or higher, so you're not feeding liquid into the gun.