View Full Version : catch me up on one year of missed paintball

01-01-2004, 07:57 PM
mostly what is the deal with emag xtremes i did not see them in the online store. and i looked through the historic posts and found nothing. what are the prices and how are they doing now where can you buy them.

also any new technology not just from agd

01-01-2004, 08:12 PM
its called the search button, it works very well at finding old and new posts about things that you want to know about. try using it before you make new threads.

01-01-2004, 08:22 PM
Another search Nazi. Would it kill you to answer his questions?

Rudy, the gun you are asking about is probably the X-mag, or what used to be called the emag extreme. They run roughly $1300 new, and you can order them straight from AGD by calling, though there is a wait. You can find some used ones for sale in the BST forum, and occasionally AGD or a rep post some that are for sale directly from AGD or from various stores. You can check the BST and dealers forum to see whats out there now.

If you are looking for a great new gun that wasnt out when you last played, look no further than the Viking.

01-01-2004, 08:25 PM
i agree with the viking option. flat out awesome marker. however, you missed the smart parts soap opera. do a search for smarts parts lawsuit. welcome back :D

01-01-2004, 08:30 PM
ill probably spend about 3 hours searching around through a years worth of post when one uptodate person could probably write it all down in 45 seconds. to top it off i wouldnt even know the names of many of the newer products to even search for them, which would leave me with vague words for searching like new product, or new AND technology. And when i am all done i still woudl have missed several things.

im not against searching but there are some times like this one when the question is kinda general and it woudl be somewhat difficult and quite time consuming to find the post. i mean stuff could have happened as far away as 12 months ago since the last decent post about a subject. A forum is not just a searchable archive it also has real people behind it.

any how ill give it a third whirl and see what i come up with.

01-01-2004, 08:39 PM
Some of the new stuff off the top of my head is....

04 Vikings with WAS boards stock and eyes available, things flat out rip.

New timmy coming out, but it's pretty much just another revision of the same old design as far as I'm concerned.

Dye making the DM4 matrix, smaller matrix with a few less bolt parts and a built in LPR and an eye. Very expensive and not pretty in my opinion.

Xmags are more available, you can get 1 in the dealer or classifieds forum without much trouble, unless you absolutely need a certain color I'd say they're readily available finally.

Q-loader is coming out, it's a new loading system with spring loaded pods that hold 100 balls, force feed paint and can be mounted anywhere.

Smart parts is a royal pain in the buttocks.

AGD released 3.2 software with shot buffering that makes emags speedier and easier to shoot fast consistantly.

And i'm spent, welcome back rudy.

01-01-2004, 08:40 PM
Welcome back :)
Yes, a years worth of stuff would be pretty pointless to go through with search. The main thing I can remember is the whole Smart Parts issue, and that you shoudl search for. Cause there is a lot on it that would explain it better.
Its not really over either, its just quiet

Xvalve, ULE bodies, ULE Trigger, know about them?

01-01-2004, 08:57 PM
Would it kill you to answer his questions?
Good job SteelRat,thats the AO spirit

Rudy.. I just jumped on the boards myself and have been back reading the main forums and doing searches myself

01-01-2004, 09:12 PM
Last year o' paintball:

Smart Parts decided to sue everyone who makes electronic paintball markers. This has led to a fairly wide-scale boycott of Smart Parts.

Intimidators have become even MORE popular than they were, and have begun to phase out the Angel.

Dynasty switched sponsors. Now they are sponsored by Smart Parts, and shoot the new, improved Shockers (which look like 'mag ripoffs)

The xMag has taken off, and it seems to be a popular option in terms of high end paintball markers, but the price can't compete with Matrixes, Intimidators and Angels.

The PSP/NXL has gotten a TV contract which will begin this January. That's right - paintball will be on TV!

The DYE Invision has become a true competitor to the JT Flex 7 in terms of quality eye-protection.

Lots of newer, smaller companies have become more popular (i.e. Hybrid Paintball and Aim Paintball)

The Dragun TES has become a great alternative to Spyders, costing only $250. It is basically a mix between a Spyder and a Timmy (20bps, eye, electronic trigger)

There you go man!


01-01-2004, 09:32 PM
q loader now thats not too bad i have an idea that i think is a little better but i think that the q loader (if they get it workign well) would allow me to put my hopper under the gun. i dont care for the added weight and an extra item that you need with a warp so i never used one before. Before I think i said liek a year and a half ago that agd needs to come up with a loader system that can go below the gun and feed fast thats lighter and only one piece. looks liek the qloader is the one trying to fill that spot. they could use a little bigger system though maybe 200 rounds

smart parts. well all you can do is not buy there products.
or if you feel like spending alot of time some people could start to build an organization that could help out in times like this. one thing i noticed people taking about was how much money they have do they need more? well with the way smart parts throws money at advertising, sponsors, and lawsuits they probably dont have nearly as much real hard cash as people think. and so they have to keep sueing and trying to monopolize to pay for thier companies lifestyle and lack of ability to make a good product.

another thing is retailiation lawsuits some one needs to do this, but probably wont.

what is causing the wait with xmags now? is it just people needign custom colors?

01-01-2004, 09:45 PM
the xmag bodys are made by agd europe. they are anodized over there in the uk. they are made in batches and shipped back over here. oh yeah. vert grips made a big comeback with the y grip and the logic frame. empire and evil were created.

01-01-2004, 10:10 PM
i guess ill try to redeem myself... i noticed no one said anything about the angel speed and A4. two new angels have come out in the last year, the speed and A4, and both are fast as sh*t, which is why they are Dynasty's main gun. i believe those two guns will be wdp's comeback into the proffessinal world, but everyone knows that nobody can out do the infamous angel name.

01-01-2004, 10:32 PM
Actually now the POS Shocker is Dynasty's main gun. The Speed is OK but after owning a Speed I'll stick with my X-Mag which IMO is much superior to anything Goat Roper-Parts makes and for me is better than the Speed.

01-01-2004, 11:41 PM
having owned an angel speed how is the kick on those? i see with the speed and the angel 4 wdp is pretty much just changing software, and doign tweaking of the design trying to make it smaller and faster and more efficient. have they toned down the kick i never liked the recoil on an angel. thats why i bought a matrix. have yuou shot an angel 4?

anyone know what the weight of a stock x mag is?

01-02-2004, 12:16 AM
WDP is becoming the kingman of high end guns

Adding somthing small like software and calling it a compleatly new gun

01-02-2004, 12:45 AM
How is WDP becoming the Kingman of high end guns? I hope your not talking about the Speed. The Speed is totally different than any earlier Angel. And from a hardware perspective, the A4, and Speed are a bit different too. It's not just software. You stated that they made the A4 smaller, did some things to change the outward appearence, and made it more efficiant. Technically, isnt it a new gun afer that? If it isnt, then the original Intimidator is the exact same as the new Species, or Dragon, right?

Recoil of a Speed is almost unnoticable.

Like Cyberious, I have my preference too. I love my Speed, and I dont forsee giving it up for anything else, ever.

01-02-2004, 01:03 AM
easy man

don't take that too personal

That statment i said was without any knowledge to angels whatsoever

to me on the outside the IR3 Speed and A4 all look the same and look like they function the same

The classic timmy and species timmy look almoast nothing alike.

like the orginal matrix and the DM4