View Full Version : what happened to paintballerz.com?

01-03-2004, 04:08 PM
hey guys,
I was thinkin about pickin up a profiler from paintballerz , but the site is down or something...Anybody know whats up?

USAF-Flyboy with a Mag
01-03-2004, 11:39 PM
I just went to the site and it's working fine. I know they redid their site, so if you have it bookmarked the url might have changed slightly.


01-04-2004, 01:01 AM
I dunno whats up with the site, but I had a REALLY bad experience getting my profiler from them. I placed the order on November 26th, Emailed them about a week and a half later wondering when I was gonna get it and never got an email back. So after two and a half weeks i was getting kinda annoyed about not being answered so I called them - from NY to Cali - to see when it was shipping. He said my mask would go out that monday (I called on a thursday or wed.). That monday, it didn't go out. I called again the next friday and they said it would go out again then next monday. I said forget it, ordered one from Hotshotpaintball.com, got it 2 days later and cancelled the one from paintballerz. So in over one month period it never shipped out.

I would advise you to order from Hotshotpaintball.com. I emailed the guy to see when they'd have them, he got them the day he said, and shipped it night he said he was going to. he even responded like within an hour of my email.

Edit- Just noticed how long that was... Sorry. Just kinda ticked off about the whole thing.