View Full Version : Am I sick or just addicted to paintball?

01-04-2004, 10:36 PM
I was just observing to my life today. It was kind of random and I thought I'd share my situation with AO.

I have been paintballing for 2 years and can't get enough of it. I'm a hardcore tourney player and paintball is all I think about, well almost. All my "normal" friends at school don't play paintball. I can't relate to them about anything. If I ever meet anyone at school that does paintball the conversation turns into how they have an angel that shoots around trees or something. All the guys on my team live relativily far away and I can't drive so I can't hang out with them besides when I'm at the field. I have resorted to becoming friends with people online that are hooked on paintball like me and have no one to talk about it with.

I have stopped doing things with my friends for the last few weeks because I could be doing things paintball related instead. I don't even care about what people at school think about me and I have made my own shield around myself. I don't care what they think about me because honestly I couldn't care, Paintball is the only thing I care about. I haven't spent money on anything non-paintball related forever. All my money goes to paintball.

Well AO I turn to you, am I sickly addicted to paintball or just stupid, or both?

P.S. Mods edit my poll if you are offended

01-04-2004, 10:44 PM
Mostly the same for me but guitar is included in the addiction, and I have many friends I jam with. But other wise Yeah we should start a support group.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
01-04-2004, 10:44 PM
i don't really know what to vote...i think i'm sicker than you. 4 years of paintball and still no tourny experiance! (why can't people that live around me be good for a change?)

well..i run around getting sponsors.

amazingly enough i got 4 now lol

01-04-2004, 10:48 PM
yea same with me really, except i hang out with my girlfriend alot..actually, now thati think of it, i dont really have to many 'good' friends. i have the kids i hang out in school with. then i have my 2 best friends that graduated last year that i hang out with alot, then i have my girlfriend. so theres only 3 people that i actually hang out with out of school.

and ALL of my moeny goes to paintball and my girl, mostly to pball though...

suicide, how do you have sponsors when you do not do tournies?

01-04-2004, 10:48 PM
Totally normal in my eyes. Im addicted too.. but the good thing is earlier this year i got one of my friends into playing.. and now hes addicted also. so i got someone to chat with about pb at school and stuff.. plus we are always at the field together.. so yeah it cool to have a friend with your same obsession!

But yes, paintball is all i think about as well.. 24/7.. I try to relate everything to it.

01-04-2004, 10:56 PM
Dude, I could have copied your post, replaced the names, and it would have described me exactly.

All my teams lives at least 30mins away, only woodsballers live local to me. I havent gone out with my friends in forever, and now that Ive had a job, Ive made about 1200 in about 6months, ALL of it has gone to paintball, except save $200 I had to use to fix my jeep(so I could drive to play paintball :) ) I dont want a g/f b/c they take up to much time. All my time is spent either working to make money for paintball, or playing paintball.

It truly is an addiction, but I really dont care anymore, I dont care what the people at school think of me any more... they just dont understand.

01-04-2004, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by TheDoveDecends
Totally normal in my eyes. Im addicted too.. but the good thing is earlier this year i got one of my friends into playing.. and now hes addicted also. so i got someone to chat with about pb at school and stuff.. plus we are always at the field together.. so yeah it cool to have a friend with your same obsession!

But yes, paintball is all i think about as well.. 24/7.. I try to relate everything to it.
I did this to 5 or more friends, and now they all help out reff and they are very adicted so it is not bad, it just makes the sport grow.

01-04-2004, 11:13 PM
I'm just waiting another month till I turn 15 so I can finally be a ref at my field and hopefully meet some cool tourney kids that live near me. You guys are making me feel better:D

01-04-2004, 11:16 PM
I know the feeling well, I only have a handfull of friends who arn't avid paintballer, and I don't really have much to talk to them about, and 90% of my reports for school(yes, I own a paintball shop and am still in high school-long story) involve paintball. I am lucky because most of my team lives within five min of me, and I own the only local pro shop so I can justify living paintball. I have played for nearly six years now, and since about three months into it paintball is all I have thought about.

01-04-2004, 11:55 PM
That is exactly how I feel. Except you have been playing longer than me, I don't play in tournies so I don't have a team.

