View Full Version : AGD history Gurus...Plz enter

01-01-2004, 05:07 PM
Hi, knowing that AGD introduced the use of Nitro into paintball. I think u can help me with this Q.

What was the name of the 1st team to use nitro at a professional tournament.

I'm thinking Jacksonville Warriors or Team Nitro from what I read in the AGD Museum.
Thx for any help

*edit* I've got one more Q.
What was Air America's expansion chamber kit for the automag called? I think it's the Thumper.

Chojin Man
01-01-2004, 05:36 PM
Welcome to AO p8ntball-kid21. Good questions. I think the expansion chamber was called the Thumper but I'm not sure on that.

01-01-2004, 07:40 PM

The Air America Expansion Chamber on my 1992 Vintage Minimag say "Whispering Death" ...

01-01-2004, 08:24 PM
Thx for both response.
Now is it Whispering death or Thumper? Hmmm

01-01-2004, 08:34 PM
Its whispering death and I think it was the Warriors to.

Heres another tidbit. Did ya know it took 3yrs from the time HPA was introduced in 92 till it was allowed at IAO in 95

01-01-2004, 08:35 PM

01-01-2004, 10:08 PM
Beemer thanks for the info and the welcome. Seeing that you kno alot about paintball. Can u plz help me answer some other Q's. I've got a number of these paintball trivia Q's so bear with me.

1) Who produced Puppy Paint? What was the distinguishing feature of these paintballs?

2) What was Kingman Internationals (maker of the current Spyder) first semi-auto called? I think it's the Hammer III

3) Who was the winner of the first ever game of paintball? How many opponents did they eliminate?

4)What does the "RTP" stand for in Viper RTP Custom pump gun?

5) Which team placed in the top 10 at the 1988 NSG Nationals and still plays as a Pro Team today? (***Be careful with this one, it's a bit tricky)

*edit* removed some Q's

01-01-2004, 11:47 PM
Quick question what is up with all these questions

01-01-2004, 11:55 PM
He is testing us :p

01-02-2004, 12:03 AM
Just some harmless paintball trivia. :p

01-02-2004, 12:13 AM
#2 keith idema...

question for you is he still in jail?

*edit* thought he went to jail for "wire fraud"

01-02-2004, 12:18 AM
Probably not cuz it happened in 1991, I dont think an assault charge would justify a 12 yr sentence.

*edit* I have no idea who he is and about this wire fraud incidence. :(

01-02-2004, 12:26 AM
Knowing 2 things is not alot:(

I have one excuse I drank A LOT of beer back then that has blurred my long term memory.

Will need help from other old schoolers on these

Do you already know the answers?? If so school me

1. help
2.Keith Idema Remember the incident but not who did it,APG I think
3.Beer effect
4.No clue
6.Swarm had a sponser ship with nelson back then and yellow was the only color for awhile.
7.No clue
8.Ready To Play:confused:
[Goes quickly to fridge for beer....out of beer,has a Bacardi&coke instead]:D :D

01-02-2004, 12:29 AM
Goes to change answer in last post

01-02-2004, 12:31 AM
You booger put those back up there

What was number 6 answer????????

Put those questions back please,now i gotta Know:eek:

01-02-2004, 12:33 AM
People were complaining there were to many Q's so I removed some to lower mental stimulation. :p

01-02-2004, 12:35 AM
Please put them back my stimulation is fine with Bacardi

01-02-2004, 12:36 AM
PBNation has a thread about paintball history, so he came here to ask the smart paintball people!

01-02-2004, 12:37 AM
Team Nitro was the first team to use nitrogen at a major tournament. The Warriors were helping develop the system all along though.


01-02-2004, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by Army
PBNation has a thread about paintball history, so he came here to ask the smart paintball people!

Give this man a Cookie.
:lady gives Army a chocolate chip cookie:

01-02-2004, 12:40 AM
Thought i smelled one

PBNation has a thread about paintball history, so he came here to ask the smart paintball people!

01-02-2004, 12:41 AM
Nah, not a troll. He obviously knew that PBR or PBN didn't have the brain power that AO has, so logically he went through the trouble to register, and complete his Jedi training:D

01-02-2004, 12:42 AM
So put the orignal questions back

01-02-2004, 12:44 AM
Originally posted by AGD
Team Nitro was the first team to use nitrogen at a major tournament. The Warriors were helping develop the system all along though.


Really, Glenn Plamer told me Swarm but he was close cuz he mentioned automags.

Originally posted by Army
Nah, not a troll. He obviously knew that PBR or PBN didn't have the brain power that AO has, so logically he went through the trouble to register, and complete his Jedi training:D

:lady returns and brings a giant cookie:

*I'l repost the Q's now for you.

01-02-2004, 12:49 AM
Go ahead ask me some stuff I know like AGD history:D

01-02-2004, 12:50 AM
1.)Who produced Puppy Paint? What was the distinguishing feature of these paintballs?
2.) Who punched out "Fast Eddie" Dovner at the 1991 Line SI Masters in Nashville? What was the name of the magazine which published a frame by frame account of the altercation and knock out punch?
3.) What was Kingman Internationals (maker of the current Spyder) first
semi-auto called?
4.) What colors were the original Nelson paintballs available in?
5.) Who was the winner of the first ever game of paintball? How many opponents did they eliminate?
6.) What was Air America's expansion chamber kit for the Automag called?
7.) What does the "RTP"
stand for in the Viper RTP Custom pump gun?
8.) Which team placed in the top 10 at the 1988 NSG Nationals and still plays as a Pro Team today? (***Be careful with this one, it's a bit tricky)
9.) What was the name of the 1st team to use nitrogen at a professional tournament?

*They're slightly out of order

01-02-2004, 12:53 AM
you HOSER now my post is screwed:rolleyes:

01-02-2004, 12:54 AM
What colors were the original Nelson paintballs available in?

So what did you get for this one?

01-02-2004, 01:05 AM
Originally posted by Beemer

So what did you get for this one?

i kno orange is one too

01-02-2004, 01:07 AM
What was the first simi gun designed by AGD called

what were the protos after that called

what happened to the orignal design and why

What was the motovation behind developing the 6 pack

What did AGD do before AGD?

What what the first product made for paintball By AGD before
AGD was born

What was the name of that company[before AGD]

Why did perfect circle not make paintballs for paintball

01-02-2004, 01:24 AM
Originally posted by Beemer
1)What was the first simi gun designed by AGD called

2)what were the protos after that called

3)what happened to the orignal design and why

4)What was the motovation behind developing the 6 pack

5)What did AGD do before AGD?

6)What what the first product made for paintball By AGD before
AGD was born

7)What was the name of that company[before AGD]

8)Why did perfect circle not make paintballs for paintball
1 automag?
2 automag?
3 no clue
4 to make chnaging the 12 grams faster and easier b/c CA was still not allowed :D
5 make nail guns?
6 PMI Face shield?
7 pass
8 they didn't like them? :P

01-02-2004, 01:34 AM
p2 and p3
origional design rights were sold off to another company to get it out and distributed... it was mothballed because the blowback design didnt work

6 pack was for near constant air

they made full face masks for PMI

if you mean tom, he worked for a robotics company and developed robots that were pneumatically controlled

dunno the company name

perfect circle paintballs are too costly for paintball...

01-02-2004, 02:28 AM
Dam nice job Magman you must be ALL AGD All The Time
The panther wasnt blow back and AGD had bye back rights,so when it got canned he bought it back.

The name of the company was Technacore, he owned it

What 2 teams were the first ever to use automags in a 10 man tournament and which team ran all 10 for the whole tourny.

We got a history going now and I dont feel bad for hijacking cause kid screwd it up when he messed with the questions

01-02-2004, 02:36 AM
What was the JDN2?
Who was it named after and what happened to it?

01-02-2004, 03:06 AM
Originally posted by Beemer
Dam nice job Magman you must be ALL AGD All The Time
The panther wasnt blow back and AGD had bye back rights,so when it got canned he bought it back.

The name of the company was Technacore, he owned it

What 2 teams were the first ever to use automags in a 10 man tournament and which team ran all 10 for the whole tourny.

We got a history going now and I dont feel bad for hijacking cause kid screwd it up when he messed with the questions

are you sure the panther wasnt a blowback? i thought they fought with it for the p1 and p2, then went to the p3 automag design.

i gotta re watch the video, but im pretty sure it was...


01-02-2004, 04:11 AM
Kingman Internationals first semi auto gun was the spyder. The Hammer, hammer 2 and hammer 3 were released later. the hammer being a nelson pump, and the hammer two having a powerfeed. The hammer 3 was a stacked tube design like a rainmaker or sterling.

AGD's first gun design was the panther 1, it is a blowback gun. The panther two, is the same thing, just an evolution. These guns shared someting with.. The panther 3, which was single screw field stripping. The panther 3 was a blowforward with an integrated reg. Hello automag.

The panther 1 and 2 needed a certian amount of pressure to recock. the panther 3 was always cocked. The panther 1 and 2 would beatdown. The panther 3 is incappable of that. Basicly, the failure mode of the panther 3 is more acceptable, and it did not require cocking to function. So it made the cut :-) And look at where we are now.

The 6 pack was develped before CA was popular around the country. And in certian tourny series CA wasn't legal. the 6 pack provided very quick 12gm changes and a backcheck valve to provide a good air supply.

Tom.. did a lot of things. magman007 already covered some of that. The first paintball related item was a full face mask to work with the UVEX goggles that were popular at the inception of paintball. AGD did not exist before making paintball products. (if my understanding is correct. many "companys" exist at the AGD compound, including perfect circle)

perfect circle paintballs were developed by AGD in an effort to make a perfect paintball, one that would be accurate. The effor failed, but they did manage to make a paintball that was impervous to water. And you could fill with water, dry powder, and other "interesting" materials that gelcapping will not do.

01-02-2004, 04:37 AM
LOL!! This is a funny thread.


01-02-2004, 07:09 AM
What 2 teams were the first ever to use automags in a 10 man tournament and which team ran all 10 for the whole tourny.

I wanna say swarm, but I'm probably wrong.

01-02-2004, 08:22 AM
*hopes he got everything right*

01-02-2004, 08:54 AM
Originally posted by p8ntball72
#2 keith idema...

question for you is he still in jail?

*edit* thought he went to jail for "wire fraud"

I heard someone mention Keith Idema a few years back... apparently he's out of jail. He went to Afghanistan as a "consultant."

apparently he still owes people money from ICS.

01-02-2004, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by Doobie
I wanna say swarm, but I'm probably wrong.

Ding......Gets Half a cookie for part of the answer.
Swarm was one of the teams

01-02-2004, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by Beemer
What 2 teams were the first ever to use automags in a 10 man tournament and which team ran all 10 for the whole tourny.

We got a history going now and I dont feel bad for hijacking cause kid screwd it up when he messed with the questions

I got this out of ur profile :P . "Original S.O.B.- Sam's Omega Blasters Field testers of 68 AutoMag First ten man team to use 10 Proto AutoMags in a tourny"

No problem about the hijacking not many people were answering them anyways.

Q. Are the Wackers and the Bushwackers the same team?

01-02-2004, 11:51 PM
:eek:Nooooo, my thread is dying. :(
Must save it from death.

01-03-2004, 02:07 PM
Kingmans first semi-auto was the Hammer 3, sorta tippman clone, inline valve design. whispering death was for 'mags and the thumper expansion chamber was for the auto cocker. the black rain and the terrorist were for pmi3/vm68. first person to win a paintball game is either noel hayes or bob gurnsee i belive, but it may have been another of the original twelve. the winner didnt fire a single shot IRC.


01-03-2004, 02:26 PM
oh yea, RTP stands for "Rick The P***k"


01-03-2004, 07:00 PM
those whispering deaths worth anything? I have one lying around

50 cal
01-03-2004, 10:09 PM
LOL, Keith Idema, what a moron. There was a pic in one of the Soldier of Fortune type mags where he is holding a PMI 3 and claiming it he was the first foriegner to hold some new AK type rifle publicly.
Saw Idema go after the owner of some company that made quickie rip-offs of some of the paintball vests. It was hilarious seeing 2 grown men acting like 8 year olds at a major tournament. Everyone wqs laughing their tales off.

01-04-2004, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by 50 cal
LOL, Keith Idema, what a moron. There was a pic in one of the Soldier of Fortune type mags where he is holding a PMI 3 and claiming it he was the first foriegner to hold some new AK type rifle publicly.
Saw Idema go after the owner of some company that made quickie rip-offs of some of the paintball vests. It was hilarious seeing 2 grown men acting like 8 year olds at a major tournament. Everyone wqs laughing their tales off.

Wow, I thought he was just a sleazeball, he's an idiot too?

Soldier of Freedonia. true and proud.

03-30-2004, 01:31 PM
The two 10-man teams were SWARM and the SOB's. I believe SWARM was the first team to win a major tourney with Mags (LINE SI Masters in 1990).

JDN2 was named for John Dale. It was a Nitrogen System produced by Air America. Dale took the design with him when he left AGD.

The Mag expansion chamber was called both the Thumper and the Whispering Death. Thumper was a "bottomline" config, Death was a "back bottle" config.

03-30-2004, 02:52 PM
The guy that won the first game didn't get anyone out.

I don';t know his name though.