View Full Version : Which Matrix

01-01-2004, 10:05 PM
I am thinking about picking up a new toy. I have my eyes on a Trauma, NYX, or Ironman. I have to admit I don't know a whole lot about them. If anyone could help me shed some light on which has the best features, or how they are different, please help me make up my mind. Thanks.

01-01-2004, 10:13 PM
well, if you like boxxy, the new ironmans are it. they are extremely aggresively milled, with just about everything not needed milled off, and also have eyes. the trauma is more centered around getting the most shots out of a fill, and has more internal modifications. i do not know alot about the nyx, but i can tell you that the 2k3 matrices are going for pretty cheap, and they come with the lcd and eyes, and the highest i have seen them is for like 950, just they dont have the fancy outer milled and good looks like the other matrices. hope this helped!

Nick O time
01-01-2004, 10:17 PM
imo they are all essentially the same thing basically with different milling and eyes i think, but i am not a big matrix guy so don't quote me on it, it's just what i have been told. i would also reccomend looking at the DM4 if it's in your price range, i just recieved one durring Christmas and it rips although there aren't many upgrades for it:( . the Truama matrix has some nice internals i have heard too. if i had to choose from those three though i would probably choose probably the Ironmen just because its the most milled out and stuff and looks pretty cool, also i am not all that big of a fan of that stupid skull on top of the NYX. that is just my opinion though.

01-01-2004, 10:38 PM
well buddy, i had a trix, and i sold it when dye started running things. I dont like dye's business practices when it comes to the trix. they handed out cease and desist orders to a majority of the aftermarket manufacturers, including Peegee and Aardvark, 2 companies who made the trix what it is today.

this bothered me, for 2 reasons. first off, i dont agree with what they did and how they did it, and 2nd off, dye cant make a good inline regulator, so who is to say they can comptetently make a good matrix bolt without messing it up?

I heard problems with the dye matrix's, simple things, eyes being drilled wrong, the lpr and inline being crap, etc. This really bothered me. While i loved my trix, i wasnt about to stand by a company who was dragging it through the mud. Dye makes barrels, and should stick to it.

If you are going to get a trix, then i reccomend the NYX. It is the no hastle, no extra fancy crap, amazing gun. It comes with eyes, and is programmed to set its on pulse times, depending on the eyes, so that it fires its fastest.

Personally, i would stick with your viking, or look into a speed or an a4. I am happy as all hell with my speed, and wdp doesnt dick us around

01-01-2004, 10:46 PM
At this point, I am looking more towards a trauma. Does anyone have any efficiency numbers and does the board have any type of debounce settings? Also, have the eyes come out yet?

01-01-2004, 10:58 PM
avoid the trauma... first off, trauma doesnt even endorse the gun any more... the eye still isnt out yet (after a year of a promised eye) and the ff bolt has been known to break. and you cannot get a gen e style eye installed, because they run the wires through the milled out air tube, so it wouldnt work

01-01-2004, 11:14 PM
I second the part about the bolt on the trauma breaking. Had it happen to a guy I was playing with. Not cool.

On a side note, why the switch from the viking to the matrix? Do you prefer the feel of the matrix, or just looking to try something new?

50 cal
01-01-2004, 11:23 PM
Bought my stepson one of the nickled Freeflow Matrix last year for Christmas. It is pretty nice. Never a bit of a problem with it. It came with a sidewinder reg that is the cat's meow.
If I didn' have an Emag already I would get one of the Freeflow Matrix's in a heartbeat.

01-01-2004, 11:27 PM
Ironman. Hands down. Lighter. Same internals. LCD. Sexy milling. Shortened grip. What more could one want. The eye works great. The NYX is really nice too. It is using the regular eye, but it still has the Egi board with the debounce. The Toxic is another good one since it has a magnetic trigger.

