View Full Version : Rodney's quote

01-06-2004, 07:01 PM
This is supposedly a quote from rodney squires, taken by my friend from pbnation, which was taken from impulse owners group. Not sure if I believe it at all. Anyway, what are your guys' thoughts on this?

The WDP issue......wow and I even worked for them. It was an
on going problem. The guys felt that were out gunned. The Angels COPS (also known as CHOPS @ least on dynasty) doesn't work. Reprogram it all you want it still doesn't work like an eye.
The complaint of the team stemmed from the fact that there were
12 and 14 year old kids with faster guns than ours. We could not get any support from our sponsor.....it kept falling on def ears.
I had to go to work and get the calls from the guys and then on the other hand get yelled at by Ged say we won't put cheats in our guns. Well the biggest thing we wanted was an eye. That is why we shot for the last year IR3s with ACE systems instead of COPS. The Speed and A4 sensi or whatever you call it does not work on a going basis. That is why I put the first WAS board
in a speed. It did not ramp or cheat.........but it sure worked well.
Another issue was we were with them for 3 years and they still never made us a gun.
I will also say that the guys on the team that still us Viewloaders are idiots. The gun will only shoot as fast as the loader.


01-06-2004, 07:04 PM

It's real. been around for a few days.

01-06-2004, 07:08 PM
Like them or not, change sponsers, whatever...I don't see a reason they need to bash angels.

01-06-2004, 07:11 PM

01-06-2004, 07:33 PM
Nothing like burning bridges;) :rolleyes:

01-06-2004, 07:34 PM
Well hes right, when I had my c+c ir3 cops didnt work at all really, most the time it tried to prevent a chop it actually chopped.

01-06-2004, 07:50 PM
Regardless. Don't kid yourself, WDP gave Dynsaty more help than any of us can ever hope to get, Dynasty is angels. That's just the way I think. If anything, Dynasty should be a little more mature about switching sponsers than to go on to a public forums and bash the company that made that damn team.

Rope a Dope
01-06-2004, 09:13 PM
Because he's a retard and can't setup an Angel properly. He should have taken note when he was wround WDP's techs.

I use SENSI 2 and a Halo B on my Angel Speed and I have NEVER chopped a ball. I scream on the trigger and to this day I have never chopped a ball. You have to keep the SENSI rod clean and have a loader that puts a bit of downward pressure, which is what a Halo does.

I set my dwell from 11ms to 17ms and my LPR from 75psi to 55psi and I shoot the brittlest paint in freezing cold weather and I haven't broken a single ball.

Maybe they just don't have time to setup their guns properly. They sure find the time to complain....

01-06-2004, 09:20 PM
i'd be willing to bet that thats not rodney squires that said that.

01-06-2004, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by Branchvillian
Regardless. Don't kid yourself, WDP gave Dynsaty more help than any of us can ever hope to get, Dynasty is angels. That's just the way I think. If anything, Dynasty should be a little more mature about switching sponsers than to go on to a public forums and bash the company that made that damn team.

Word, and from what I hear from a reliable source, Dynasty is not very happy with their new shockers...ironically its the eye that's giving them fits, hows that for a kick in the pants hehe...

WDP made them, they shouldn't be jerks about it, at least not publically. I lost my respect for Dynasty after last season's cheating incidents at NPPL NJ and questionable rulings at cup, so it doesn't come as a huge suprise to me that they're being immature about the sponsorship change. I hope it comes back to bite them when none of their guns work...

01-06-2004, 10:47 PM
Adam? We where at NPPL NJ, and unfortuanatly did not get to see them play that day. I heard the storys, I saw the pictures. You guys where there first hand...so this pictures shows :D
2 freaks of nature jerseys in the back? that what I see? Lol, who is that in the background there?

Originally posted by SyntaxError

Word, and from what I hear from a reliable source, Dynasty is not very happy with their new shockers...ironically its the eye that's giving them fits, hows that for a kick in the pants hehe...

