View Full Version : Barrel Nubbin trouben dubbin bubbin!!

09-08-2001, 07:01 PM
AH! sorry, I get excited when my barrel nubbins start snapping like twigs...
was it the oversized paint I used? was it sticking out too far? was it cuz I wiped my barrel with a paper towel?

...ugh, I should make a homemade nubbin...alas, I have no suitable material.:(

09-08-2001, 07:12 PM
I believe Tom mentioned in a post a couple of weeks ago, that a new nubin made out of plastic is in the works. Should last longer than the metal ones and be much better to boot.

09-08-2001, 08:13 PM
Sweet! A new one! I had one break, and my bolt got stuck in my barrel. My barrel now may be messed up...


09-08-2001, 08:31 PM
I made my own nubbin out of a paper clip. i got sick of the stock ones always snapping, so i made my own. All you have to do is take the plastic covering off(if it has one) the make it perfectly straight, and bend it so it looks exactly like the stock one. i've used it for a while, and have had no problems with it!!

09-09-2001, 02:04 AM
the are to main types of nubbin
1: o_________

2: ^_________
now I have found that the one with the ^_________ on it is the better outa the two even the ones you get in your spear kit o_______ are pony and break


P.S> the little pics aint that good but I think you can get the idea
