View Full Version : bolt stick die... just die die die die!!

01-05-2004, 06:45 PM
will the larger, medium, or short spring get rid of bolt stick? what spring does what to velocity.

i have my carrier as loose as it will go without leaking, 2 shims, ult with 3 shims, and i have one bolt stick every 100 balls or so, sometimes 2 or 3.. its random i guess. i have the long spring on- i figured that the extra back pressure on the bolt would cause it to reset. if thats true, then i might have effiencicy problems because i have a very very very small tank (48 3k). i have to turn the velocity up allllooott to get the gun to cycle with the long spring. also, the long spring is very very very very gentle. i suck some foam in there and it bounced off of that... i dont know if the long spring is supposed to be really gentle, i thought it was the other way around

01-05-2004, 07:06 PM
Yeah, the longer the spring the softer on paint. I'd switch back to the middle, red, one and see how that does. I've read that longer springs are less effecient but haven't done tests or seem any real data on it.

stealth assassin
01-05-2004, 07:40 PM
It depends on what velocity you are trying to maintain. The long spring is designed to run at around 290 to 300fps. The middle spring around 270fps. They can both be tuned to be easy on paint at the velocity you are going to be shooting at, it is your choice.

01-06-2004, 02:28 PM
The longer spring may impede the resetting of the bolt if bolt stick is an issue. The level 10 works by differential pressure. We increase the amount of force required to push the bolt forward by increasing the bolt spring size. We then have to increase the chamber pressure to overcome the increased force. The result is a higher velocity and a smaller pressure differential between the chamber and the spring. This smaller pressure differential is what makes the level 10 soft on paint. The problem arises because the stiffer spring reduces the air flow out of the bolt. This in turn means that the bolt will reset with more residual pressure in the chamber than before. So, even though we have a stiffer spring, the return force vs the residual force is not as great. Having less of a differential pressure will result in a greater chance of having the bolt stick and not reset properly if the carrier is not perfectly fitting.

Smaller version: A smaller spring will overcome bolt stick.

If you find that the carrier is as loose as it can be and bolt stick is a problem, then maybe your carrier o-ring is bad causing you to have to use a carrier that is tighter than required.

01-06-2004, 08:50 PM
The long spring is supposed to be really gentle. You did the right thing going with the long spring to overcome boltstick. The velocity will need to be turned up a lot with the LX. That's normal. there is also more residual chamber pressure with the LX so you dont loose that much efficancy.

If hte bolt is not resetting with the short spring, you are running too tight of a carrier. Switch to a slightly larger carrier, and be sure to use the same o-ring with the new carrier. Break in the o-ring throughly and then reset to the final carrier. (throughly.. 500-1000 shots.. so 3-4 fills of that tank of yours)

01-06-2004, 08:58 PM
Well, I would say go to a bigger carrier, but if a bigger one leaks, the problem may lie in his carrier O-Ring being bad. In which case he would want to go up a carrier size, and change that O-Ring.