View Full Version : Got an ebay problem and my dad isn't helping me at all with it.

01-03-2004, 11:45 PM
Hey guys, I know lots of you buy and sell online a lot so I thought I bring this here just for some tips and advice.

I bought a 45/45 conquest on ebay December 7th. The tank showed up about a week before xmas. The guy shipped it with 2000 psi of air in it. I set it to 500 psi output and shot a hopper or 2 with it. Worked great. I finally get to try it out the 2nd and it wont fill. I brought it to the fill station twice and it went up about 3 psi, barely above 0. I'm completely pissed off. I had already left him good feedback after shooting it in my backyard. I emailed him with the problem and the whole story. He emailed me back and said he had Grizzly paintball or something like that tech it and has documentation of it. He said I took it apart and broke it. I knew he was going to say this. I haven't opened up the tank or anything. He has over 1200 positives, but 25 harsh negatives that I didn't even consider because of all of his positives. This is all going on thru my dads ebay account and email and he was willing to just drop it after that email. What should I do? Just suck it up and send it to mac dev or order a rebuild kit. Or fight him even though it probably won't get me anywhere but try to make him pay for the cost to fix it.

Thanks a lot guys.

01-03-2004, 11:48 PM
Gramps and Grizzlies (spelling?) is the US distributor for MacDev, and the authorized service center for them. I'd call them and see if they worked on your particular tank.

01-03-2004, 11:48 PM
I have no clue what you should do...

but I wish you luck:D

01-03-2004, 11:54 PM
With ebay it is really hard to get any money back since it is so hard to prove anything but I would try anyways, you never know.

01-04-2004, 12:02 AM
He sent that tank PRESSURIZED?! What an idiot :rolleyes:

01-04-2004, 12:03 AM
Unfortunatly, suck it up. Especially if he has documentation and you don't.

01-04-2004, 12:20 AM
i would just send it to a MD tech and have them fix it. ive been screwed over ebay like this before, all you can really do is suck it up.

01-04-2004, 12:38 AM
Maybe its a fill nipple issue? Try replacing it, then yell at him some more if it doesnt work :p
I would try replacing it before you send it in to the uber l33t techs though.

01-04-2004, 01:12 AM
that sucks.

01-04-2004, 02:34 AM
are u sure the gauge works and try to replace the fill nipple thats like the only thing that can be wrong with it the gauge and fill nipple

01-04-2004, 03:11 AM
If you don't know what you are doing, please don't mess with an HPA tank. It's just not safe for anyone.

Sending it to a company service center is a great idea. You'll appreciate having an overhaul done on it in the long run and the money you spend will be worth the peace of mind.

01-04-2004, 05:17 AM
if you have a pb shop near you, see if they can look at the fill nipple first. that owuld be more time effective than sending it off for teching.
maybe someone at your field can look at it?

seems to me that if it held the air during transit (and the guy is stupid for sending it that way not to mention it being illegal) and it shoots well, but doesn't fill, it is most likely a nipple problem. the piston inside is probably damaged. they aren't hard to change out, but you do need to know what you're doing and the safety issues before you do it.

who'd you buy it from on ebay? just curious so others can avoid him.

Wasted Rabbit
01-04-2004, 07:16 AM
Gramps and Grizzlies (spelling?) is the US distributor for MacDev, and the authorized service center for them. I'd call them and see if they worked on your particular tank.

Best Advice is this one ^^

01-04-2004, 09:02 AM
Theres only a few things this can be. It honstley sounds like your gauge doesn't work to me. Either way, you already left him good feedback, he has the documentation saying it worked before hand, and he really doesn't have to do anything if he doesn't want to. There's a possibility that shipping it pressurized(idiot) could have caused the gauge to break.

01-04-2004, 09:40 AM
+1200 to -25 is a pretty good ratio. On top of that he says he has documentation it was working before it was sent out. You said it held pressure and the only thing wrong with it is it wont fill.

I would think the guy is honest and NOT trying to rip you off. Get the tank checked out by a certified airsmith. If they say shipping a tank pressurized caused the damage, maybe the seller will be willing to foot some of the repair bill.

Just my opinion.