01-05-2004, 12:01 AM
im with ya gin. except im going to start doing tournies, cause i really want to get involved with the sport much more. i want to look for a team around me once i start getting involved into tournies more

01-05-2004, 12:01 AM
I'm exactly as sad as you are. Except i have a few hook ups. :D

A guy in my yearbook class is a ref at my fav field

There are people in a sponsored team (at the field that the guy workds at) and they are wanting me to join (as soon as the weather permits a tryout).

And the school even has a sign up sheet to go to, you guessed it- my fav field, like every major holiday break (missed this one cause of groundage :()

Ahh its good to have connections. :D

01-05-2004, 12:34 AM
I been balling for 4 years now and sometimes at night I can't sleep, cause I'm thinking about going to the field with my team or what my next gun/upgrade is going to be.

01-05-2004, 12:41 AM
I don't think I am addicted, yet. I'm sort of scared of that thought actually. I wince thinking about spending more than like 300 for a marker, things like that. While it's not a matter of affordability, it's a matter of longevity until I'm tired of playing. Spending big money on sports rarely is a "good" investment unless somehow you go pro. Which is in the 1 percentile for most sports.

I just like to go out and have fun, I'm too old and fat to ever accomplish anything but waste some money and have a blast playing. But do I waste more money with a high tech gun.. or do I shoot what I have and wish I had better.


01-05-2004, 06:26 AM
i was like that seince the summer before i was a freshmen, and i granduated last year, almost exactly to the day. haven't played seince september due to money issues and sold everything, got into cars, and figured i could just do the car thang and forget about paintball. but here i am, on AO, saving my money for a shiny new e-mag. once you get into it so deep, you can never get out, EVAAAAAAAAAAR!!!!!!

01-05-2004, 06:43 AM
You're still pretty young dude, as u get older and you get responsible for everything all the sudden, your priorities change a tad. I was exactly like that, and still mostly am.
...But then you get car payments and insurance, and college thing going on, and a coupla dozen part time jobs, then the girl friend, and the family, then the religion thing... and all the sudden they change the word "God" into "Fred" in all the books, and u get stuck having to buy and mix 80 gallons of kool-aid...

needless to say, it gets really fustrating...

You're perfectly normal though, I mean theres worse stuff to be obsessed about in this world :)

Wasted Rabbit
01-05-2004, 07:44 AM
You are like the rest of us.. We all need to see a head doctor, And get him to play too..:D

01-05-2004, 11:57 AM
don't worry i'm sick too.

Creative Mayhem
01-05-2004, 12:00 PM
Hi, my name is Creative Mayhem, and I am.... :p

I have had the paintball sickness for 11yrs, and i just cant seem to shake it. Oh well, it's something I have learned to live with i guess.

01-05-2004, 04:33 PM
Yeah, I think I have finally convinced myself that this whole paintball addiction is here to stay, I just got to sit back and enjoy the ride:cool:

01-05-2004, 08:04 PM
i have ummmmmm 4 friends. maybe 5. 2 of them and i are our paintball team. And theyre really the only ones i spend time with, due to work. so yea, basically the only people im around out of school are paintball friends. course im not sure if its normal to have so few friends either.......but i used to have plenty, but no longer:confused:

01-05-2004, 08:47 PM
7 years.... 7 years of paintball.... I am also like u, I sit in school thinking of paintball and thats it. But hey, at least its a safe addiction. Only bad thing is that I don't get to go alot since my friends never really can go, and there always seems to be some issue with my gear. I need paintball to function, and well, no paintball recently, heh.

01-05-2004, 09:24 PM
Tony I'm here for you man

i like tictacs
01-05-2004, 09:44 PM
Originally posted by tony3
I was just observing to my life today. It was kind of random and I thought I'd share my situation with AO.

I have been paintballing for 2 years and can't get enough of it. I'm a hardcore tourney player and paintball is all I think about, well almost. All my "normal" friends at school don't play paintball. I can't relate to them about anything. If I ever meet anyone at school that does paintball the conversation turns into how they have an angel that shoots around trees or something. All the guys on my team live relativily far away and I can't drive so I can't hang out with them besides when I'm at the field. I have resorted to becoming friends with people online that are hooked on paintball like me and have no one to talk about it with.

