View Full Version : What tank? (new thread)

01-02-2004, 06:19 PM
I had to get a few popular choices first, and what was reccommended on the original thread is now listed.

I'm going to use this on a speed, so I need a 400-500 psi input. Max flow was not reccommended because of the range HP vs. LP.

EDIT: Its multiple choice for those tough decisions


01-02-2004, 06:33 PM
i love my flatline, i love it to death, but for that range, its a tie between the conquest and the flatline, so i am remaining indifferent.

The AIR suffers too much from flashfills, and the others, well, i havnt had experience with em.

01-02-2004, 10:20 PM
Dyna or conquest.


01-02-2004, 10:28 PM
get a crossfire preset lp tank. there preset at 450 psi.

01-02-2004, 11:16 PM
hmm, i did have a crossfire hp and it seemed pretty good.

noone likes airs at all.. interesting

and its really looking like a crossfire or a conquest, probably a conquest

edit sig

01-02-2004, 11:38 PM
get the flatline.

01-02-2004, 11:46 PM
i would vote, but i couldnt pick between the Flatline and Conquest. :( its a hard choise between those two.

i would pick the flatline only bc i own and used one.. and have broken it down and rebuilt it so i know how it works. Again its prob the same thing with the conquest

01-02-2004, 11:49 PM
baja, its mult choice. you CAN pick more than one, for people in your dilemma. ;) im looking out for you guys

01-02-2004, 11:52 PM
Id take the conquest ahead of a flatline any day, primarily because of the wieght difference. The conquest weighs over 1/2 a pound less.

But the crossfire is a better value, as it is about 1/2 the price of the adjustables. There are a few guns that benefit from an adjustable tank, and the speed isnt one of them.

01-04-2004, 12:16 PM

01-04-2004, 12:20 PM

Big reason why I chose it over the flatline, when you flip the conquest into the OFF postion the reg degasses the airline going to the gun.

01-04-2004, 12:47 PM
sounds like the conquest has the flatline beat basically all around.. wonder if the board is biased ;)

well, if I find a conquest used, I'll probably pick it up, or I might just get another crossfire. ill let it run see if AIR or something makes a comeback.

01-04-2004, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by mark_426
if AIR or something makes a comeback.

I have had an AIR too. Talk about suckage, it doesnt have an on/off its bulky and cost 500 bucks. The digital guage is nice and it does have a shots left in the tank calculation...

01-04-2004, 02:01 PM
the conquest rocks

Nick O time
01-04-2004, 02:12 PM
whatever you do i would not reccomend(sp) getting the air. many people have told me that they are a pita to fill and if you flash fill em sumtin bad happens(can't recall what at the moment)think like a spring goes crazy or sumtin like that dealing with the regulator.

01-04-2004, 05:31 PM
nick- its the cone orings, its like $10 of parts.. and for the price and size I'm going to drop it. I could literally get a conquest and a crossfire for that

Now, is the flatline better/worse than the conquest?

i think the conquest is lighter, and has the on/off and bleed valve in it, but which is more consistant, and a better value?

Nick O time
01-04-2004, 05:34 PM
i have heard mixed reviews about them. i know the conquest is a hellof a lot lighter though. i have a flatty and love it and my friend has a conquest and loves it too. so i am not really sure, if you are going for weight savings then i would suggest the conquest. all in all they are both great tanks. i still love my flatty and probably won't get rid of it for a long time.

01-05-2004, 03:01 PM
well, I'm now looking for a relatively cheap conquest or maybe just a LP crossfire. the latter seems like what Steelrat said.. I'll just tell Bob to set it for 450. thanks guys, if you've got something else to say, go ahead

01-05-2004, 06:50 PM
I think at this price range its hard to say which is more consistant, just remeber each reg is desgined for a specific area make sure your application applies...