01-04-2004, 10:13 AM
bring it to a shop and have it worked on, i would trust the guy you bought it from. Things happen. *shrug*

01-04-2004, 01:52 PM
Thanks for all the opinions. Yes he is very stupid for shipping it pressurized. And the guage on it does work. I put it on my asa and used a friends preset tank and it went up to the 800-900 area. I haven't seen any documentation yet, I emailed him for some pics of it. Also, If it was just the fact of replacing the fill nipple I would, but this is an old style conquest and uses the bigger kind.

The shop near me is Bad Boyz Toyz, and I have had nothing but problems with them for fixing stuff. They returned my cocker to me with the same problem I sent it to them with. They also were the middle men for hydroing my friends flatline and they lost his tank and it showed up 3 months later. I think if I'm going to send it out I'm going to send it to Gramps and Grizzlys or whatever.

Thanks for all the opinions guys. Also, his ebay name is shanes1 I believe. I can't really say anything about him that I wouldn't work with again. He just doesn't describe things good and like he should. Always contact him for a more detailed describtion before buying.

01-04-2004, 01:59 PM
Alot of the old md tanks have problems with fill nipples. Mine did.

He sent it pressurized...thats acutally funny.

01-04-2004, 02:35 PM
well after further inspection I realized it looks bigger, but actually take normal size threads so I can just put a normal fill nipple in it, right?

01-04-2004, 02:42 PM
If he sent the tank to you filled , that in itself could be causing your problems.
The reason they have you ship tanks empty is due to the fact that much freight is shipped in unpressurized areas of a plane.
The pressure inside the tank became much greater(at altitude) , which should have blown the burst disk.For some reason it didn't.
I suspect that you have damage to your reg , or possibly just the fill nipple.You could try taking off the fill nipple to see if the oring became displaced and won't allow the tank to fill.
As far as getting your $$ back , that will be nearly impossible unless you have proof that HE shipped it with pressure which DEFINATELY caused the damage.
Seeing how you already gave him good feedback , I would say that you probably would not convince anyone....
Good luck with it.

01-04-2004, 11:16 PM
hmmm while were on the subject of fill nipple damage...

My tank recently bit the dust in this area, what could cause that one way valve/piston just inside the fill nipple to snap? and how much would it normally cost to fix such things?

The tank I have, has been filled many times since Ive had it, no problems, then yesterday, I got it filled once just fine... played a few games, went to go refill and it wouldnt seal off at all, had to bleed the whole n2 fill, and then got it off their bottle, and removed the fill nipple to find that piston thingy(one way valve?) to be snapped near the base seal thing...

this is on a steel PE screw in...how much do you think repair costs would be? parts included? or should I just go about buying a new tank all togeather LOL

sorry for hijacking the thread...

01-04-2004, 11:24 PM
Hey, I didnt see if anyone asked this. Did the burst disk blow? That would prevent the tank from filling at all. And if it did, its a simple, cheap repair.

01-05-2004, 02:32 AM
Originally posted by CodeMA
hmmm while were on the subject of fill nipple damage...

My tank recently bit the dust in this area, what could cause that one way valve/piston just inside the fill nipple to snap? and how much would it normally cost to fix such things?

The tank I have, has been filled many times since Ive had it, no problems, then yesterday, I got it filled once just fine... played a few games, went to go refill and it wouldnt seal off at all, had to bleed the whole n2 fill, and then got it off their bottle, and removed the fill nipple to find that piston thingy(one way valve?) to be snapped near the base seal thing...

this is on a steel PE screw in...how much do you think repair costs would be? parts included? or should I just go about buying a new tank all togeather LOL

sorry for hijacking the thread...

This is a flaw with some PMI's I think. My friend's PMI 68/45 screw in preset tank had the same problem. He emailed PMI and they mailed him the new peice no questions asked.

01-05-2004, 12:38 PM
hmmm this is a PE tank...
*goes to look up an addy to email*


01-05-2004, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by Steelrat
Hey, I didnt see if anyone asked this. Did the burst disk blow? That would prevent the tank from filling at all. And if it did, its a simple, cheap repair.

Wow dude, I didn't even think of this let me go look...hmmm the burst disk is on the under sides of conquests right? There is a screw in it but it has no bottom and under it is a brass disk with some red loctite on it. So I guess the burst disk is blown....am I correct?

01-05-2004, 05:19 PM
sounds like it, if he shipped it full, it most likely blew a disk, but didnt bleed fully some how but lost pressure slowly(ive had burst disks do this, and it was very slow,but got worse)

also, if he wont pay for something, threaten to report him to the USPS for sending a charged tank, fedral time there!

