View Full Version : New format

09-07-2001, 03:31 PM
ok.this is just MY opinion,but i miss the old format.I dont like anything about the new format at all.tell me how you feel

09-07-2001, 03:33 PM
exact opposite! i love the new features!

09-07-2001, 06:16 PM
What? Are ya nuts? This new format has so much more for you to optimize your post to get the essence of what you are saying across. Color, quick tags, automatic line-ups, instant quotes, fast smiliies, polls(well maybe not the polls), not to mention us Mods have been given better tools to make our jobs easier.

Oh yeah, the new and improved AO is rockin' baby!!

09-07-2001, 07:53 PM
i didn't like it at first but now i like it alot more i like how it put me as god instead of member without me having anything to do with it;)

09-07-2001, 08:25 PM
well,army,guess i am nuts...but i see the good points.im just easily confused,and there are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many buttons(actually,i like buttons) but u know what i mean.ok thanx.

09-07-2001, 08:29 PM
by the way,how come the same few subjects are always at the top(AGD super tour,fav. E-mag fade...)thats what i dislike the most.also,how do you change that thing that says"member" to something like "ignorant user"(description of me lol)???

09-07-2001, 08:34 PM
MJS, go to the top of your screen and click the "user cp" button

09-07-2001, 08:35 PM
I can't post pictures..why?

09-07-2001, 08:53 PM
I have noticed the top of the forum seems way more stagnant than it used to. Is it less posters, or are some posts just getting stuck at the top?

I see now, anything with the topic "CLASSIC", never moves down. Annoying.

09-07-2001, 11:42 PM
The posts at the top are called "sticky" posts, they will always stay on the top until a mod or admin guy takes it down. They will be used mainly for keeping AGD announcememts on top (it's a pain to keep "upping" a thread so all can keep abreast of what is going on).

You can change what is under your name by going to the 'user cp' button at the top of the page and finding the right box to write in. Just keep it clean, acceptable to the mods, and perhaps funny.

We also look down on banners in your sig, they are annoying and are considered SPAM........hint, hint......

Pics must have their own www address for the server to link to. If you already have that, when you reply or start a topic, just click on the IMG button and type or paste the URL in the box. When you click on Okay, it will automatically tag it for display.

Go ahead and click on all the buttons you see, if you are not allowed to use one, the site will inform you why.

Have fun:cool: