View Full Version : List of what the 3.2 software does

01-03-2004, 08:46 PM
I now have a 3.2 E-Mag, but I don't know what all the settings do.

Can someone give me a list of all settings and what they affect?

01-03-2004, 09:56 PM
TS-total shots, dur

SPS-shots per second, dur

ACE 0, 1, 2 - 0 is off, 1 is one color tone paint, 2 is two color tone paint(so i believe)

SHBF - shot buffering- this is the main feature, it'll 'remember' a trigger pull within the desired MS(4-100 on gun) after the previous trigger pull, then fire it as soon as it can
a neat thing to do, is set it to 100, then try to walk the trigger when the SPS is set to 8. see how well you do, then set the SHBF to 4, then walk it on 8 again, it'll give you an idea

TRG- this is the trigger adjustment mode, when its on, pull trigger and the OFF will turn to a ON. it allows you to adjust the trigger without firing the gun or adding shots to the shot counter

and thatsss it

01-03-2004, 10:13 PM
Exactly what I needed. Thanks.

SPS: As in, "You can shoot # many times per second" or "You have shot this # per second?" Is it a cap or a counter?

01-04-2004, 02:53 AM
It's the cap to how fast the board will allow the gun to cycle.

It's not a ROF counter.

01-04-2004, 09:25 AM
I'm confused about my shot buffering. If I was to set it to 100, it would put more shots in-line, assuming I pulled some shots too fast? So 100 would be good, right?

01-04-2004, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by Branchvillian
I'm confused about my shot buffering. If I was to set it to 100, it would put more shots in-line, assuming I pulled some shots too fast? So 100 would be good, right?

No. Only one ball can be buffered. The SHBF setting has some relationship with when the trigger can be observed for the next shot.

01-04-2004, 02:55 PM
So if the SHBF is set to "100" it will remember any trigger pulls with in the 100 milisecond time frame and shoot it when that time is up?

The SHBF relates to bounce right? Higher number = less chance of bounce?

01-04-2004, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by Halliday
So if the SHBF is set to "100" it will remember any trigger pulls with in the 100 milisecond time frame and shoot it when that time is up?

The SHBF relates to bounce right? Higher number = less chance of bounce?

What it means is, if you pull the trigger and pull it again in 99ms... you get 1 shot. If you do it in 100ms, you get two shots. Well, roughly. That's how it is supposed to work.

Personally, I would ignore the SHBF setting - it's almost pointless with how it was implemented in 3.2... just set it low and that's it. After studying the source code, I'd say it is more of an extension to pre-existing debounce code from previous versions, than it is an actual debounce setting. The lower you tune it, the more it becomes like a sandbox setting that doesn't really do anything... which I think defeats the purpose of having that setting to begin with.

01-04-2004, 04:18 PM
Ok, so set for something like "10?" There's no way I'll pull twice in 10ms. The SHBF tells the software when to be reset for antother shot?