View Full Version : Flatline Reg Question

09-08-2001, 02:11 PM
I have an AirAmerica raptor 114/3000 tank in perfect condition, but I HATE the reg on it. (Have had nothing but problems)
My question...Is it possible to send my Raptor to AGD and have them put on a Flatline reg on my Raptor bottle. If it can be done, and they are willing, HOW MUCH would this cost me. Thanks much to all who reply.

09-08-2001, 04:18 PM
No, AGD does not do that. You should send it to Air America and they will service it for free and cover the return shipping. You should just try selling the Raptor if you don't like it and putting that money towards a Flatline system.

09-08-2001, 04:58 PM
Lol...Already Tried to sending it to AA and its still causing a problem..As for selling, its on ebay as we speak
http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1187420360 I'm getting desperate. Winter is coming and I'd hate to have to use CO2 again.

09-08-2001, 05:20 PM
it would be cheaper to sell your current tank and buy a flatline. good luck on ebay.

09-09-2001, 07:49 PM
I have a 47cu in/3000psi Flatline tank. While it was at AGD for repairs, I asked if I might be able to have a larger tank mounted in place of the 47. They said that if I was to purchase a tank body with similar threads, I could send it to them and they would mount the new tank onto the flatline regulator. Does anybody know where I might be able to buy just the bottle, preferrably in the 68cu in range?

Maui PFB
09-09-2001, 08:09 PM
Hey DArk phonix Ask Agd what tread pattern their tanks have? I know that smart parts sells tank only. They put CO2 valves on them. I think you can also get tanks from p
aintball mania.:confused:

Agent orange 11 I dont think you can buy just the flatline reg. They only sell it as a complete set. What's the problem with tha raptor????

09-09-2001, 09:07 PM
There's really nothing wrong with the raptor, except its very tempermental. It takes me an hour to get the output pressure right. I don't have a chrono at home so I have to play with the adjusting screw forever to get it right at the field. Maybe its me...Its my first HPA tank and I think I should have gone with something a bit more user friendly. I hate not having a shut off valve on the tank, or the dual gauges. I also heard the recharge rate of the flatline is much better.

Maui PFB
09-10-2001, 02:28 AM
Hey I hope this helps. The raptor was one of the first designs of compressed air regs to come out in the early 90"S for purchase. They are good regs but you just need to learn how to (as ron popil would say) set-it and forget-it.
If you have a shop nearby they might have a preasure gauge to check the output preasure of the reg. Get a tournament lock for the adjuster once its set leave it there. for a mag 700-800 Use a on& off valve to connect or disconect the air to your gun. One thing about the Raptor is that you have to shoot down all the air if your not going to play for a while.
Good luck
Maui PFB#1 :cool:

09-10-2001, 02:13 PM
If my Flatline fails hydro or is otherwise busted, does anyone know of an exchange program with AGD wherein I can get a new tank without purchasing and new regulator as well?

09-16-2001, 02:12 PM
Does anyone know whether AGD will replace a failed Flatline tank without packaging the regulator?

09-23-2001, 07:15 AM
Hmm, you can use any tank with the flatline reg. Most likely the place where you get it hydrod will sell tanks. If they don't find a place that sells them, then go to a pbshop, or a scuba shop, both should do it, and say "i want this reg on this tank". They should do it for you, maybie $10.
As for AGD replacing failed tanks, no, they won't. The only way a tank will fail, is if it has been abused, which is not AGDs responsibility, or is just plane old (15 years i think).

09-23-2001, 09:03 AM
If the tank fails, will AGD sell me the new tank and fit it to my regulator. I am not interested in getting a free tank, but making sure that they will marry the new tank to the expensive regulator.

09-23-2001, 10:03 AM
Just find somewhere to buy a tank, and take it to a scuba shop, or paintball store, and they can probably do it for you. The reg just screws on, it doesn't require special equipment or skills that only AGD has. Don't try and do it yourself though.