View Full Version : im having new emag problems! need help quick

09-07-2001, 05:40 PM
allright, i gass up my micro emag for the first time tonight, and for some reason it only shoots in hybrid mode, no matter what way the switch is set. could someone help me? i need this fixed tonight cuz im leaving for a scenario game at 6:30 tomorow morning.

the hybrid mode is great, and i could live with playing with it for the next two days, but id rather not.

also, i havnt put any paint through it, so maby there is more problems then i thought.

also also, it dosnt make the ping noise i have heard regular emags make, it this because its a micro or should i be concerned?

thanks, vinnie

Load SM5
09-07-2001, 06:24 PM
Put it in E-mode and pull the trigger a few times. See if your shot counter goes up. If not it could be the magnet in your trigger. It could be in too far and not allowing the sensor to fire. Back it out slowly and see if that helps. If you get it to fire then back it out just a little more and leave it there. You want the trigger to have a little over travel. Hope this works and good luck tomorrow.

09-07-2001, 07:22 PM
hmm, the gun fires fine in e-mode when it isnt aired up, the problem is that it is always in the e/rt mode, it fires electronically and then the trigger gets kicked back automatically, no matter if the switch is pointing foward, down or back.

09-07-2001, 08:14 PM
First off, some semantics. The gun can't fire in any mode unless it's aired up. The solenoid may be heard clicking, but the gun won't fire.

If the pin is in the battery, or the battery is removed, the gun will only fire in manual mode. With the pin out and the selector lever pointing down, the gun will only fire in E mode.

When you fire the gun, does it fire with a light, short trigger pull or a long pull which you can feel push the trigger rod.

09-07-2001, 08:22 PM
BTW, bring a spare gun to the scenario!. My eMicro didn't shoot right out of the box. Today makes 10 weeks since I bought it and I still don't have the gun. Fear Pro-Team.

09-07-2001, 08:28 PM
it fires with a short pull, and right after it activates the electronics, it gets kicked back, ive shot emags b4, and im sure its stuck in hybrid mode.

it shoots like this no matter what position the switch is in, down, or twards the battery. it works fine when it is in regular rt mode.

i did take the grip frame off, i didnt change anything, but could i have messed up something when i did this? the stupid pro team manual is extremely vague, and i had no pics or directions on how to do that.

oh, in this mode i was hitting bout 14 bps easy, insane rof :)

09-07-2001, 08:30 PM
yeah, im gonna bring my custom cocker, amazingly, the mag is by backup, lol, i made too much money this summer.

09-07-2001, 11:27 PM

It sounds like your trigger rod is too long and out of adjustment. Actually some guys setup their guns that way to get reactive in E mode. Try turning in the trigger rod one turn.


09-07-2001, 11:50 PM
thanks, ill try that. i liked the trigger that way tho, so i might end up putting it back after ive tried it both ways.

oh, and i have to say, it is too cool that you are answering peoples questions on the forums. thanks alot.