View Full Version : Hyperframe And Speed Problems

01-03-2004, 10:25 PM
Ok, my hyperframe is so fast that it's making my lvl 10 bolt either stick forward and leak tons of air, or fire three good shots and then cough one ball 10 feet and then stick forward. One guy at my field said that to keep up with the ROF, i should add a third shim or maybe a fourth Shim to the Lvl 10 setup, would this help it keep up? If not what will.


01-05-2004, 03:00 AM
How many shims do you have in the gun right now and what carrier are you using?

01-05-2004, 07:23 AM
If he was told to add a third or fouth shim that probably means he's running two shims right now ;) :eek: I'm still confused at how some are still having to run shims. I used to run 2 myself but after reading where several others didn't run any, and suggested going w/ out I did the same and had no problems. My most popular suggestion and LX fix is oil:rolleyes: Several times I've had a little bolt stick and some oil down the powertube has cleared it right up:)

01-05-2004, 12:03 PM
ok thankyou for your comments, I have added a third shim and I have oiled my valve, it works excellent now, I can actually walk my gun without any problems. So thanks a bunch.