View Full Version : Anyone interested in sponsoring a team in MN.?

12-31-2003, 04:12 PM
I am setting up a team in MN. I haven't even chosen a team name yet. We are looking for sponsors at the moment. Two of use used to play in the Polar Bear Circuit, and the others are new. We have 5 people, and we'll be playing in 3 and 5 man events. We run a decent team, and are looking for some monetary help. We are willing to help out whoever would be interested in sponsoring us anyway we can, and would be more than willing to let the sponsor influence our name, as well as sport their name on our jerseys.

The first even we will be playing in is the Sup Air Bowl IV. It's a 3 man tourney. We will also play in a 5 man tourney in February. If anyone is interested, feel free to PM or email me. [email protected]



12-31-2003, 04:17 PM
you have just been newbified.

you actually have to play and bee really pretty good to be sponsored my friend

12-31-2003, 04:22 PM
Thanks for the newbify.. lol :D

I have played and have been sponsored by smaller companies before. I was just wondering if anyone wanted to help get a team started. I realize there is not even a remote chance of getting a sponsorship like this, but I like to try all of my options, starting with the most impossible ones.

And no, you don't have to be REALLY PRETTY good to get a sponsor. Although, that will help the quality of the sponsorhip :)

Anyways, it is nothing more than a shot in the dark, thanks for the up.


12-31-2003, 04:22 PM
Not necessarily. Some local team that has no experience at all and barely plays seems to have acquired a sponsorship from a local restaurant. ;)

You can find a sponsor, but don't expect free gear or tourny fees until you prove how good you are and what you can do for the sponsor. :D

12-31-2003, 04:29 PM
Exactly. I was sponsored by Paintball pro (who helped with entry fees), raghead sports (that got us cheap jerseys), and one other small company that helped out. So I was just wondering if anyone was looking.


12-31-2003, 04:39 PM
Where in MN are you guys out of? Maybe our teams can practice together sometime.

12-31-2003, 04:40 PM
It's all about the help. I like to help people out and I wouldn't expect anything for the first tourney. I would be willing to show the sponsor what we can do for them, on and off the field, and then maybe work something into a second tourney, or even later.. Who knows?

Anyways, as a side note, if anyone wants to just pay our $250 entry fee, I will ship them an used autococker (not fully working, not sure what it needs), some freak parts, and some other gun parts as well.

Man, I've been around so long, I'm a newb again.


12-31-2003, 04:40 PM
man thats crap. we win like msts tourneys 2 of the dudes on my team won maddnes and we win a bunch of stuff. hell the lowest ive ever finished is 5th and we still cant get sponsored. granted i havent tried to hard but still

12-31-2003, 04:50 PM
Remember, I'm not talking sponsors like... Yeah, we'll give you 5 guns, 5 tanks and pay all of your entries and give you a van... Just like.. Sure, we'll buy one case of paint for you, if you help us out with a company event.

If you look, check your small businesses, I would easily bet that you could find a small scale sponsorship that might be able to help you out.

68mag: I'm from the cities. I go to school in Duluth. Some of us are from the northern metro (coon rapids, blaine area), and some are from shakopee.

I would love to practice sometime. I'm trying to set something up for the weekend of jan 10th. Just for a few hours, I don't know if you know of a place to play or not. I don't mind practicing outdoors if you have a field you prefer.

We could do 3 or 5 man practice, let me know via email if you are interested: [email protected]


12-31-2003, 08:35 PM
90% of new teams dont take off. I know from expierence.

12-31-2003, 08:38 PM
Wow, thanks. That really helps me out. I can't believe I didn't think of that...