View Full Version : My Experience with SJB Paintball, and more speed news. Manike you will like this...

12-31-2003, 04:09 PM
Well, today i went down to SJB Paintball in Pottstown PA. To my amazement, the proprieter Paul was actually there. Now, Paul doesnt know my by name, or even by sight, but ive interacted with him enough, to be proud of that fact.

Local guys, you know paul, he used to ref at poco loco, and work at French Creak Outfitters. Any ways.. Paul is a lier, or atleast he doesnt have any of his facts straight.

I started of asking him for a tank fill, and he is like ok. so he goes to fill the tank, and is like, what gun are you using this tank on? im like, an angel speed. So he replies, well this is the wrong tank for that gun, and im like no... it works perfectly actually (flatline 4.5) and he is like, oh is that so? and im like yes.

he then tells me he just sold his speed and shoots an intimidator. now, 2 months ago, he told me he just sold his trix, and he shoots an intimidator..... sigh.

So i procede to talk about timmies and i mention the empire, and how i sorta know simon through AO. Well, he is like Yea, i know the guy who did the cad work, Little John from bobs team. Then he goes to tell me that bob him self makes the timmies for his own team.I roleld my eyes.

Its at this point, that he drops my tank after puling it off the fil station. no damage luckilly, but it bothered me...

I just really liked the fact that he attributed the empire timmy to little john, and not manike, whom we know designed it. oh well. if any of you have had run ins with paul, put em here

So i get home, hook the speed up and decide to run some paint left over from shatnerball through it. one bounce severe, and it was chilly out. The baby ran beautiful. a few chops, but i attribute these to my eggy being a POS, not having a working sensi, and not having the a4 soft touch bolt. I dont hold the gun responsible one bit.

Its a canning machine :)

12-31-2003, 04:22 PM
You sure the chops weren't becuase of the tank? heheh;) ;) :rolleyes:

12-31-2003, 04:32 PM
the whole time i was reading that when ever u quoted him i got a hippy voice inside my head

12-31-2003, 04:51 PM
haha, its more of a arrogant nasal voice.. like im right, what ever i say is right, and no matter what you say, the next customer is gunna hear the same bs i told you even after you corrected me... thats the best way to put it lol :)

Rope a Dope
12-31-2003, 04:56 PM
Yeah you CAN'T use a Flatline on an Angel Speed!!! It won't work!!!


:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

BTW I put the classic spring pack in mine so it runs better at 450psi, when I switch it to my E-Mag I switch spring packs.

12-31-2003, 04:58 PM
hehehe nice bro! yea, ive got mine running at 500, and it seems to be working fine, im considering the springpack switch as well tho...

12-31-2003, 05:03 PM
He is right, it woun't work because the flippilator valve is off...... :rolleyes:


12-31-2003, 06:05 PM
Hahahahahaha Tom can always bring the level of levity up a notch!

Happy new year to you tom!

i still cant believe he dropped my tank tho.....

man, i regret not making it out to french creek outfitters today!

12-31-2003, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by magman007
So i get home, hook the speed up and decide to run some paint left over from shatnerball through it. one bounce severe, and it was chilly out. The baby ran beautiful. a few chops,

Maybe you should put a level X in it?;)

12-31-2003, 06:47 PM
As long as "I" know what I have done. :D

Little John is cool and does Hybrid. As far as I am ware the only thing LJ does for the Timmy is the regs. Bob does assemble the guns himself for his team, or one of his team guys does. Last time I was there they were excitedly building the new 2K4's, which had only just come in, for the team to use at World Cup.

12-31-2003, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by magman007
I started of asking him for a tank fill, and he is like ok. so he goes to fill the tank, and is like, what gun are you using this tank on? im like, an angel speed. So he replies, well this is the wrong tank for that gun, and im like no... it works perfectly actually (flatline 4.5) and he is like, oh is that so? and im like yes.

were you like in the movie "valley girl"?

12-31-2003, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by manike
As long as "I" know what I have done. :D

Little John is cool and does Hybrid. As far as I am ware the only thing LJ does for the Timmy is the regs. Bob does assemble the guns himself for his team, or one of his team guys does. Last time I was there they were excitedly building the new 2K4's, which had only just come in, for the team to use at World Cup.

sorry simon for not wording it correctly, but Paul had said that bob made the guns, for pauls team... this made me chuckle lightly :)

12-31-2003, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye

Maybe you should put a level X in it?;)

He doesn't need Level X he shoots an Angel Speed, and it is way better than an E-Mag. The gun is the best thing since sliced white bread. :rolleyes:

Let me try to thing the last time I chopped a ball in my X-Mag (just good ole LX, no "soft touch" bolt needed) or the last time my ACE didn't work. :)