I have stopped doing things with my friends for the last few weeks because I could be doing things paintball related instead. I don't even care about what people at school think about me and I have made my own shield around myself. I don't care what they think about me because honestly I couldn't care, Paintball is the only thing I care about. I haven't spent money on anything non-paintball related forever. All my money goes to paintball.

Well AO I turn to you, am I sickly addicted to paintball or just stupid, or both?

P.S. Mods edit my poll if you are offended

youll get over it soon enough, trust me, i was the same way, my social and school life suffered. now i look back and think how stupid it was of me to get so obsessed. its fun yes, but it won't last.

01-05-2004, 10:16 PM
the only way out is more pb lol :p

01-05-2004, 10:21 PM
Hey, I'm sick too! *group hug

I'm always thinking about paintball or recalling a past game and what I could have done better. I'm not complaining, though. :)

01-05-2004, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
Hey, I'm sick too! *group hug

I'm always thinking about paintball or recalling a past game and what I could have done better. I'm not complaining, though. :)
I always do that

01-05-2004, 11:45 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
I'm always thinking about paintball or recalling a past game and what I could have done better. I'm not complaining, though. :)

i sat in my bed lastnight doing exactly that, then i realized that i had to get up in 2 hours for school:p

now that i think of it, i wouldnt mind having a girlfriend because i need someone to drag me away from these forums :)

01-06-2004, 12:32 AM
Im with ya all. I think the addiction is a good one in moderation. I tried to kick the habbit have been out of the sport for some time. but I am getting back into it. I am happy to say that this is a good thing as it will be the cataylst to get my sorry butt into shape. I spend way to much time infront of a terminal for work every day. Paintball will be my salvation/Addiction....:D

Nick O time
01-06-2004, 01:06 AM
i feel the same way, except i invited alot of my friends from my old school to a pb bday part, first time any of us went. then when i got addicted i got some of my best friends to go for the ride. now all we do is talk paintball. even if we are playing halo.:p we mess around like check his leg check his leg, gogged, snap shoot at newbs with plasma pistols.:p we even started to play imaginary paintball.:p basically guns but we used pb guns(no air cuz it was like 12 at night). but yeah only thing i do that is non pb is listen to music and play drums. pb is my life, i barely even socialize at school because when i have free tim i just go on AO. i dunno maybe we are all very sick. lol doubt it.:p

wow way too many smilies.:p

01-06-2004, 10:37 AM
Sadly, im the exact same way...

Only I have friends :)

01-06-2004, 11:35 AM
i feel the same way. the only person that really paintballs at my school is snoogans, well only one thats loves it as much as me. oh and some others but they don't go as much or are drifting away from it. but i am always thinking or doing some thing pb related. on weekends when i can't play, i go to my local field and watch, or talk to the airsmith. I LOVE THIS SPORT!

01-06-2004, 05:59 PM
Welcome to the family!

My girlfriend says that if I don't play p-ball for 2 or so weeks I get mean. Then after I play I am cool again.

Paintball is an addiction for many! That's why your here.

Nick O time
01-06-2004, 11:19 PM
i only went pbing once over Christmas break.:( so i was all pissed and mad and stuff like that. but today after i got done pballing o man do i feel great.:D :p i can't even express how much happiness pb has brought to my life.

01-07-2004, 03:20 AM
I'm so sick I've forcrd the sport on my fiance and now she is as sick as I am. The only difference is she mostly sticks to the woods and outlaw paintball whereas I play some tournies and alot of walk ons.

01-07-2004, 08:23 AM
i had the addiction for a while then i backed off and now i barely think about it, but i feel it coming back

01-07-2004, 10:49 AM
Most everyone that plays regularly is hooked, and thinks about it a lot. Don't let it cut you off from your non-paintball friends, though.

Nearly all of my friends over the years have played some paintball, but even they get sick of it if you only talk pball all the time.

01-07-2004, 05:04 PM
i play once a week at least......i try not to spend all my money on paintball cuz i want a car but im haveing a hard time saveing.....i play tournys as much as they have them, i hang out with ppl that play paintball more then ppl that don't.....my one friend got really whiped by his owner girl and now doesn't play ne more and i don't hang out with him so that gives me more time for pb:D