View Full Version : What next?

01-01-2004, 01:41 PM
Hey, sorry to start another thread like this but I cant decide what to do next to my mag. And its too cold to play so I'm dying to do something to it.

LVL 10 is on its way. I don't want to get an X-Valve b/c I cant justify paying 325 for a X when I can get a RT w/X for 400, but then I think if I'm getting the RT I might as well get the ULT, ULE body and y-frame. Which adds up to more than I've got. So post your opinions.

01-01-2004, 01:45 PM
It is, 68 Mag with:

AIR Valve
PF Hopper Left Body
Old Style All American (unreal barrel)
Fore Grip(comfortable but I don't know the name)
48/3k Crossfire
Warpfeed, Intellifed

01-01-2004, 01:53 PM
shorter barrel, RT valve without ULT (try it without, i know i can shoot faster without ULT). then i would suggest a warp ULE body (or mabey just a warp non ULE boday, thats what i would do, because its cheap, and i could care less about weight) i dunno, but thats a sweet mag

01-01-2004, 01:55 PM
Nice mag but the next thing you really need is the other half to that quick disconnect, a SS line and a 90º fitting on your ASA;) :D

01-01-2004, 02:04 PM
Get a used RT/emag valve about $150 and sell classic valve for $75. Then get a ULE body and barrel...either nickle or gloss black and same color barrel.

Total for mods...little over $200 and it will fell liske a new gat.

01-01-2004, 02:34 PM
Ah, Chucks observant, but I've already got that in my room.

Yeah an used RT would be nice, I was thinking about ULE body but couldnt decide on warp body or not. What f the warp breaks, then I'm screwed.

I think I'll keep the barrel until/if I get a ULE body. Don't care what you say about SP they make a good barrel.

01-01-2004, 02:45 PM
what about a drop forward and an on/off