View Full Version : E-mag modes

09-08-2001, 10:40 PM
what exctly is hybrid mode? what characeristics does it take from each and put to work.

09-08-2001, 11:13 PM
Hybrid mode is a combination of electronic and manual. It uses the electronic sensor to fire the gun and the retro valve's trigger return to snap the trigger back. I have never shot an emag on hybrid, but from what I hear, they are VERY, VERY fast.

Load SM5
09-08-2001, 11:21 PM
It my favorite. Even though it has a longer pull than pure electric you can really go fast. It has a very cool feel to it.

09-08-2001, 11:32 PM
oh, thanks

09-09-2001, 01:15 AM
It's my favorite mode too!!! I don't think it's limits should be tried wihtout a 12v revvy and warp feed, though!!!

09-09-2001, 08:21 AM
Thats Definatly My Favortie mode too. You Can shot Pretty Darn fast.

Evil Bob
09-09-2001, 10:21 AM
Those of you who play tournies, be very careful with hybrid mode, it's possible to get two shots per pull of the trigger in hybrid even though burst/full auto (depends upon the firmware you're using) is disabled. The trigger sensor magnet can be moved up to the point that the electronic mode is super sensitive and the E-Mag will fire before the trigger comes into contact with the clevis rod. I've seen guys get burned in tournies because of this due to the fact that it violates the single trigger pull/single shot rule that most of tournies have. Nothing like having to run back to your area with your game about to start and possibly forfeit it to reset the magnet or have your marker ruled unusable since it has the potential to be placed in an illegal mode.

Evil Bob

09-09-2001, 02:45 PM
How do you set it to hybrid mode?

09-09-2001, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by Nitroduck
How do you set it to hybrid mode?

Just flip the switch to M when you have the battery engaged.