01-05-2004, 05:25 PM
Blowing a burst disk will not keep a tank from letting air in.It will just vent the air thru the disk as you attempt to fill it.
Also w/ a blown burst disk the tank will not hold air at all.

01-05-2004, 06:29 PM
check the postion of the on/off switch.... then fill..

That 2k got there some how..

01-05-2004, 06:58 PM
Blowing a burst disk would empty the tank pretty rapidly. There would not be any residual pressure left in the tank.

Air pressure at Sea Level is less than 15psi. Taking it into the upper atmosphere would only change it's state by at most 15psi. That's not going to effect a 3000psi tank noticably. That does not mitigate the stupidity of shipping a tank with any pressure in it.

A MacDev Fill Nipple upgrade is $17.50 on their web page.

At what point have you wasted $17.50 worth of your own time?

01-05-2004, 10:39 PM
Im confused completely now, esspically what gtrsi said. I was just thinking doesnt the burst disk empty all the air in the tank? Then why did i get it with 2k psi in it. Also, I was looking at pics of other conquest and they dont have a visiable burst disk on the bottom. I think im going to have to order a fill nipple...

01-05-2004, 10:48 PM
Originally posted by tony3
Im confused completely now, esspically what gtrsi said.

Put it all back togther, hopefully in the correct order, and try to fill it with the on/off in the on and off postion. I cant remember which way it sits to fill the tank.

01-06-2004, 04:13 PM
fill nipple problem

01-06-2004, 04:34 PM
can I just get a normal fill nipple like on normal tanks, not these stupid mac dev ones?

02-12-2004, 04:43 AM
Originally posted by heftylefty
i would just send it to a MD tech and have them fix it. ive been screwed over ebay like this before, all you can really do is suck it up.

Did you use paypal to pay for it?

02-12-2004, 08:26 AM
Originally posted by punkncat
The pressure inside the tank became much greater(at altitude) , which should have blown the burst disk.For some reason it didn't.

Sorry, but thats total crap. The pressure inside the tank changes negligibly.

At ground level, air pressure is 1ATM, or 14.7 PSI.

Assume that you moved the tank into outer space, and lost all atmospheric pressure (since planes don't go QUITE that high, you will always have some atmospheric pressure).

The pressure difference outside the tank would be... you guessed it... 14.7 PSI. Thats less than 1% of a tanks rating. Overfilling your tank by 14.7 PSI won't effect the tank at all, why would losing 14.7 PSI outside the tank matter?

The reason that policy is in effect for airplanes is that low pressure vessels, say a tank that stores gas at 100 PSI, the change in pressure is much more drastic (14.7% in a 100 PSI vessel as opposed to 0.32% in a 4500 PSI vessel.

Shipping the tank filled, while not a good idea for legal reasons, or if the bottle had been mishandled during shipment, isn't cause to cause a rupture or regulator damage simply due to overpressurization any more than leaving a tank sitting around with pressure in it for a few days.

02-12-2004, 09:56 AM
Thordic is indeed correct. Its a legal issue for air shipment. Not really a safety issue as much as one would think. Thier regulations just refer to shipping of "pressurized vessels". Not specificaly to Air filled paintball tanks. Pressurized Vessels CAN be air shipped if properly labeled and adheared to the IATA packaging regs. This kicks them into labeling for the material within and likely cargo plane only for some things. But he did not do this nor would he probably know how. Lots of red tape and stuff to do it. Easier to ship empty and at Atmospheric pressure to avoid the Regulations than it is to adhear to them. Or ship ground only which allows 30psi Air to be considered "empty" for ground shipment. He coulda got in a lot of trouble the way he shipped that thing. But the tank would be fine either way.

02-12-2004, 12:59 PM
Older conquests wont show pressure when you fill them unless the tank is on. mount it to your gun turn it on and try to fill it

02-12-2004, 01:24 PM
Naperville...there are many more options than Bad Boys Toys near you.

The problem with your tank is probably very minor. You should take it over to Fox Paintball, it is very close to you and they have have good tech/service.

Fox Paintball Aurora
Retail and Field Offices
1891 N Farnsworth Ave
Aurora, IL 60505
(630) 585-5651

its just off the 88 tollway south 1 block on left on farnsworth.

just trying to help,I am not affiliated with them.