View Full Version : 3.2 shbf question

12-31-2003, 12:35 PM
since i have exactly zero experience with emags i put this question to those that know more than i. what is a good setting for the buffering? right now mine is set on 10. is that decent or should i change it? thanks.

12-31-2003, 12:39 PM
The lower the #, the less time the gun will wait to look for the next trigger pull.

The higher, the more time it'll wait.

I know I can run my gun in E on 4, but I don't dare switch to Hybrid on 4. It bounces like a MADMAN.

The settings will be different for every gun b/c of how everybody sets their triggers.

12-31-2003, 12:48 PM
ok, i will give it a try and see how that works out for me. i havent a clue how to adjust other aspects of the trigger so i figured i would go with the easiest and that was shbf first. thanks.

12-31-2003, 01:21 PM
Adjusting the trigger is easy.

Vary the # of magnets/spacers in the gripframe above the trigger magnet. (Trigger return & weight)

Play with the set-screw on the mode selector switch (inside the gripframe) to shorten the pull in E-mode. (Keep in mind, you still want a bit of backtravel after the gun fires.)

Play with the trigger magnet setscrew- this changes where in the stroke the gun will fire.

You have a trigger simulation mode on 3.2 (that's the trigger on/trigger off thing you see). This will help you tune the trigger w/o having it aired up.

02-24-2004, 12:21 PM
i know this is an old post.. but i am a bit confused on this topic still.

I have been shooting my emag for a few months now primarily in Emode with a nice short trigger pull and a properly adjusted activation point. My SHBF is @ 4.

This activation point will most likely not work in hybrid mode, correct? Or at least not work to the best of hybrid modes ability? Where do I want the activation point set in hybrid mode?

And yeah, I did search, but was confused :eek:


02-24-2004, 12:34 PM
The setup you have will work just fine in hybrid. There's no reason to change your setup if you want to run in hybrid mode.

You just don't want to run the hybrid mode with a SHBF of 4. The gun will do multiple shots & bounce like crazy.

02-24-2004, 12:37 PM
yep, i was getting crazy bounce. Isnt the point of the hybrid mode so that the trigger can be adjusted right before the RT kicks it back?

Maybe i am wrong, like I said, i havent really used hybrid much, but I know alot of people like it, just wondering what the fuss is about :]