WDP made them, they shouldn't be jerks about it, at least not publically. I lost my respect for Dynasty after last season's cheating incidents at NPPL NJ and questionable rulings at cup, so it doesn't come as a huge suprise to me that they're being immature about the sponsorship change. I hope it comes back to bite them when none of their guns work...

01-06-2004, 11:40 PM
The problem with teh shocker eyes and imp eyes are the same issue you will see what the AGD eye. Its a reflective eye set up, its a pita to tune to some extents unless you ALWAY shoot the same paint. The shell can change from batch to batch on its ir reflectivity and you hav eto reset the eye when that happens.

A break beam is the better way to go, its not as picky about paint BUT breach roll out and bolt placement become way more important. Ask any one that shoots an intimidator and a halo or egg why the ram cap adjuster is so important.

As to the issue about thier guns, hell they may have been limiting them selves with the revy to see from chopping paint.

I have not been impressed with the shockers at all. Sold 4 ended up taking all 4 back the next day. The people in our other shops that have bought them have had a bit of a problem with leaking issues. I am waiting for an Evol Shocker to give that a whirll, cocker threaded and a good bolt kit, should be money.


01-07-2004, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by SyntaxError
I lost my respect for Dynasty after last season's cheating incidents at NPPL NJ and questionable rulings at cup, so it doesn't come as a huge suprise to me that they're being immature about the sponsorship change. I hope it comes back to bite them when none of their guns work...

What cheating incident?:confused:

I knew there was a questionable call, but what cheating?

01-07-2004, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by Prairie

It's real. been around for a few days.

Why does the fact that its on that website make it real? I'm just playing devil's advocate. We got a guy here named "Dynasty" that isn't a dynasty player. You cant take it as 100% truth. Thats my opinion.

01-07-2004, 03:54 PM
Indeed Dynasty has had some questionable calls in the past and is sure to make some in the future. I heard about all this talk right as I left Miami in November, but I still question it. When I saw the guys around the WDP tent and whatnot they just seemed like they liked the guns, but then again, they arent the kinda team that gives a whole overview of how bad their gun rolls. The statement does make a point that while COPS and Sensi do somewhat work, if your a world class team you need something more. ACE and HK tech was like the only way to go to make sure there are no chops, so that is a good point. But the rest is pretty bad man, I think saying stuff like that really shows the bad side of a great image. Also, Syntax what team and where do you play at? Where I play, I always hear stuff bout Dynasty not liking their setups, cheating, whatnot, maybe same field? Haha, just my 2 cents. ;)

01-07-2004, 04:25 PM
Some of the dynasty guys played one of my local fields two weeks ago. From what i heard they spend more time swabbing than they do shooting.

01-07-2004, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by xXHavokXx
Some of the dynasty guys played one of my local fields two weeks ago. From what i heard they spend more time swabbing than they do shooting.

Well if thats the case, I wanna learn to swab like they do. How do you win tripple crown, if your gun doesn't shoot? I've seen several D.Y.N.A.S.T.Y. games, and I dont think I've ever seen one go long enough to stop and swab a barrel.

01-07-2004, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by JEDI

Well if thats the case, I wanna learn to swab like they do. How do you win tripple crown, if your gun doesn't shoot? I've seen several D.Y.N.A.S.T.Y. games, and I dont think I've ever seen one go long enough to stop and swab a barrel.

Easy, shoot an angel. They won the triple crown with angels. Now they are swabbing in the off season with shockers.

01-07-2004, 04:57 PM
:D Oh! gotcha.

01-07-2004, 06:28 PM
I hope they believe they made a mistake with SP and come crawling back to WDP. That's just a dream though.....

01-07-2004, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by Woogie12
I hope they believe they made a mistake with SP and come crawling back to WDP. That's just a dream though.....

If what was said really did come from them and they somehow got fed up with SP and left I would hope that WDP would kick them to the curb if they tried to come back. I'm sorry but you don't publicly bash a company that has done so much for you. That is all if that really did come from Rhodny