Manike, I demand you send me that Emprie Timmy you let me shoot at AO SE 2. If you won't give it to me, I'll trade you a case of beer??? Just pm and I will send you my address. :D :cool:

12-31-2003, 08:18 PM
Originally posted by pito189

He doesn't need Level X he shoots an Angel Speed, and it is way better than an E-Mag. The gun is the best thing since sliced white bread. :rolleyes:

Let me try to thing the last time I chopped a ball in my X-Mag (just good ole LX, no "soft touch" bolt needed) or the last time my ACE didn't work. :)

Manike, I demand you send me that Emprie Timmy you let me shoot at AO SE 2. If you won't give it to me, I'll trade you a case of beer??? Just pm and I will send you my address. :D :cool:

well pito, i deffinitely sence your sarcasm :o but, really, the speed and i get along better,thats all. My sfl chopped, even with ace and an lx tuned and polished by Black VCG. I loved that gun, but i love my speed even more.

thats all man. my speed is much more efficient, and i love it. this paint was one bounce, it was cold, and i didnt have sensi working correctly, and my eggy needs a new batteryseparator, because the batteries keep slipping off the contacts, so i get chops from it not feedng fast enough.

12-31-2003, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by magman007

well pito, i deffinitely sence your sarcasm :o but, really, the speed and i get along better,thats all. My sfl chopped, even with ace and an lx tuned and polished by Black VCG. I loved that gun, but i love my speed even more.

thats all man. my speed is much more efficient, and i love it. this paint was one bounce, it was cold, and i didnt have sensi working correctly, and my eggy needs a new batteryseparator, because the batteries keep slipping off the contacts, so i get chops from it not feedng fast enough.


My X-Mag doesn't chop period!!! No matter what! Even when it has no detents in it!;)

01-01-2004, 03:30 AM
Originally posted by magman007

well pito, i deffinitely sence your sarcasm :o but, really, the speed and i get along better,thats all. My sfl chopped, even with ace and an lx tuned and polished by Black VCG. I loved that gun, but i love my speed even more.

thats all man. my speed is much more efficient, and i love it. this paint was one bounce, it was cold, and i didnt have sensi working correctly, and my eggy needs a new batteryseparator, because the batteries keep slipping off the contacts, so i get chops from it not feedng fast enough.

And what gun will you have in 3 months;)

Rope a Dope
01-01-2004, 04:39 AM
I don't think many people understand the difference between a CHOP and a BREAK....

I have both an Angel Speed and a ULE E-Mag, they are my children and I love them equaly.. :)

I had 3 cases of brittle Worr Paint and it's cold here in CA. Well in my Speed... every other round broke as soon as the blast of air hit it.. every game I squeegied and swabbed....

So same paint I went to my ULE E-Mag... same damn thing. All broke right at the face of the bolt.

Everyone... all day... "wow I can't believe you are chopin'!"... :rolleyes:

Anyways, I switched to Blaze, not one BREAK out of 4 cases, 2 through each gun. In the winder I have to spend a bit more on paint.. in the summer any crap works perfectly.

01-01-2004, 04:56 AM
Originally posted by Muzikman
And what gun will you have in 3 months;)

nice burn ;)

01-01-2004, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by magman007
well pito, i deffinitely sence your sarcasm :o

I would sure hope so, I was laying it on pretty thick.:rolleyes:

Rope a Dope I think you are right most people don't know the difference between chopping, breaking, or busting one in the barrel.

01-01-2004, 03:06 PM
muz, probabally this speed, a dm4, or another mag :)

and incase you dont all know, muz gets on my case about whoring guns, when i do it less then most of the people here :)

Pito, i cant tell, are you upset or something? the e-mag just isnt for me any more, as i said, i miss it, but the speed is great. Wdp takes the time to make an awesome product, that is high quality, and up to par

01-01-2004, 05:33 PM
im just the opposite from most people here, i have my tippy(first gun) for about 6-7years. then got my mag which i had for about 2-3. and i wont sell either one of em ever, not 1 problem with either

01-01-2004, 05:58 PM
hmmmm im not too far from pottstown, might have to take a day and go visit this character. Hey magman007, is the field any good?

01-02-2004, 07:19 PM
what field? Poco loco? Take the time to drive to Global, Cobra command, or del hobbies. Poco sucks.

Sjb is just a store, and is located next to the NORCO fire company, there where audio sensations is, right next to the tattoo parlor.

Have fun! its so much fun to laugh at the crap that comes outta his mouth

01-03-2004, 03:04 AM
ewwwwwwww you mean crap comes out of his mouth ewwwww!!!!:D

01-03-2004, 03:39 AM
hahahahahha, wow that just de-railed the topic of this thread.

Anyway, yeah, in the cold I tend to break paint alot more than usual now that i think about it. now i know its not all cause of my gun :p