View Full Version : sporadic barrel leaks

09-07-2001, 08:20 PM
i've tried everything. I've replaced my PT o-ring, i've tried different sized spacers, but my ReTro just won't stop that slow leak down the barrel. Everything is stock (including gripframe, just the way I like my mags) aside from the ReTro valve. I don't lose any massive amounts of air, maybe 150psi per tank fill, but it's just annoying. I've tried soaking my o-ring in oil (have since replaced o-ring) and it just doesn't wanna stop leaking down the barrel. It really makes no difference to me as far as performance, it's just that if I were to stop this barrel leak my mag would be el perfecto....i was just curious if this is a common mag thing or i have had bad luck with my past several pt-orings/spacers

09-07-2001, 08:35 PM
forgot to mention it's just a slow hissing, not a big leak, and my classic air valve also did this, i figured it was a generic mag quirk.

09-07-2001, 08:56 PM

It could be the bolt. From what you said about the grip frame, I figure the bolt is still stock. However, one cannot tech a gun without that gun being in front of them.


09-07-2001, 09:23 PM
Um, I am probably wrong, but if you hold down the trigger as you unscrew your tank, I don't think you will break an o-ring. I'd just try it as it would be the cheapest possible solution, if it would work.