View Full Version : Minimag upgrade question

01-03-2004, 04:24 PM
I recently started upgradeing my
trusty old stock minimag. So far I have added a lvl 10, new barrels,68/3000 nitro tank, dropforward and on/off.
Do I need a second regulator? I want to replace my ond expansion chamber with someting nice and chrome.
Should I just get a gas through grip or a regulator? If I need a regulator what ones work best with my setup?



01-03-2004, 04:35 PM
Welcome to AO! Just get a gas-thru. You will save money and reduce the chances of running into shootdown problems from having you mag triple regulated(tank, in-line, and valve back). Feel free to post pics over in Paintball talk when you're done!:)

01-03-2004, 07:46 PM
agreed, no in-line reg is needed; in fact it would be bad. you can pick up just a regular old gas through, and that'll be great (i do like those benchmark mini's....but it is preference). if you happen to have money (as in about $120usd) to burn, i'd suggest the intelliframe as a VERY wise upgrade.

just a thought, and certainly better then a thrid reg.

and one small plug contact tunaman for either or both....


01-05-2004, 03:06 AM
Another thing you might want to think about is a retro valve. They are the best in my opinion and by the way welcome to AO.

Jui Viente Dos
01-08-2004, 06:00 PM
You'd have to look around for a ReTro Valve since they aren't made by AGD anymore. Get the X-Valve if you can. Check out the Y-Grip too.