View Full Version : Has hell frozen over?

a person
09-08-2001, 10:49 AM
Have any of you people noticed that BrassEagle is getting better in quality with there newest products?

1.Polycarbonate(dont know if that is spelled right) body for the Revolution, actually durable, and won't crack from minor wear and tear!*faint*
2.The Genesis(I know it is VL, but same thing) and Avenger actually havnt broken down much from what ive heard
3.XBoard, they actually fixed a problem in one of their products*gasp*!(Figures they will charge for it, they should have it for free. If i had a nickel for everytime that stupid sensor messed up, I would have a lot nickels!)

There are other things, but this strikes me as odd. Probably in due time the Avenger/Genesis will be recalled for a problem or something but so far nothing. I still wouldnt trust BE yet.
Even though on a side note, I have to give them props because they did bring me into the glorious world of paintball. I still have a 5 year old stingray2 that still works well, that I play with a little, and hand out to people with any guns which is probably a miracle in the stingray world!Its scary!

09-08-2001, 11:07 AM
Brass Eagle built high quality markers until bought out by Daisy. The old Nightmares were really good in their day. I'm glad to see a return to the roots of the company.

09-08-2001, 12:09 PM
Maybe BE is not getting better, perhaps it's JT and VL refusing to lower their standards, hmmmmm..........


09-08-2001, 02:11 PM
Army... I think you're on to something.....

09-08-2001, 02:28 PM
If i had a nickel for everytime that stupid sensor messed up, I would have a lot nickels!)