RT pRo AuToMaG
01-02-2004, 05:05 AM
Get the Freeflow Matrix (not a trauma matrix anymore, FF has a new milling design now). Free Upgrades and Warrenty for life, plus when the new boards come out for them, it will have ACE, optical trigger, and debounce settings if I remember correctly. The Ironman is nice but with FF's warrenty deal and the free upgrades, you can;t go wrong. You can also pick up used Trauma Matrices for 900-1100 depending on the setup. I'd stay away from the NYX, I've heard bad things about the eye. Another option is to pick up a Dye LCD Matrix for 950 (comes with eye, dye tampon LPR, and dye hyper reg or whatever its called) and slap on a Sidewinder reg, Mini Trinity and an Aardvark Slambolt. And if you get a matrix, don't worry about dye ordering everyone to stop making aftermarket bolt parts because Aardvark just came out with a new bolt for the matrix that they patented themselves, so if worse comes to worst, just pick up one of those.

Micromag man!
01-02-2004, 08:53 AM
NYX... Ironman is ugly and has no debounce.. besides all that extra milling isnt THAT great. Makes it look ugly IMO. My NYX shoots AWESOME.. ive had a few people say its the best marker theyve ever shot, and thats coming from amatuer players. further more it was stock.. and the new NYX eyes arent gay anymore, they r external, not that gay junk coming out the front, uses REAL eyes now :)

E==Mag MAN
01-02-2004, 01:06 PM
The FreeFlow matrixs come with the Gen E for now and teh freeflow bolts are 1 piece now so theres no chance they break. The Truama is the best eye and will come with the Gen E eye.


01-02-2004, 03:29 PM
lmao forget em all. go get an empire timmy! you wont be dissapointed ;) :D

01-02-2004, 05:25 PM
my vote is for the ironman.. i like the no nonsense milling and im not shure if these come with all trix's now but theyt also have the nice little cp regs

01-02-2004, 05:40 PM
here is how i see it. alot of people like both the ironman and the nyx. people say the nyx has the best eyes out of all the matrixes. but people say the ironman is the lightest due to heavy milling such as the dead air chamber being milled off. both are fast. both are great guns. if i where u i would research them both then pick which one sounds best for u. they both look awsome and perform awsome so it comes down to which is better for YOU.

01-02-2004, 05:47 PM
Originally posted by Steelrat
On a side note, why the switch from the viking to the matrix? Do you prefer the feel of the matrix, or just looking to try something new?

I am not really sure what I want to do. I love that viking, but I feel like I should have to do more with it. I mean I don't have to tear it down EVER, and that kind of bores me. What a petty gripe, huh? I am just thinking of trying out a something new to me, and to tell you the truth, I don't think my viking is going to go anywhere.

01-02-2004, 05:53 PM
i would make the switch. my brother works for national paintball and he has shot the viking and my dye lcd matrix and he says he would take my matrix any day over the viking. he says my matrix has way less kick and is more accurate and easyer to rip on.

01-02-2004, 05:55 PM
I know matrices are smoother, but I just lowered my lpr, there is almost no kick. I really don't think I could possibly rip on anything faster than I can shoot my viking. I have shot quite a few markers, and I can shoot the viking fastest.

01-02-2004, 06:01 PM
I don't know a thing about the Matrix, nor do I care to, But... for striking looks I would consider the KAPP Flame Matrix. I have seen every model in person, and they all look like crap to me, but the flames are very nice, particularly the blue to green fade on the nickel body.
Good Luck,

01-02-2004, 06:04 PM
If I had that choice, I would go with the MYX. Always sweet markers, and there are incredibly fast. I wish I had the money, the price tag reflects performance on these toys.

01-02-2004, 06:10 PM
I kinda dig this wierd one too.

01-02-2004, 11:05 PM
I got an offer for my featherlite viking + 200 for an ironman matrix with c4mod and evolve bolt kit. Would you think this is a good trade, or should It be a little more even up?

Here is a pic of my viking;

01-02-2004, 11:29 PM
I would want more of a straight-up trade, but then again, I wouldnt be getting rid of that thing, either. A matrix fan might tell you that its worth it. I thought the cost of both guns new were very similar, I cant see why yours would be worth less now, except for the fact that its not the "flavor-of-the-month."

01-02-2004, 11:31 PM
By flavor of the month, I am assuming that it is bacause it isn't an 04, right?

01-02-2004, 11:33 PM
I think the dm4 is cool get one of those:D

01-02-2004, 11:44 PM
No, I meant that the Ironman Matrix still draws more attention in the BST than a viking, be it an 03 or 04. I guess being an 03 might hurt it a bit, but those of us in the know understand that there is no real difference between an 03 and an 04.

