View Full Version : Sponsorship

09-07-2001, 01:44 PM
I currently have a 5 man rookie team, although we are most likely slicing down to a 3 man team because it is much easier to keep organized and get things done. It's very hard to buy good equipment, buy paint, pay entrance fees, get nitro or c02 filled, etc. We would love to have a sponsor, but whenever we have emailed a company or filled out their sponsorship form, we never even get an email back. and we've applied to a ton of places. Then I look at other rookie team web pages and they have sponsors!(Teams that are obviously even less experianced then us, with names like "Team Ghetto Pimps" etc.). How do you get sponsorship in this world? :confused: Help us out, :)

09-07-2001, 03:08 PM
Well, I would like to start by saying the I have seen MANY teams “claim” sponsorship by Brand Name Manufacturers and even Fields and Shops, but were actually NOT sponsored. This is an attempt to LOOK bigger and better than they are… and it works. LOL But I think we will all agree that it is not a good thing to do.

Next I would like to point out that timing is VERY important. If you ask even a day too late, or even too early, you will NOT get sponsored. This happens in the business world all the time. Timing, timing, timing… and unfortunately for most things there is simply no way to tell when the right time IS.

Also, your ages, and how you approach the potential Sponsor matters greatly. Do you fit what THEY are looking for? Do you have the IMAGE they want? You would be surprised that some sponsors WANT a “Bad Boy” image for their teams.. while others don’t. Do your research on the particular sponsor you are interested in.

And don’t make it seem as if you are just asking ANYONE… Companies HATE that. They want to know that not only are they going to choose YOU, but YOU actually chose THEM. There has to be a FIT… what can they give YOU and in turn what can you give THEM? And trust me, just saying you are Sponsored by them and having their name on a jersey is often NOT enough. ;)

Now take the killer key….. If you look at a lot of these “sponsored” teams (the ones you seem to be worried about), you will more than likely see that it was who they knew, not how good they were, that provided the major sponsorship key. So don’t feel bad, chances are that was the only qualification they had. LOL

Okay…. Now if I was serious about gaining sponsorship, I would not simply fill out some form, or send an e-mail. I would take the time to take some photo’s of the team, both static and in action. Provide a brief Bio and Profile for each player, their position on the team, etc. Then list your strengths and weaknesses… and we ALL have weaknesses, so be honest about it. Tell them about your training routine, any and all tournaments you have been in and how you did (again be HONEST, it is too easy to verify this information). Also tell them why you think their sponsorship would be a good match for your team, and why you even approached them.

You also need to let them know what events you plan on attending and how you think you will stack up against the competition. AGAIN.. be HONEST! You don’t have to always WIN to get good sponsorships, you just have to do consistently well, and do so at the events that best assist your Sponsor(s). Remember, once you are Sponsored, it is not about YOU any more…. It is about THEM. :)

And do NOT send this information in an E-Mail… send it in a complete package via the REAL MAIL. You are in essence applying for a JOB, so go about it in the same manner.

You see, you have to SELL yourself to them. After all, you will be used to SELL their product, Store, Field, etc… if you can’t sell YOURSELF, how can you sell them? And why would they want to put forth any effort unless they know YOU are willing to go the extra mile for THEM? They don’t want people wanting “handouts”, they want people who will WORK for what they get.

I think that is the biggest problem with Sponsorship now days, too many people just looking at what THEY can get, not at what the Sponsor gets out of the deal. I am not saying you fit into this category (because I simply do not know), I am just trying to offer some advice that WILL help you gain your coveted and most needed Sponsorship.

I hope this helps you in some small way.

09-07-2001, 03:23 PM
like shartley said, you have to know what your looking for and what you can give the sponser in return.

i would make up a pamphlet(sp?) about your team. include what you have achieved, team statistics, and other things in those categories. you should get the sponsor name put on your gun or jersey.

09-07-2001, 03:46 PM
Depends on sponsorship.

Only professional teams (or very good Amature teams) actually get sponsored with free paint, entry, and fills at tournaments.

However, good rookie teams, and novice teams can get partial at-cost sponsorships from stores, and some are lucky enough to get at-company-cost deals.

My team has only got sponsors by knowing people that work there (we were sponsored by sportsalternative.com AKA Paintballgear.com because I worked for them). Now sponsored by Fury Paintball Supply because I run it =)

However, gladly accept any sponsorship, even if its 5% off, take advantage of it. A small sponsorship here, and taking care of it can lead to much bigger things..

Also, one VERY good way to get a sponsor is to create a video of your team playing/practicing......You wouldn't believe how well that works.

I got one of my team at www.stickballmovies.com/redreign.zip . See what you'd think, most companies that SEE you play will sponsor you more gladly than one that hasnt seen you play, even if you win tournaments.

09-07-2001, 04:33 PM
nice backround music for your movie Nitro :)

09-07-2001, 05:05 PM
Thanks so much for all the help guys! Especially that huuuuuge reply shartley. You can be sure that i'll be taking some photos and making a packet of team info this weekend! Thanks again!

09-07-2001, 05:09 PM
No problem... and good luck!

09-07-2001, 05:21 PM
sponsership isn't anything you can get. It's something that has to be earned. To earn it, you win or do good at tournamnets. I believe if you win or do good at local tournaments, Raven and KAPP will give you partial sponserships if you ask them. It's not a real sponsership because they really arn't paying for anything, they just give you discount prices on their products.

09-07-2001, 10:17 PM
Email me and I can give you the name and number and info on sponsorships from Wolf Hill Paintball and Paintballcyberstore.com