View Full Version : can someone explain the power tube spacer kits ???

09-08-2001, 12:11 PM
i was wondering what exactly the power tube spacer kits are and what they do. also what are the best kit to get and how to use them?? also does anybody know if the afyermarket hp pistons are worth the buy if i'm running nitro 24/7??
also what would a good cheap regulator be (one i can screw my tank into prefibally)i need one without a tank and under 120.00?? any help is appreciated!!! thanks!

09-08-2001, 01:37 PM
PT spacer kits, are differant size powertube spacers :)
If you take your brass PT tip off, directly under that is a peice of metal tubing, that is the PT spacer. What the kit does, is give you differant sizes of these, differant guns need differant sizes, to prevent bolt stick. Sometimes the size yours needs can actually change when you put new parts in it. If you arn't having problems with it leaking, you don't need a kit, although it is good to have one around incase it does start getting bolt stick.
Aftermarket pistons don't exist as far as i know. Some companies are marketing stock pistons as "high pressure pistons" which are the same thing as stock ones. I think in level 5 and 6 mags they may have been differant, but you do not have a level 5 or 6. The only reason you should replace your piston is if it is broken.
As for regulators what are you talking about?

09-08-2001, 02:49 PM
as in a regulator such as a max-flo.but i need one that is cheaper,easy to maintanace and consistent.

09-08-2001, 04:30 PM
Your gun already has a HP piston, don't bother with aftermarket stuff.

The power tube spacer sets the distance at which the gas is released from the air chamber when the bolt is released from the sear. Sometimes a new frame will change the parameters of the sear/bolt, a different PT spacer can put the assembly back to spec.

Nitroduck has regs you can buy:http://www.nitroduck.com/index2_(636)_296-0964.html