The matrix isnt a bad gun at all, but its not going to be much faster, if any, and it'll certainly be more inefficient and require more upkeep. I can't see how anyone could expect it to be worth more.

As far as the DM4s, I had a DM4 owner come up to me, look at my plain unmilled black 04 viking, and say "I wish I had gotten one of those. This thing is a disappointment." That's all I needed to know about the DM4s.

My favorite trix would have to be the freeflows, just because I had a great experience with my freeflow cocker. I just wish they'd release the eyes, its beginning to hurt their credibility.

01-03-2004, 12:08 AM
Well consider I shoot both a Matrix(LCD), FF Matrix, and a Viking I'll give ya my 27 pennies worth.
Free Flow Matrix: BAsically an awaesome marker. You can rip paint with it and have no chops due to the eyes and yes it has a debouce/forward pulse setting on it. Also you get an optical switch so for the trigger switch so thast an added bonus. Also you can't beat the Lifetime warranty/upgrades you get with it.
Dye LCD Trix: Thing rips paint albeit it can be a gas hog at times and yes Dye regs aren't the greatest but out of the box it rips. Yes it needs a trigger job. Maintenance wise you have to keep it well lubed and after lubing you have to shoot about 50-75 shots to clear out the grease.
Viking: Well what can I say I get a case a paint out of a 68/4500 bottle(Extremely efficient) and this thing flat out rips a straight rope of paint on a flat trajectory. Actually I think this thing just rips to fast I have my debounce on 4 and I can walk it like a pro. Only thing I don't like is you have to buy a tool kit to actually take it apart. Maintenance wise couple drops of oil before and after playing and your done.

Just my opinion.

01-03-2004, 12:11 AM
If you are getting a trix, go with the ironmen hands down, most awesome gun EVER.

01-03-2004, 01:03 AM
The new eye on the NYX is the same as all the rest now. The only difference between the NYX and the rest is the EGI board has the debounce. The milling is very nice on the NYX, but the Ironman IS lighter. No dead air chamber. Try both and see what you like better. Ironman all the way for me.

01-03-2004, 01:18 AM
I say if you must get a trix get a NYX. They are crazy fast, and have tourney legal zip chips in them. Not to mention, they have awsome milling on them.. big skull.

Only real difference between Ironmen and NYX is the NYX is LED while the Ironmen is LCD.

Toxic Dave
01-03-2004, 01:26 AM
your best bet for Matrix info would be www.matrixowners.com

Dave/ Gen-e

Toxic Dave
01-03-2004, 01:27 AM
I'm an idiot, it's www.matrixowner.com unless you are looking for info on the Toyota Matrix.


01-03-2004, 02:07 AM
I've used an Ironmen Matrix and a NYX. I also used fired a Dye Matrix and Ironmen Matrix both had the Evolve bolt and Evolve trigger frame.

My opinion is that there really isn't that many mods for the Matrix. Of all the bolt kits the Evolve gets the most shots. Couple people have run independent tests and have gotten 1800 +/- on a 68/4500 with the Evolve kit.

The Ironmen is REALLY light. But even if you bought one you would still swap out the bolt.

My suggestion is to just get a Dye Matrix and buy the Evolve bolt and Frame. The Evolve frame rips. You can easity rake 22 bps with NO bounce. I'm actually thinking of building a Dye Matrix with these parts just because I've played with my friend's markers and love um.

Matrix no longer have efficiency problems.

01-03-2004, 02:09 AM
Here's one of the efficiency tests.


The guy is great he tests all the bolt kits out there and does a side by side comparison.

01-03-2004, 02:37 AM
Dry fired an old Dye matrix and it was fast. Then my friend bought a DM4 and I played with it all day at SC Arena and I wanted one and liked it more then my timmy. I even got 6 pods and a hopper off it on my leaking flatline. No kick whatsoever and I was dumping more then I would with my timmy. The reg was fine I was shooting nice and consistent the whole time.

By the way you ever go to SC Arena afrankart?


01-03-2004, 06:24 AM
No, I don't have much time in my busy schedule to drive to SC to play ball when I live in OHIO:eek: :D

Thanks guys for the opinions, but I think this matrix fad is washing over me and I am gonna keep my viking. Ya never know, someday I may have to get one as a backup.